Corticosteroids has been wildly used in the management of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and some sports injuries for decades [32–34]. However, there has been more and more evidence showed that corticosteroids had a degenerative-effect on several collagen-producing tissues, such as bone, tendons [35, 36]. Accordingly, interests have focused on how corticosteroids led to degeneration in these tissues. However, the mechanism of corticosteroids induced degeneration of cartilage is not well unknown. Chrysis and his colleagues revealed that Dex induces apoptosis of chondrocytes in a caspases-dependent manner [37]. In addition, Dex significantly increased ATP-induced mineralization in articular chondrocytes in vitro [38], suggesting a potential role of Dex in the pathologic mineralization and loss of cartilage in OA.
The calcified cartilage layer (CCL) forms an important interface between compliant cartilage and stiff bone for transmitting force, attaching cartilage to bone, and limiting material diffusion [39]. It is separated from the other zones of cartilage by the tidemark, and the CCL borders the subchondral bone with the cement line, which forms a highly interdigitated interface with subchondral bone [40]. Contributing to the stiffness gradient in the soft-hard tissue junction, the CCL is about 100 times stiffer than the overlying hyaline cartilage and 10 times softer than the underlying bone [41]. However, this stiffness gradient is altered during the OA process, during which the stiffness of the calcified cartilage zone is gradully increased from superficial layers of cartilage to subchondral bone [42]. The mechanical properties of cartilage could be affected by the extent of its mineralization. For calcified cartilage, the nanoindentation modulus is positively related to the local mineral content [43, 44]. In healthy human knee specimens, the percentage of inorganic compound in CCL is less than that of subchondral bone [45]. More detailed analyses of bovine tibiofemoral joints find that the articular cartilage zone was mineral free, whereas the mineral content of calcified cartilage zone increases exponentially but is still significantly lower than that of the normal bone [46]. Interestingly, horizontal splits at the interface between the uncalcified and the calcified layers of the articular cartilage have previously been described in degenerative joint disease of humans, mice and hamsters, and have been suggested to be related with the shearing damage at the uncalcified calcified cartilage interface [47]. In OA, extremely hyper-mineralization was found in calcified cartilage zone [44]. The above studies suggest that changes in the mineral content of calcified cartilage zone may lead to changes in its mechanical properties, which damages the role of calcified cartilage zone as the middle buffering zone between cartilage and bone.
AKT plays an important role in the maintenance of cartilage homeostasis and the progression of OA. In mice with surgically induced OA, calcified osteophyte formation was prevented in the Akt1−/− joints. Calcification was suppressed in cultured Akt1−/− chondrocytes or ATDC5 cells with Akt1 knockdown, but enhanced in ATDC5 cells overexpressing constitutively active Akt1[48]. The forced expression of constitutively active AKT rescued the expression of phenotypic markers and the apoptosis induced by CXCR2 blockade, indicating CXCR2-dependent chondrocyte homeostasis was mediated by AKT signaling [49]. IL-1β-mediated activation of NF-κB and apoptosis in chondrocytes was inhibited by IGF-1 and PDGF-bb, which could be related to the suppression of Src/PI-3K/AKT pathway [50]. Similarly, Tenuigenin inhibits IL-1β-induced inflammation in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes by suppressing PI3K/AKT/NF-κB pathway [51]. The AKT is necessary for the synergistic induction of MMP-1 and MMP-13 and the cartilage breakdown stimulated by IL-1 in combination with oncostatin M. Moreover, C.Shen et al. reported that Dex increased the expression of Akt in human chondrocytes, which was related to the degenerative process in cartilage[52]. However, some studies reported that the AKT signaling was inhibited by Dex in other models, indicating the complicated mechanisms of the effects of Dex on different cells. More studies are needed to investigate the details.
Autophagy contributes to the maintenance of homeostasis of chondrocytes, whose impairment greatly aggravates OA. Autophagy is constitutively active in normal cartilage, which would be compromised with aging and precedes cartilage cell death and structural damage [53]. Rapamycin could improve severity of cartilage degradation as well as synovitis in mouse OA model via inducing autophagy, indicating pharmacological activation of autophagy may be an effective therapeutic approach for OA [54]. Besides, cartilage-specific ablation of mTOR results in increased autophagy level and reduced articular cartilage degradation, apoptosis and synovial fibrosis in DMM OA model [55]. In addition, Bouderlique, T. et al reported that targeted deletion of Atg5 in chondrocytes promotes age-related OA by facilitating chondrocyte survival, suggesting that autophagy is beneficial to the age-related OA [56]. In this study, Dex treatment increased the autophagy activity of chondrocytes at the early stage, which was gradually decreased with the extension of processing time. We speculate that autophagy may be one of the adaptive protective responses for chondrocytes under the stimuli of Dex. The long-time application of Dex, however, weakened the autophagy-mediated protective effect and ultimately aggravated the damage of cartilage. More research are needed to investigate the details.
In brief, our present study revealed that Dex could enhance the calcification of cartilage via AKT activation and increase chondrocyte apoptosis through inhibiting autophagy, which aggravates the damage of articular cartilage and accelerate the progression of OA in vivo. Our data provided a new perspective to understand the effect of Dex on cartilage maintenance and degeneration, which may be beneficial for the clinical use of Dex for OA treatment in future.