On-chip bright quantum sources with multiplexing ability are extremely high in demand for the integrated quantum networks with unprecedented scalability and complexity. Here, we demonstrate an ultrabright and broadband biphoton quantum source generated in a lithium niobate microresonator system. Without introducing the conventional domain poling, the on-chip microdisk produces entangled photon pairs covering a broad bandwidth promised by natural phase matching in spontaneous parametric down conversion. Experimentally, the multiplexed photon pairs are characterized by 30 nm bandwidth limited by the filtering system, which can be furthered enlarged. Meanwhile, the generation rate reaches 5.13 MHz/μW with a coincidence-to- accidental ratio up to 804. Besides, the quantum source manifests the prominent purity with heralded single photon correlation g(2)H(0)=0.0098±0.0021 and energy-time entanglement with excellent interference visibility of 96.5%±1.9%.