In NaO2, after acqiring an extra electron from Na, each O2− complexes have nine electrons in the configuration of σ2π4π*3σ*0. The partially occupied anti-bonding π* molecular states essentially determine the electronic and magnetic properties of NaO2. The extra electron in the π*orbital generates the magnetic moment of 1.0 μB per O2− molecule. Nevertheless, in comparison with the regular oxygen molecule, the O2− complex has one extra electron in the degenerate π* orbital that is composed of anti-bonding components of O-px and py orbitals. Consequently, the properties of NaO2 crucially depend on where this adopted electron will reside.
3.1. Electronic, magnetic and structural properties of cubic NaO2
At room temperature (RT), NaO2 adopts the cubic Fm-3m structure. It has two superoxide ions in the primitive unit cell. Figure 1(a) displays the total densities of states (TDOS) in the nonmagnetic LDA calculations for high symmetry cubic structure. It is evident from this figure that the total DOS is predominated by the O-2p character, while the contributions from the 2p, 2s character of Na are negligible. The partial DOS (PDOS) of O-2p states exhibit perfect molecular splitting between σ, π, π* and σ* states. The finite DOS at the Fermi level (EF) arises from the π* states, indicating the metallic behaviour of NaO2. The band structure of NaO2 is depicted in Fig. 1(b). Within the orbital picture of the ground state of O-2p bands, the two highest occupied orbitals are π* anti-bonding orbitals, with one electron in each orbital. The O- π* orbital remains as the highest occupied molecular orbital for O2− complex, which is filled by three electrons after acquiring an extra electron from the Na ion. This means, each O2− complex has one unpaired electron, making O2− magnetic. But it is observed in the band structure calculations that the anti-bonding π* states are exactly degenerate due to high symmetry in the crystal structure. Because of this orbital degeneracy, the external electron added to the O2 molecule has an equal probability to occupy each π* orbital. It is also unambiguous from Fig. 1(b) that there is no local band formation and the bands are extended. We also observed no s-p hybridization in the band structure calculations, which however indicates no local moment and hence no magnetism.
Next, we carried out the FM electronic structure calculations. The calculated TDOS and PDOS of Na-2p, 2s and O-2p are illustrated in Fig. 2(a). The system is insulating in the up-spin channel with a semiconducting gap of ~ 7.0 eV, while the down-spin channel is metallic but the Fermi level (EF) falls almost into a pseudogap. The semiconducting gap appears between the occupied π* and unoccupied σ* states. The semiconducting gap in the up-spin channel indicates 100% spin polarization. It is also evident that the total DOS is O-2p dominated and the contributions from 2p and 2s states of Na are insignificant. The electronic band structure of O-2p states in both spin channels are also shown in Figs. 2(b) and (c). From both DOS and band structure calculations, it is clear that all of σ, π and π* states are occupied for the up-spin channel, whereas σ and π states are observed occupied but πg* states are observed unoccupied for the down-spin channel that is accompanied by spin polarization. The calculated total, Na and O magnetic moments are 3.0 μB. 0.03 μB and 1.47 μB respectively, which indicates magnetism in the RT phase of NaO2.
Further, we concentrated on the structural properties of NaO2 in the RT cubic phase. The crystal structure of NaO2 is exhibited in Fig. 3(a). In this phase, sodium has eight oxygen coordination. We observed uniform Na-O bond distances. The uniform Na-O bond distance is 2.3772 Å. The < Na-O-Na and < O-Na-O bond angles are also uniform. The magnitudes of < Na-O-Na and < O-Na-O angles are 109.47º and 70.529º respectively. Besides, each O atom has four Na coordination forming a square [see Fig. 3(b)] having uniform Na-Na distances in the diagonal position = 3.8820 Å. These four Na-atoms form four uniform < Na-O-Na bond angles having a magnitude of 109.471º, which results in high symmetry and hence degeneracy in the π* orbitals. More interestingly, O2− species freely rotate to have an Fm-3m structure. This kind of O2− orientation is responsible for the disorder in NaO2.
3.2. Electronic, magnetic and structural properties of pyrite NaO2
The pyrite phase of NaO2 is realized above 196 K. The primitive unit cell of pyrite NaO2 contains two formula unit (f.u.), hence four superoxide ions in the primitive unit cell. Figure 4(a) represents TDOS and PDOS of Na-s, p and O-p states in the nonmagnetic calculations. It is observed that total DOS is dominated by the O-p states, while the contributions from s and p states of Na are negligible. The low energy states that appear around − 10 to -8.8 eV and − 8.8 to -7.3 eV correspond to bonding components of σ and π states respectively. The π*-like anti-bonding molecular orbitals (MOs) are observed around EF. It is observable from the figure that the electron contributions from the anti-bonding components of π* states are responsible for the metallic character of pyrite NaO2. The nonmagnetic electronic band structure of π* orbitals of oxygen is depicted in Fig. 4(b). The FM DOS calculated in the LDA approximations are illustrated in Fig. 5(a). In the spin-up channel, the bonding components of σ and π orbitals are observed around − 10.4 to -9.3 eV and − 9.3 to -7.3 eV respectively. The anti-bonding components of π* and narrow σ*-like orbitals are observed around − 2.2 to -0.4 eV and 14.3 to 14.6 eV respectively. In the down-spin channel, σ, π, π* and narrow σ* states are observed around − 9.7 to -8.3 eV, -8.3 to -7.3 eV, -1.9 to 0.8 eV and 15.6 to 15.9 eV [not shown in Fig. 5(a)] respectively. It is visible from this figure that a minute but finite DOS is observed at EF for both spin channels, which results in the metallic nature of NaO2 in the pyrite phase. It is further noticeable that Na-s and O-π*-states are hybridized near EF. The electronic band structures of O-π* -like states are represented respectively in Figs. 5(b) and 5(c) for two spin states. The anti-bonding π* orbitals split into two components. These two components lie immediately below EF for spin-up states, while for spin-down states they lie both above and below EF. Nevertheless, the degeneracy of π* states is still maintained. The O-π* states are localized in such a manner that results in a substantial magnetic moment in the π*-orbital. The total magnetic moment calculated as 0.98 μB, which ensures magnetism in the pyrite phase of NaO2.
The crystal structure of NaO2 in the pyrite phase is illustrated in Fig. 6(a). The formation of oxygen dimers is observed in this phase. It is obvious from this figure that O-O dimers are oriented randomly in all possible directions. The O-O dimer length is 1.158 Å. It is found that every O-O dimer has six Na coordination. Four of these Na atoms lie in the plane (basal plane) cutting the oxygen dimer, while the remaining two lies along the line (apical plane) joining two oxygen atoms of the dimer [see Fig. 6(b)]. All Na-O distances are found uniform (= 2.4517 Å). All the < Na-O-Na angles are also uniform (= 104.417o). Therefore, the crystal is tilted slightly but still maintains high symmetry for which degeneracy in the π* -like molecular orbitals still maintains. It is observed that each Na has six oxygen coordination. The < O-Na-O bond angles are 91.065o (×2) and 88.935o (×2) for the basal plane. Besides, <O-Na-O bond angle for the apical plane is 180o, which facilitates a super exchange mechanism and hence the system exhibits anti-ferromagnetism in the pyrite phase.
3.3. Electronic, magnetic and structural properties of marcasite NaO2
The marcasite phase of NaO2 is realized below 196 K. The primitive unit cell of pyrite NaO2 contains four formula units i.e. eight superoxide ions in the primitive unit cell. The TDOS and PDOS of Na-s, p and O-p states in the nonmagnetic calculations are presented in Fig. 7(a). From this figure, it clear that TDOS is O-2p dominated and contributions from s and p states of Na are insignificant. The σ and π-like orbitals are separated by a small energy gap ~ 0.12 eV. These two states are respectively observed around 5.98 to 6.77 eV and 4.35 to 5.86 eV below EF. The π*-like anti-bonding molecular orbitals (MOs) are observed both below and above EF (-1.5 to 0.3 eV). Therefore, this system is metallic due to electron contributions from the anti-bonding components of π* states around EF. The electronic band structures of O-2p orbitals are illustrated in Fig. 7(b). It is clear from these figures that the degeneracy in the O-π* orbitals is suppressed due to the symmetry loss accompanied by the structural phase transition to the marcasite phase. Therefore, the O-π* orbitals split, leading to long-range OO is observed. The spin-polarized ferromagnetic LDA DOS are shown in Fig. 8(a). The up-spin channel is insulating and the down-spin channel is metallic. Therefore, the system is half-metallic. The semiconducting gap observed is ~ 1.2 eV. In the spin-up channel, σ and π -bonding components are observed between − 6.5 to -7.25 eV and − 4.9 to 6.38 eV respectively. In the down-spin channel, the corresponding components are found around − 6.6 to -5.85 eV and 5.8 to 4.2 eV respectively. The π*-like molecular orbitals are observed around − 1.85 to -0.30 eV and − 1.25 to 0.45 eV respectively for up and down-spin channels.
Our next effort was to study the electronic band structures of marcasite NaO2. The total band structures of O-π* -like orbitals for both spin channels are shown in Figs. 8(b) and (c). The band structures of O-2px/y are also illustrated in Figs. 9(a) and (c) for the up and down-spin channel respectively. The O-pz band structures for the corresponding channels are also represented in Figs. 9(b) and (d) respectively. Due to the structural transition, two π* orbitals are energetically separated. Therefore, degeneracy in the O-π* orbitals lifts due to structural transition. Therefore, suppression of degeneracy in the π*-like orbitals occurs due to the transition in the marcasite phase. As a result, orbitals split and long-range OO is observed [Figs. 9(b) and (d)]. This long-range OO gives rise to magnetization in the marcasite NaO2. The O-π* states are therefore localized, which results in a substantial magnetic moment in the π*-orbital. The calculated magnetic moment per Na and O ions are − 0.15 μB and − 0.42 μB respectively.
Final emphasis was given to investigate the structural properties of NaO2 in the marcasite phase. In this structure, formation of O-O dimer is also observed. The O-O dimers are arranged orderly in the alternative planes as depicted in Fig. 10(a). The O-O dimer length observed is 1.3467 Å, that means dimer length reduces by 0.1881 Å upon the structural phase transition from pyrite to marcasite. Each oxygen dimer is surrounded by six Na atoms. Four of these atoms lie in the plane cutting the oxygen dimer, while the other two lies along the line joining two oxygen atoms of the dimer [see Fig. 10(b)]. All Na-O distances are at uniform distances (= 2.3814 Å). Since the electron density on the O atoms increases after acquiring an extra electron from Na atom, they tend to move apart from each other due to electrostatic grounds. Eventually, this movement is hindered beyond a certain point due to the presence of Na-atoms. The strong electrostatic repulsion of the electrons of Na and O atoms prevents this movement of the latter in the z-direction. Consequently, oxygen dimers are rotated as schematically shown in Fig. 10(b). Indeed, this rotation of O-O dimers exerted a net force on Na-atoms that are found on the plane joining the two O atoms of a dimer such that Na atoms have long/short < Na-O-Na (108.88 Å/91.263 Å) angles [see Fig. 10(b)] with O atoms of the dimers. These results strongly confirm a significant reduction in symmetry of the crystal. Therefore, symmetry lowering would occur via coherent tilting of the O2− molecular axes i.e. rotation of oxygen dimer, the so-called magnetogyration effect which however facilitates OO in the degenerate πg* -like molecular orbitals. Also, each Na atom has six-fold oxygen coordination. The Na-O bond distances are 2.4061 Å (×4) (in the basal plane) and 2.3814 Å (×2) (in the apical plane). The calculated < Na-O-Na bond angles are 108.88o (×2) and 91.263o (×2) (in the basal plane) i.e. large tilting in < Na-O-Na is observed, which also lifts crystal symmetry. Lifting of symmetry suppresses degeneracy in the O-π* orbitals. The apical < O-Na-O bond angle observed is 180o which however favours the super exchange mechanism. Therefore, NaO2 is antiferromagnetic (AFM) in the marcasite phase.