1.2.1 Study Area and Species
Three common dock species were studied: Rumex obtusifolius L., R. crispus L., and R. conglomeratus Murray. These species are all ruderal weeds, typically colonising open, disturbed environments associated with human activity, including pasture (Cavers & Harper, 1964, 1966, Grime et al., 2007, L. G. Holm et al., 1997, Lousley & Kent, 1981). All three species are of Eurasian origin yet have been introduced across the globe as agricultural seed contaminants (L. G. Holm et al., 1997, L. Holm et al., 1979). Rumex spp. have been unintentionally spread for over five hundred years (Table 1, Vibrans, 1998). Furthermore, the geographic distribution of these species in both the native and introduced ranges is well documented, making them ideal candidates for large scale climatic niche analyses.
The long history of introductions around the world suggests Rumex spp. are likely to have reached climatic equilibrium in their introduced ranges, and that a sufficient number of generations has passed for adaptations to new climates to develop (Table 1, Vibrans, 1998). As such, it stands to reason that Rumex spp. have had ample opportunities for niche shifts to occur. Rumex spp. were not deliberately introduced for agricultural or horticultural purposes and have not been subjected to artificial selection for invasiveness or climatic tolerances (Kitajima et al., 2006). Therefore any niche shifts observed are likely due to natural processes.
We modelled the species’ niches across the native range, predominantly in Europe, and 3 regions where the species are recorded as naturalised by national organisations and the Global Invasive Species Database (Invasive Species Specialist Group, 2019): Western North America (USDA & NRCS, 2019), Eastern Australia (Atlas of Living Australia, 2019), and New Zealand (New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, 2019a). These regions have an abundance of occurrence records for all three species, a wide variety of climates, and the species were first introduced before 1900 (Table 1). For consistency with other studies we separately considered observations in analogue climates, shared between the native and introduced ranges, and non-analogue climates, exclusive to either the native or introduced range (Atwater et al., 2018, Guisan et al., 2014, Petitpierre et al., 2012).
Defining the Native range
We define the native range for each of these species as spanning Europe, the Middle East, and Northern Africa (Figure 1). Multiple databases, including the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF, GBIF.org, 2019) the Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE, 1979), the Flora of Japan (FOJ, Flora of Japan, 2019), Calflora (Calflora, 2019), the Invasive Species Compendium (CABI, 2019), U.S. Germplasm Resources Information Network (USDA, 2019), and the Global Compendium of Weeds (Randall, 2017), were consulted to determine where these species were classified as native and naturalised (Table S.1). In the absence of specific data for a region, areas of continuous species occurrence contiguous with regions where the species was recorded as native, were also classed as part of the native range unless otherwise stated as a known introduction. A literature search was conducted to determine whether historical records indicated known introductions (Table S.2). As a result of these data screening procedures, three regions with high quality data and unambiguously naturalised populations of all three Rumex species were selected: Western North America, Eastern Australia and New Zealand. Sources are conflicting on whether eastern Asia, Japan in particular, is part of the native range of R. obtusifolius and R. crispus, as such we classify them as introduced but explore this possibility in supplementary information (Figure S.5).
1.2.2 Data Collection
Species’ occurrence data
Occurrence records were collected for the three Rumex spp. from: GBIF, AFE, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), the Early Detection and Distribution Mapping System (EDDMapS, University of Georgia, 2019), Calflora, records georeferenced from targeted journals (Table S.2, Table S.3), and personal collections in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Due to the underreporting of Rumex spp. distribution records in New Zealand, we examined New Zealand journals that commonly publish floristic inventories, using the search term “Rumex” and checked all results for occurrence records. Records were georeferenced at the highest possible resolution using Google Maps (google.com/maps). Table S.4 shows a breakdown of the number of records obtained for each species, and their sources.
One source of uncertainty in our approach is our use of publicly available records which could lead to records that are biased geographically, often around population centres or regular surveying sites (Beck et al., 2014). To mitigate these problems we removed records with missing or inaccurate coordinates and records with coordinate uncertainties over 10,000m, and then spatially rarefied the remaining data. Records in the native range and three introduced ranges were thinned by applying a 2.5 arc minute grid over the occurrence points, and selecting one random point per grid cell using the R package GSIF (Hengl, T., Kempen, B., Heuvelink, G. B. M., & Malone, 2014). Thinning the occurrence records was necessary to reduce geographic sampling bias and remove duplicate results. In addition to these steps the biology of Rumex spp. makes them less susceptible to sampling biases than other species. Sampling bias is most common when working with species that occur in inaccessible habitats (Beck et al., 2014), however our study species often occupy urban and other anthropogenic areas (Cavers & Harper, 1964). As a result, these species are well recorded across their native range.
Climate data
To encompass variation in temperature and precipitation six of the nineteen WorldClim (Booth, Nix, Busby, & Hutchinson, 2014, worldclim.org) variables known to affect plant distributions were selected at a 2.5 arc minute resolution (Dullinger et al., 2017, Root et al., 2003). The six selected variables were: temperature seasonality (BIO4), maximum temperature of the warmest month (BIO5), minimum temperature of the coldest month (BIO6), precipitation seasonality (BIO15), precipitation of the wettest quarter (BIO16), and precipitation of the driest quarter (BIO17). Both temperature (Benvenuti et al., 2001, Cavers & Harper, 1964, 1966) and precipitation, through effects on soil moisture (Cavers & Harper, 1964), are of importance in determining Rumex species distributions at local scales.
Niche Analysis
In order to assess whether the climatic niche of these species changed in their introduced range we utilised the environmental principal component analysis (PCA-env) approach proposed by Olivier Broennimann et al. (2012). In order to reduce the number of variables to two, which the PCA-env approach requires, a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the climate data. The values of the PCA axes at the species’ known occurrence points was then taken to represent the conditions that are occupied by the species in each range. PCA-env requires that the user specify the environments available in each region by defining and fitting minimum convex polygons (MCPs). To facilitate comparisons among species, MCPs were fitted around all three species occurrence points combined, for each region, as opposed to each species individually. This allowed us to compare all three species within the same climatic boundaries and provided clearer comparisons between species. Given the similar introduction methods of Rumex species it is reasonable to assume all three species could reach all environments within these combined MCPs. Following methods developed by Silva et al. (2016), a buffer zone of 1 decimal degree (~111km at the equator) was added around species presences and MCPs were fitted around this area for each assessed region (Figure 1). Following guidelines from Guisan et al. (2014) and amended by Silva et al. (2016), pairwise comparisons were performed between the native range and all introduced ranges.
In order to determine whether climatic niche shifts occurred between the native and introduced ranges, comparisons were made between the available environmental conditions of each of the three introduced ranges and the native range, following metrics suggested by Guisan et al. (2014). The observed niche overlap in each comparison was calculated using Schoener’s D (Broennimann et al., 2012, Schoener, 1970, Warren et al., 2008), a metric which varies from 0, indicating the greatest possible distance between the predicted occurrences of each range (no niche overlap), and 1, indicating no differences between ranges (complete niche overlap). Niche similarity was calculated to determine whether the niches in the native and introduced ranges are more or less similar than expected by chance given their available climates (Aguirre-Gutiérrez et al., 2015, Warren et al., 2008, 2010). Significant values of niche similarity between the native and introduced ranges indicate the niches are more similar than expected by chance, and hence are good predictors of one another.
Niche shifts were further divided into the proportion due to niche expansion, niche unfilling and niche pioneering (Guisan et al., 2014). Using the values of these niche metrics we determined whether a species niche shifted between the native and introduced ranges. We further used the PCA output to determine the direction, and hence consistency, of the shifts in climate space across regions for each species. The same methods were then applied to compare the climate niches of species within each range. All metrics were calculated using the ecospat package (Di Cola et al., 2017) in the statistical software R version 4.0.4 (R Core Team, 2013).