Graph theory framework
We began from CO species since the activation of CO2 to CO has been systematically investigated before16,17. We first obtained the possible chemical formulas up to the maximum carbon, oxygen and hydrogen atoms subject to C≤3, H≤8 and O≤3 (Figure 2a) using Catkit18. For each formula, we enumerated the possible structures and removed structures using the rules: no O-O, C-O-C, O-C-O bonds. As one example, the formula C2H2O (Figure 2a) has five different structures with oxygen and hydrogen at different positions. With this approach, we obtained 458 species: the structures, formula, and the number of electrons transferred from CO are listed in Supplementary Sheet 1.
We then calculated the formation energies of these species on Cu(111) and Cu(100). We chose the most unsaturated atom as the binding atom, and calculated the adsorption of the unsaturated species on the possible sites, including atop, bridge, hcp hollow and fcc hollow on Cu(111) and atop, bridge, and four-fold hollow on Cu(100) (Figure 2b), using an adsorption vector algorithm18. Following optimisation using DFT, we checked the connectivity matrix of the intermediates to ensure that there occurred neither dissociation nor reconstruction, and the dissociated or reconstructed species are removed from the species list. The effects of potential, solvent, and ions on the species formation energies are important, and there are several methods in literature to consider these effects, such as the ab initio molecular dynamics with biased sampling method9, the grand canonical quantum mechanics (GCQM) method8,19, charged water model using global optimization method20, and implicit solvent model21. To consider the effects of solvent on the adsorption energies, we used the polarizable continuum model (PCM)21 in surface adsorption calculations (Supplementary Sheet 2). The energy comparisions between the PCM and GCQM on Cu(111) and Cu(100) are shown in Figure S1. The most common reaction types are hydrogenation, C-C coupling, and water formation, in that order (Figure 2c). We checked the species pairwise to enumerate the possible reactions. For example, if species X and XH had the same structures except for one extra hydrogen, we added the reaction X* + H+ « XH* to the reaction list. Using this algorithm, we consider the possible hydrogenation, coupling, and dehydroxylation reactions in CO2RR up to C3 products. 1144 hydrogenation reactions, 755 coupling reactions, and 354 dehydroxylation reactions were obtained (Supplementary Sheet 3). The reactions containing unstable species were removed, resulting in 1616 reactions on Cu(100) and 1523 reactions on Cu(111), respectively.
With the formation energies of the possible species and the comprehensive reaction list, we then obtain the reaction energies (Figure 2d). We used the reaction energies in one pathway to describe the favourability of this pathway (more details are found in the Supplymentary Information). The effect of applied potential is considered with the computational hydrogen electrode,22 and pH value is taken into account via the concentration of the reactant (proton source) in the steady-state solver (Figure 2d).
In sum, the reaction pathway search framework (Figure 2) generates structures of the species, calculates the adsorption structures of the intermediates, obtains the reaction energies, and builds the reaction graph using Catkit18 and an ab initio simulation program (VASP)23-26.
Reaction graph of CO2RR
Figure 3a shows the reaction graph for CO2RR, including the possible intermediates and products up to three carbons and their corresponding elementary steps. The number of C1 species is 13 (Figure 3a), 55 for C2 species, 385 for C3 species, and 5 species without carbon. The species react with protons, forming other species with the same number of carbon atoms (black edges for hydrogenation and green edges for dehydroxylation in Figure 3a), or couple with other species to produce species with a higher number of carbons (red edges in Figure 3a). Except for methane, the products in Figure 3a are linked with more than one edge, suggesting that each product can be produced via several possible routes.
Using the simple path algorithm27, we obtained the number of possible pathways for several products (Table S1): for example, there exist 10 distinct pathways from CO to methane as shown in Figure 1b. Ethylene has 4744 different pathways from CO that are at least one intermediate different, while for CO to 1-propanol the possible pathways are more than 27 million. These make it infeasible to enumerate pathways manually.
In graph theory, the degree of the nodes refers to the number of edges connected to the nodes. This corresponds to the number of possible reactions in which a given species is implicated. The average degree of all nodes is ~13.2, and the maximum degrees are CH2O and CH3O, with 84 edges connected, suggesting that these two species are the most important in the reaction network from the point of view of connectivity. The high-degree species are C1 species, since these species participate in coupling to form C2 and C3 species.
Formation energies of intermediates
The energy distributions of the intermediates are shown as a function of the number of electrons transferred in Figure 3b. The formation energy is referenced to the free energies of CO2, H2O, and H2, which are the three reactants of CO2RR. Thus, the formation energy of each intermediate in Figure 3b indicates the reaction energies for the step from CO2 and H+/H2O to this intermediate. The number of electrons transferred per carbon atom indicates the degree of hydrogenation. In general, the formation energies increase first, and then decrease with further increase in the number of electrons transferred per carbon atom. Thus, the reaction energies of the first few steps are endothermic at low applied potential, indicating that the rate-determining step of CO(2)RR is in the first few steps. When a negative potential is applied, the formation energies of the intermediates shift by the number of electrons transferred × potential: thus the overall reaction energies of intermediates with an electron transferred become more favourable. These results agree with the high overpotential due to the endothermic steps in the initial stages of CO2RR. Favouring the first few steps using active site engineering enables the design of CO2RR catalysts with low overpotential.
Figure 3b also shows that the formation energies of intermediates on Cu(100) are more stable than those on Cu(111), indicating that Cu(100) has a greater driving force for CO2 reduction and is thus the more likely active site for CO2RR28. The most energetically favourable pathway is in Figure 3b: it is the pathway from one intermediate to the most stable intermediate with one more electron transferred reachable in the graph. However, if the energies of two intermediates are similar, it is difficult to determine the one most likely in energy space; instead, it is necessary to obtain the most representative pathway(s) in rate space.
The formation energy distribution for intermediates having with 0-3 carbons is provided in Figure 3c. The median and the range of C2 intermediate formation energy is lower than in the case of C1 intermediate, and this is true both on Cu(111) and Cu(100). This suggests that C2 is energetically favoured and is the main product of CO2RR. Regarding C2 to C3, the driving force is much lower on both Cu(111) and Cu(100) (Figure 3c), suggesting that it will be hard to make C3 as the main product of CO2RR on pure Cu catalysts. Experiments also show that Cu-based catalysts achieve high C2 productivities in CO2RR5, and lower C3 productivities7.
C2 Reaction mechanisms
C1-C1 coupling is the key step for the selectivity of the C2 products29. Many different C1-C1 coupling reaction mechanisms are proposed including OC-CO8,9, OC-COH10, OC-CHO11,12, OC-CHOH12, H2C-CH213. However, no conclusion has been drawn regarding the dominant elementary step for C1-C1 coupling. In our reaction graph, we considered all 55 C1-C1 possible coupling reactions on both Cu(111) and Cu(100). With the steady-state solver, we obtained the rates for the elementary steps up to C2 including the C1-C1 coupling steps at different applied potentials from 0 to -1.5 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode (SHE).
Despite the large number of possible coupling reactions, there are only a few dominant C1-C1 coupling reactions. Figure 4a and 4b show the main C1-C1 coupling reactions and their likelihood among the C2 formation steps at neutral pH and applied potential from 0 to -1.5 V vs. SHE. The C1-C1 coupling mechanisms change with applied potentials and facets due to changes in surface coverage. On Cu(100), OC-CO is the only possible pathway at 0 V, in agreement with the reaction step proposed in prior literature8,9. With an increase of applied potential, the hydrogenation steps become more favourable: thus, CO* is likely to be further hydrogenated. Therefore, the coverage of HCO* increases and the rate of OC-HCO coupling rises. In the applied potential region higher than -0.5 V, OC-HCO is the main reaction mechanism, a finding that has been reported by Nørskov and Head-Gordon11,12. The H2CO-H2CO and COH-COH coupling steps are also possible at high applied potential; however, these applied potential regions correspond to the formation of methane and hydrogen30. On Cu(111), CO-HCO is the main coupling step at potentials ranging from 0 V to -0.75 V, while CO-COH is also possible with a low likelihood (Figure 4b). HCO-HCO coupling takes the place of CO-HCO at more negative applied potentials.
The findings reported above span coupling mechanism in prior reports; and they conclude that there is not a single unique coupling mechanism. Instead, different coupling steps dominate at different conditions and facets.
We then went on to evaluate the set of paths to C2 products. We show in Figure 4c the reaction mechanisms on Cu(100) to ethanol and ethylene, two main C2 products for Cu-based catalysts of particular interest experimentally.6,31 These are shown at -0.5 V and neutral pH. The reaction starts from CO-HCO coupling, forming OCCHO*, the most likely coupling mechanism at this condition (Figure 4a). The next steps are the hydrogenation of OCCHO* to OHCCHO* and then HOCHCHO*. The hydroxyl group in HOCHCHO* is then removed, giving HCCHO* and water. The removal of the second hydroxyl group happens at the intermediate HCCHOH*, and after the dehydroxylation reaction, HCCH* proceeds to ethylene with two more hydrogenation steps. This reaction pathway explains 49% of the ethylene formed. As an alternative next step following the dehydroxylation step, HCCHOH* can be hydrogenated to H2CCHOH* (Figure 4c). There are two main hydrogenation steps of H2CCHOH* to H2CCH2OH* and H3CCHOH*, both leading to the formation of ethanol. Interestingly, we found that the H2CCH2OH* can also form ethylene, similar to the mechanism reported by Koper and co-worker14. Therefore, more than one branch reaction exists between ethylene and ethanol on Cu(100) at U=-0.5 V vs. SHE and pH=7, and the HCCHOH* and H2CCH2OH* are the two key intermediates for the selectivity of these two products. The reaction pathways to all eight C2 products on both Cu(100) and Cu(111) are listed in Table S3-S18.
C3 Reaction mechanisms
As shown in Table S1, there exist 27 million different pathways from CO to 1-propanol. More carbon atoms mean more isomers due to the possible arrangements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. We sought to enumerate the possible reaction pathways to C3 products and explore the highest-rate paths.
The formation of C3 species starts with C1-C2 coupling32-34. There are 700 coupling reactions for C1-C2 coupling due to the large numbers of possible C2 species. We considered the coupling steps along with their ensuing reaction pathways to C3 products. Figure 5a shows the reaction mechanism to five products reported experimentally7 – 1-propanol, allyl alcohol, propionaldehyde, acetone, and hydroxyacetone – at U=-0.5 V and neutral pH; the reaction mechanisms to all ten C3 products are found in Supplementary Information (Cu(100) in Table S19-S28 and Cu(111) in Table S29-S38). The most favourable C1-C2 coupling mechanism at -0.5 V and neutral pH is OC-OCCHO coupling on Cu(100) (Figure 5a). Three hydrogenation steps follow the formation of OCC(O)CHO* (IM3_1 in Figure 5a), giving OHCC(O)CHOH* (IM3_3). The main branching steps occurs here, resulting in two groups of products: the hydrogenation of the middle oxygen to OHCC(OH)CHOH* (IM3A_1) leads to the formation of propionaldehyde, allyl alcohol, and 1-propanol (group A); while hydrogenation to HOCHC(O)CHOH* (IM3B_1) produces hydroxyacetone and acetone (group B).
Regarding the group A products, the first hydroxyl group removed in the C3 species is on the middle carbon (Figure 5a). OHCCCHOH (IM3A_2) is then reduced to OHCCHCH2OH* (IM3A_4) before the removal of the second hydroxyl group (Figure 5), forming OHCCHCH2* (IM3A_5). This is followed by two possibilities: hydrogenation of CH2- to CH3- forming propionaldehyde, and hydrogenation of ketone group to the hydroxyl group. The branch between allyl alcohol and 1-propanol occurs at HOCHCHCH2* (IM3A_7); then the 1-propanol is formed with three hydrogenation steps. For group B products, the bifurcation of hydroxyacetone and acetone happens at HOCH2C(O)CH2* (IM3B_4) (Figure 5a).
Interestingly, previous experiments7 have suggested that partial current densities of these five C3 products in CO2RR also fall into two groups at pH=6.8 (Figure 5b): 1-propanol has the highest current density, followed closely by allyl alcohol and then propionaldehyde. The current densities to these three products (group A) are generally one order of magnitude higher than to the other two products, acetone and hydroxyacetone (group B). Furthermore, the branch reactions of 1-propanol and other C3 products occurs in the following orders in the reaction process: {acetone, hydroxyacetone}, propionaldehyde, and allyl alcohol. The current density ordered from lowest to highest proceeds acetone ≈ hydroxyacetone << propionaldehyde < allyl alcohol < 1-propanol.
In sum, there are two main branch reactions in the C3 pathways: one at the initial stage after C1-C2 coupling, OHCC(O)CHOH* (IM3_3), leading two groups of products; and the other one occurs at the very end of the reaction process, OHCCHCH2* (IM3A_5) and HOCHCHCH2* (IM3A_7), and these give different products.
We also obtained information on reaction pathways to other C3 products, including ones that have not been detected experimentally. Obtaining such results offers inputs into catalyst design beyond traditional products already seen in CO2RR. For example, 1,2-propylene glycol is used in the production of polymers and food processing, and it has not been reported as a direct product of CO2RR. Our results (Figure 5a) indicate that the 1,2-propylene glycol branches from the group B pathway at HOCHC(O)CH2* (IM3B_3). If the intermediate state on one catalyst, HOCHC(O)CH3 (IM3C_1), is more stable than HOCH2C(O)CH2 (IM3B_4), the catalyst may produce 1,2-propylene glycol. For such a design, the branching reaction energy differences to 1,2-propylene glycol vs. the competing products should be used as indicators in computational screening: the more negative the branching reaction, the more selective the catalyst. Other C3 products pathways can be found in the Supplementary Information: 1,3-propylene glycol (Cu(100) in Table S20 and Cu(111) in Table S30), propane (Table S24 and S34), 2-propanol (Table S25 and S35), glycerol (Table S27 and S37).
Catalyst design for C3 products
The framework presented herein allows systematic screening of possible pathways; we acknowledge that the use of reaction energies along the pathway as a surrogate for the favourability of a pathway is an approximation, and we recognize that, in future works, the graph theoretic enumeration can beneficially be combined with (for example) a high-throughput transition state searching method, kinetic Monte Carlo, high-level quantum chemistry, or machine learning.
With that caveat, we evaluate the implications of Figure 6 – a plot that captures CO binding (a), C1-C1 coupling (b), and C1-C2 coupling (c).
Optimal CO binding is reached near -0.67 V35. Not surprisingly, Cu (both pure and doped) comes closest to fulfilling this condition (Figure 6a). Au and Al include some doping options such as Pd-doped Au, Pd-doped Al, Ir-doped Al, and Rh-doped Al that come within 0.2 eV of the optimum.
Favourable C1-C1 coupling is the next prerequisite along the ultimate pathway towards C3 products. Here the most strongly negative reaction energy in Figure 6b is the most desirable. Cu doped with Ag and with Au is promising here, and Al is particularly favourable, as Cu-doped Ag and Pb-doped Ag.
To go the rest of the way to C3 products, a favourable reaction energy of C1-C2 coupling is further required. Here again the most strongly negative reaction energy is desired. Ni-doped Pb performs exceptionally well. Pure Cu is a reasonable candidate but not strongly favourable. Ag doped with Al, Au, and Pb, shows promise, but the C1-C2 coupling energy is not sufficiently strong as to favour C3 formation overwhelmingly compared to Ni-doped Pb and Al-doped Pb.
Overall these findings are consistent with the observation that, in prior reports, Cu to propanol has been among the most productive, but its Faradaic efficiency has been limited to the 10-20% range; and that, to date, no single-material nor single-material-doped catalyst has achieved exceptional C3 productivity.
Intriguingly, the finding that doping one catalyst with a single dopant does not simultaneously enable optimal CO binding; and highly reactive C1-C1 coupling; and C1-C2 coupling; suggests that a new strategy is needed to achieve productive C3 generation.
One promising solution is tandem catalysts that combine two or more catalysts: a first catalyst (such as Cu) is in charge of CO* intermediate formation and C1-C1 coupling; and a second catalyst is specifically designed for C1-C2 coupling (in Figure 6, a candidate is Ni-doped Pb, though doped Au variants also suggest promise).
The enticing possibility of designing such tandem catalysts would require careful analysis of a number of considerations. If the first catalyst was responsible for both CO adsorption and C1-C1 coupling, it would then need to bind the C2 intermediate with proper adsorption energy so that this could diffuse onto the second catalyst decorating the first. The average distance of an island of C1-C2 coupling catalyst from a given point on the C1-C1 coupling catalyst would need to be less than the in-plane diffusion length of the C2 intermediate species for the intermediate to reach the C1-C2 region with high probability. The C2 intermediate would need to “hop” to the C1-C2 coupling catalyst efficiently, as would a comparable density of C1 intermediates. A full analysis of this possibility would require using the micro-kinetic modeling or kinetic Monte Carlo that took account of the different sites and their spatial distribution.