First, the main descriptors and calibration values of the variables studied are presented in Table 1.
- Please insert here table 1-
Hierarchical Regression Models (HRM)
The variables studied were analyzed using hierarchical regression models. The criteria variables were satisfaction (total, clinical educator, activities performed, learning environment and university organization of the clinical practice). The independent variables were the socio-demographic variables of the student (age, sex, have a work or not and year group) and of the clinical educator (age, sex, number of services in which the clinical educator has students and number of students per period). Two differentiated steps were carried out in the model. First, the socio-demographic variables of the students were entered, and the socio-demographic variables of the clinical educators were then entered in a second step.
-Please insert here table 2-
The socio-demographic variables of students and clinical educators considered (Table 2) accounted for 2% of satisfaction with the clinical educator (R2adjusted =.02, p≤0,05), and 1% of satisfaction with the clinical practices (R2adjusted =.01, p≤0,05).
In specific terms, in the linear regression model of satisfaction the year group sociodemographic variable for the student showed a positive and significant beta coefficient in satisfaction with the clinical educator (β =.13; p≤.01) and the number of students supervised by the clinical educator, a negative and significant beta coefficient (β = -.11; p≤.05). For the socio-demographic variables of the student, sex and year group, they showed negative and significant beta coefficients (β = -.08; p≤.05) and (β = -.09; p≤.05) respectively in the satisfaction dimension with the university’s organization of the practices.
Fuzzy sets qualitative comparative analysis model (fsQCA)
Necessary analysis
According to the results obtained in table 3, the student’s year group is a necessary condition for overall satisfaction (consistency =.91) and is a necessary condition if the consistency is ≥.90 [35]. Students in lower year groups are more satisfied with their clinical practices.
-Please insert here table 3-
Sufficiency analysis
In sufficiency analyses, a model is informative when the consistency is above or around.75 [34]. Regarding the variance explained about satisfaction (Table 4), ten paths were observed that accounted for 67% of the cases with high levels of overall satisfaction (overall consistency =.92; overall coverage =.67). The most important path to explain high levels of overall satisfaction was the interaction of being a woman, a young person, being in the second year and not working while studying (raw coverage =.31; consistency =.94), which accounted for 31% of the cases with high overall satisfaction.
The high levels of satisfaction with the clinical educator, were found eighteen paths that explained 56% of the variance explained (overall consistency =.86; overall coverage =.56). The most important path that explains high levels of satisfaction with the clinical educator was the result of the interaction of being a woman, in the second year group, working and with a clinical educator who was also a woman, which accounted for 28% of the cases with high satisfaction with the clinical educator (raw coverage =.28; consistency =.85).
For high levels of satisfaction with the learning environment, seven paths explained 60% of the cases (overall consistency =.93; overall coverage =.60). The most important path to explain high levels of satisfaction with the learning environment was the interaction of being a woman, in the second year of the course and not working while studying, which accounted for 38% of the cases (raw coverage =.38; consistency =.94).
The high levels of satisfaction with the activities performed, were found thirteen paths clarified 55% of the variance explained (overall consistency =.93; overall coverage =.55). The most important path to explain high levels of satisfaction with the activities performed resulted from the combination of both the student and the clinical educator being a woman, not working while studying, and the clinical educator being young, which accounted for 25% of the cases (raw coverage =.25; consistency =.92).
Finally, eleven paths clarified 66% of the variance explained in the case of high levels of satisfaction with the practices (overall consistency =.95; overall coverage =.66). The most important path accounts for 39% of the cases (raw coverage =.39; consistency =.96), and was being a woman, on the second year of the course and not working while studying.
- Please insert here table 4-