The COVID-19 pandemic has a non-negligible indirect impact on hospital care pathways, which is important to estimate. To this aim, we set up the Mimico-19 network of seven Italian regions (62% of the Italian population) representing different socio-demographic areas of the country with also a different burden of the epidemic. We retrospectively analysed regional hospital discharges data, computing twelve indicators of volumes and performance in three clinical areas: cardiology, oncology and orthopaedics, including time-dependent pathways and elective surgery. Weekly indicators for the period January-July 2020 were compared with the average of the corresponding indicators in 2018 and 2019; comparisons were performed within 3 sub-periods: pre-lockdown, lockdown and post-lockdown. The weekly trend of hospitalizations for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) showed a 40% reduction, but the proportion of STEMI patients with a primary PTCA did not significantly change from previous years. Volumes of malignant neoplasms surgeries differed substantially by site, with a limited reduction for lung cancer (<20%) and greater declines (30-40%) for breast and prostate cancers. Hospitalizations for femoral neck fracture in the elderly decreased by 20%, but the percentage of timely interventions remained constantly higher than the previous years. General trends did not show important differences across regions, regardless of the different Covid-19 burden. Hospitalizations have generally decreased, but the capacity of a timely and effective response in time-dependent pathways of care was not jeopardized throughout the period. The drop in the care demand for cardiovascular diseases and cancers needs to be further investigated and monitored more thoroughly.