The formation of a superlattice structure was confirmed using several different methods. Figure 2 shows the HIM images visualizing the multilayered (N=9) hybrid structure of the sample cross sections. The use of HIM allowed high resolution imaging clearly showing the inorganic-organic layer alteration, making it evident that the formation of ZnO/CNC hybrid layered structures had been successful.
Alongside the HIM images, a clear sign of the superlattice structure was provided by the XRR data, strengthening the validity of the concept. The alternation of the superlattice peaks as the coating procedure is advancing is clearly visible through the reflection pattern of Figure 3.
The formation of additional intermediate fringes between the superlattice peaks is notable as the N number is increasing (Figure 3). For the 250 mg dm-3 concentration hybrids these fringes appear broader throughout all the (N) layers, something that could be attributed to the full coverage provided by the CNC layers on the ZnO (see, Figure 4 – AFM analysis and Table 1). In principle, the intercalating full-coverage CNC layers between the inorganic ones result in efficient separation of the superlattice peaks, while the presence of lower coverage CNC layers (25 and 100 mg dm-3) appears not to lead to efficient ZnO layer separation. As a result, the XRR patterns from the films with 25 and 100 mg dm-3 CNC concentrations appear not as distinct as those from the films with 250 mg dm-3 CNC concentration. This occurs simply because the ZnO/CNC interfaces for the 25 and 100 mg dm-3 hybrid films are not perfectly defined, due to the lower coverage at the smaller CNC concentrations – an explanation which is also supported by our previous study (Jin et al. 2017).
The Si-wafers substrates were efficiently coated with Al-doped ZnO (N=1) whose morphology and surface coverage is demonstrated in the Supplementary Information (Figure S1). For the following layers, AFM height images after layers N=2, 3, 9 are presented in Figure 4 and corresponding AFM height images for the remaining deposition steps are available in the Supplementary Information (Figure S2).
As observed, CNCs submonolayer formation takes place for ZnO/CNC (N=2, c=25 mg dm-3) and ZnO/CNC (N=2, c=100 mg dm-3) hybrids, while only for ZnO/CNC (N=2, c=250 mg dm-3) full coverage is achieved (Figure 4 a-c, Supporting Information Figure S3). In addition, the ZnO deposition on CNCs induces a morphological alteration especially on ZnO/CNC (N=3, c=25 mg dm-3) and ZnO/CNC (N=9, c=25 mg dm-3) films, as well as through the intermediate stages (see also Supporting Information Figure S2) where the consecutive coating layers result in visible roughness increase in the AFM images. In fact, the lower CNC coverage of ZnO/CNC (N=2, c=25 mg dm -3) and ZnO/CNC (N=2, c=100 mg dm-3) enables the visualization of the coating effect via comparison with the ZnO/CNC (N=9, c=25 mg dm-3) and ZnO/CNC (N=9, c=100 mg dm-3) images. It should also be mentioned that the lower roughness indicated for the 25 mg/l concentration hybrids from the XRR analysis (Fig. 3), appears to be beneficial for observing the coating effect through the AFM images, in contrast with the increased roughness indicated for the 250 mg/l hybrids.
Table 1 demonstrates the surface coverage (SC) CNC values for the 3 different concentrations used as well as the surface roughness values, as calculated from the AFM data in Figure 4. In summary, the HIM, XRR and AFM measurements have provided us with a clear evidence of the concept on the hybrid multilayered structure formation.
Ellipsometry measurements took place after every ZnO deposition to establish the thickness values of the hybrids. Figure 5 shows these values, together with those from the XRR characterization, demonstrating a good correlation between the two techniques for thickness measurements.
As expected, the addition of layers increases the overall hybrid film thickness linearly with the number of layers added. Additionally, a small effect of the CNC concentration on the overall hybrid film thickness was detected by ellipsometry in Figure 5a, as higher CNC concentrations resulted into thicker films. The XRR data did not detect these small variations caused by the CNC concentration, probably due to the film roughness (Table 1), so only an average value of 85 nm for N=9 CNC/ZnO samples is presented in Figure 5b. On the other hand, the XRR data enabled us to determine the individual CNC layer thicknesses in the hybrid films: this value was found to increase from 1.5 nm to 3.0 nm and finally to 3.5 nm with increasing CNC concentration from 25 to 100 and to 250 mg dm-3 respectively. Thickness measured by XRR and ellipsometry also correspond relatively well to thickness measurement from the HIM images as well, as presented in the Supplementary Information (Table S1). Image analysis from HIM images gave slightly smaller thickness estimates, in the range of -4 to -7 nm compared to ellipsometry, possibly due to the ultra-high vacuum the samples were subjected to in the HIM. The minor variations in thickness – measured from several different locations of the N=9 hybrids with HIM – underline a uniform thickness throughout the sample and the repeatability of the layer build up process.
The thermal conductivity values obtained from the TDTR measurements are demonstrated in Figure 6. The entire N=9 samples for 25, 100 and 250 mg dm-3 CNC concentrations were examined and a comparison to hybrid samples with a different insulating component (hydroquinone and cellulose nanofibers) from previous studies (Tynell et al. 2014; Jin et al. 2017) is presented. A large reduction in the thermal conductivity takes places for all the ZnO/CNC samples not only compared to that of a ZnO film (Alvarez-Quintana et al. 2010) but also to the values of those previous studies.
Cellulose nanofibers (CNF) have been proved more efficient in reducing the thermal transport in ZnO films than hydroquinone (HQ), but the incorporation of CNC layers between the ZnO laminates resulted in even lower thermal conductivity than CNF, as demonstrated in Figure 6. Herein, the comparison between the thermal conductivities of ZnO/CNF and ZnO/CNC hybrids is relevant since all of them are composed of the same layer number (N=9). The ALD layers produced in this study are doped with aluminum, which is a known route to reduce the thermal conductivity of ZnO in bulk when compared to ZnO and ZnAl2O4 nanocomposites (Jood et al. 2011). However, the system differs highly from the one in this study, as it is disordered compared to this nanolaminate. It is also clear that the incorporation of different CNC concentrations has a small but clear effect on the thermal conductivity value. We attribute this to the increasing CNC layer thickness (1.5, 3.0 and 3.5 nm) with increasing CNC concentration (25, 100 and 250 mg dm-3), in agreement with the previous studies (Jin et al. 2017, Ghiyasi et al. 2020, 2021) which have also pointed out the beneficial role of the increased organic layer thickness in depressing the thermal conductivity of the hybrid.
It is apparent that the more elaborate and reproducible technique of spin coating in this work facilitates more defined cellulose layers than the simple dipping of the substrate in the CNF suspension that was performed by Jin et al. (2017). Controlled, homogeneously spread layers of CNCs lead to a more efficient scattering of phonons, thereby minimizing the cross-plane thermal conduction. It would be reasonable to assume that increasing the CNC concentration – and as a result the CNC surface coverage and finally the thickness of the organic component – would diminish the phonon propagation even further, but this was not the case. In fact, an increase of the CNC concentration (i.e., the thickness of the CNC layers) has a relatively mild effect on the thermal conductivity as an increase in concentration to 100 and 250 mg/dm-3 reduced the thermal conductivity 11% and 25% respectively compared with the 25 mg/dm-3 case, as calculated by the values of Figure 6 (see Supporting Information, Figure S4). It appears that even the incorporation of a limited amount of CNCs through the ZnO laminates can induce a significant reduction in the thermal conductivity, while the formation of a full-coverage CNC layer is not a requirement for achieving this reduction.