The cost of rehabilitation services
The number of rehabilitation sessions required by each patient varies according to the severity of the disability and the type of service required. Of course, sometimes, due to the financial hardship the patient does not attend all the sessions. Based on the time equations, the total personnel costs of each department were obtained per unit of service (Table 1).
For departments where services are provided by a workforce with varying degrees of expertise (including speech therapy and mental health occupational therapy), rehabilitation activities were divided in terms of quality. By placing the cost per minute for the rehab specialist (having a Ph.D in that field) and putting the cost per minute of the rehab expert (with a bachelor's or master degree in that field) in the time equations, the cost of high quality (HQ) services and medium quality (MQ) services acquired, respectively. In order to estimate the average rehabilitation session for each patient, we have considered a regular 10 session course for these services. Given that the counseling and evaluation of the general practitioner are provided only two times, so this item is counted only at the beginning and the end of a regular 10-session rehabilitation.
The non-personnel costs of each department are also admeasured according to the number of visits or area occupied by each department. For this purpose, the cost of depreciation of equipment, rent of the building, repair and maintenance costs, administrative cost, calculated and proportionate to the different departments according to the contribution of each department to the activities of the institute. The result of this cost breakdown is presented in Error! Reference source not found..
The cost of rehabilitation services categorized by personnel and non-personnel costs of each department and presented Error! Reference source not found.. The highest non-personnel costs in the physical occupational therapy and speech therapy sectors were related to the “other overhead cost”; while in mental health occupational therapy department, the cost of renting was the highest one and account for the highest proportion of non-personnel costs. Given the small scale of the ARC, the cost of repair and maintenance of office equipment has been the lowest non-personnel cost for all three departments. The ratio of non-personnel costs to the total cost in the departments of speech therapy, mental health occupational therapy, and physical occupational therapy was 71.14%, 75.81%, and 70.52%, respectively.
A closer look at the cost components shows that he shares of employees compensation and benefit in the total cost of speech therapy, physical occupational therapy, and mental health occupational therapy services were 24.4%, 29.5%, and 30.8%, respectively.
Profitability of the rehabilitation services
The government’s tariffs for a session of speech therapy, physical occupational therapy and mental health occupational therapy in 2017 are shown in [Table 3 about here]
. The government’s tariffs did not cover the costs of any of these services for the ARC. Regarding the comparison of the tariffs for rehabilitation services and their cost, it is clear that the ARC has obviously suffered losses for the provision of the services in 2016. The gap in the cost and government tariffs for some health services has been reported in various studies [2, 18, 19][Demeere, 2009 #1;Tabibi, 2010 #12;Markazi Moghaddam, 2016 #17]. The largest gross loss in the clinical activities was due to the high quality health mental occupational therapy.
Unused human capital capacity
Beforehand, the practical capacity of personnel was calculated throughout the year. By multiplying the practical capacity and the number of personnel in each department, the practical capacity of that department is specified.
The comparison of unused capacity shows that the clinic’s cashier has the highest rate of idle time (Error! Reference source not found.). Total cashier activities in the clinic account for only 14.2% of his practical capacity. This ratio was less than 17 percent for receptionists. Rehabilitation specialist staff also has a considerable rate of unused capacity. Meanwhile, mental health occupational therapists have the highest work less time (83% total practical capacity) among the different departments. Interestingly, general practitioners in the clinic are those who their activity time and their practical capacity are very close together.
The unused capacity of human resources in the ARC shows that a new combination of work reassignments and better management of human resources could lead to more efficient workforce utilization and lower average cost of personnel. For example, if the clinic has plans to expand its rehabilitation activities, given the unused capacity calculated, it only requires more general practitioners to apply. Therefore, the development of rehabilitation activities at ARC not only does not have high costs, but also reduces per capita indirect costs and ultimately reduces the cost of the services.