Study area, site selection, and site properties
We sampled birds and vegetation in 48 second growth parks located in the northern Willamette, Sandy, and lower Columbia river watersheds in the greater Portland metropolitan area (city center: 45.52 N, -122.68 W). The region is characterized geologically by broad alluvial flats punctuated by scattered volcanic buttes that rise to low hills in the west and south of the Willamette and Columbia rivers, respectively. Elevation ranges from 20 to 250 m. Climate is characterized by cool, wet winters (December: 4.7o C and 13.9 cm precipitation) and warm, dry summers (August: 20.8o C and 1.7 cm precipitation). Later seral-stage vegetation is dominated by shade tolerant conifers including western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), grand fir (Aibes grandis), and western red cedar (Thuja plicata), but earlier seral-stage Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and big-leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) now dominate the mainly second growth stands throughout the study area.
Parks were selected by stratified random sampling to represent the full range of possible areas (< 1 to 2,000 ha). All sites contained multistory forest with ≥50% canopy closure and limited development. All but one (Oxbow Regional Park) fell within Portland’s urban growth boundary, and 42 of 48 were city parks. The other six were privately owned parcels. Sites were delimited by roads and adjacent urban development (i.e., the presence of buildings, impervious surfaces, or intensively maintained vegetated habitats), and distance from downtown Portland, rather than ownership or parcel boundaries (for details see Supplementary Information [SI]).
Park area, shape and connectivity (Table 1) were extracted using ArcGIS and FRAGSTATS (McGarigal and Marks 1995) from data provided by Portland’s METRO Regional Services’ RLIS database (Metro 2004). All analyses utilized digitized 2001 aerial photographs of the greater Portland metropolitan region with a pixel resolution of 3.05 m. Details are provided in the SI. Greater distance to city center likely reflects decreasing anthropogenic influences on landscape composition and increasing proximity of park to habitats with native fauna. We therefore used Google Maps to measure the shortest distance between each park and city center (DistPDX; Table 1).
Landscape composition: quantification and analysis
We quantified landscape composition (undeveloped forest, developed forest and total forest [= undeveloped + developed], light urban development, heavy urban development, total urban development [light + heavy], and open spaces without trees), human population density, and street density in the 500 m buffer surrounding each park. We then subjected these data to a principal component analysis (PCA) to identify the main gradients of landscape variation across Portland. Principal component 1 (LandPC1) accounted for 54% of the variation in landscape structure and described a gradient in which more urbanized landscapes (negative scores) were replaced by landscapes with increasing dominance of trees in the 500 m buffer surrounding each park (positive scores; Table 1). Full details of PCA are provided in the SI.
Quantification and analysis of vegetation
We sampled vegetation at 2 to 16 plots per park (total = 279), with larger parks having a greater number of plots to capture potentially greater vegetation diversity. Plots were randomly located (ArcGIS and Garmin 12XL GPS units; ± 10 m) within parks and associated with either vegetation sampling alone, bird point count stations, small mammal traplines, or amphibian pitfall arrays. In some cases, the plots associated with amphibian surveys were moved up to 10 m to accommodate pitfall installation. At all but the smallest parks, points were located at least 100 m away from forest edge and 200 m from one another.
Vegetation structure and composition at each plot were measured in 10 m radius circles. We identified most plants to species, and measured diameter breast height (DBH) of all trees with DBH > 2.5 cm. We also counted number and estimated volume (cross-sectional area x length) of all snags (standing dead tree) and logs (fallen dead tree) > 10 cm diameter. Subsamples of vegetation of the shrub, herbaceous layer, and forest floor were taken from two perpendicular transects that crossed through the center of the circle. Canopy closure was also estimated visually along the same two transects (see SI for full details).
Modified importance values (IV) were calculated for all tree species at all 279 points. Total coniferous and angiosperm IVs, along with canopy closure, number of trees in four size classes (< 10 cm, 10.1-30 cm, 30.1-60 cm, and > 60 cm), total volume of logs and snags, tree species richness (3 classes: native, exotic, and total), and IV of the four most dominant trees in the data (2 conifers: Douglas-fir, western red cedar; 2 angiosperms: big-leaf maple, red alder [Alnus rubra]) were used in a PCA to describe forest tree structure. Eigenvalues of the first four PCs exceeded 1.0. In total they accounted for 59.4% of the variation in the data and the gradients in forest structure that they reflect are described in Table 1. Similarly, we used percent ground cover (bare ground, moss, leaf litter, small woody debris, herbs), litter depth, shrub density (3 layers: 0-1 m, 1.1-2 m, and 2.1-3 m) and percent contribution to the shrub layer of eight common species in a PCA to describe the structure of the forest floor and understory. Eigenvectors of the first four PCs in these data also exceeded 1.0 and accounted for 51.1% of variation. Descriptions of the gradients described by the shrub to forest floor PCA variables are provided in Table 1 (see SI for full detail). Plot-level PCA scores were averaged within each park to calculate park-level averages for all eight PCA axes.
Avian surveys: richness and abundance
Avian migratory activity drops by late May in Portland and therefore surveys were conducted between 15 May and 18 July, 2003, to avoid sampling transiting migrants. All surveys were conducted by one person (DCB) between sunrise and 1100 hours on days without rain and little to no wind. Three counts were made at all survey points over the course of the season, and at times that were rotated to avoid sampling points at the same time of day. Point count locations (1-6 per park) were randomly selected, and all points within a park were surveyed on a single day. All points were located ≥50 m from the park edge and ≥150 m from one another. A few small sites were not wide enough to accommodate points ³ 50 m from a site edge, so points were located as far from edges as possible.
We used the variable circular plot method (Bibby et al. 2000) to record all birds heard or seen out to 50 m; birds estimated to be beyond 50 m were noted but not used in analyses. Ten-minute point counts were made following a 1-min period of quiet to allow birds to return to normal activity; flyovers were not included. To minimize double-counting at a point, determination of multiple conspecifics was based on detection of counter-singing or simultaneous visual and/or aural detection along with mapping of detections on data sheets in concentric circles around survey points (0-10 m, 10-25 m, 25-50 m, >50 m). To avoid double-counting birds that fell between adjacent points that were relatively close to each other, mapped locations were compared in the field to assign individuals that fell between points to the nearer station.
Spot mapping is the most accurate estimator of avian abundance (Audubon Field Notes 1970), and Hamel’s (1984) comparison of spot mapping estimates of abundance to counts made using the variable circular plot methods showed that biasing abundance estimates from the variable circular plot method upward better approximated spot mapping estimates of abundance. Therefore, at each point count location our index of abundance of each species was the average of the two highest of the three counts made, which we averaged across all survey locations within each park to obtain an average abundance for each species. Absence of a species from a park was treated as an abundance of zero.
Analysis of avian species richness and density
Abundance measured within a specified area represents density and henceforth we use density to describe number of individuals detected by point counts. We omitted from our analyses all raptors, aerial insectivorous birds, and rare species. Aerial insectivores (swifts and swallows) are wide ranging, forage above the canopy, and cannot be associated with a particular point in the forest. Rare species were those whose 95% confidence interval for average density, computed across all 48 parks, included zero (Appendix 1). Species classified as rare were those that do not breed in the habitats in which we conducted our work, are irruptive, were never detected at more than two sites (and at low density), or were only detected at the single site located outside of the Urban Growth Boundary (Common Raven; scientific names given in Appendix 1).
Avian richness and density for three groups of birds based on migratory behavior were then made in relation to landscape composition, distance to city center, park geometry, and habitat structure (Table 1). The three migratory categories were residents (year-round occupation of sites), long-distance migrants (overwinter primarily south of the border of the United States; Nearctic-Neotropical migrants), and short-distance/partial migrants. We relied on Birds of North America accounts (Rodewald 2018) and personal experience in this system to classify all species to migratory category.
Park area and other variables that deviated from a Gaussian distribution were transformed (log10) prior to analysis. The quadratic of park area was included in all analyses as preliminary inspection of data indicated frequent nonlinearity in the relationship between park area and the response variables. All predictor variables (Table 1) were z-transformed to enable direct comparisons of coefficients (Schielzeth 2010), and the quadratic of park area was taken after standardization of area (Schielzeth 2010). Variance inflation factors in analyses were almost always below 2.0, rarely exceeded 3.0, and never approached 10 (Quinn and Keough 2002).
We used generalized linear models with a Poisson distribution and log link function to identify the drivers of variation in species richness. Number of survey points per park was included as an offset to account for differences in sampling intensity. All variables were added to the model, and then removed by backward selection until a final set of competitive models (ΔAICc ≤ 2) was obtained. Models within 2 AICc units that added a parameter without improving model deviance were not included in the final set to ensure that ΔAICc values were not the result of uninformative parameters (Arnold 2010). Given recent concerns regarding interpretability of model averaged coefficients (Cade 2015), we interpret results primarily for the top model but supplemented by input from other competitive models. Poisson regression does not generate a formal R2 but a pseudo-R2 was calculated as the difference in deviance between the null model (i.e., no predictor variables) and the fitted model divided by the null model’s deviance. We also used best subsets regression analysis to examine variation in density of the three migrant guilds in relation to the same set of predictor variables (Table 1). As for the Poisson regressions, we used an information theoretic approach to identify top models. Explained variation is reported as an adjusted R2 (R2adj).
Although we do not report them here, we also conducted individual analyses of density of all species using best subsets regression analysis. From these analyses we identified a set of forest-dependent species that we define as species with positive coefficients (at P ≤ 0.10) between their density and either park area or area2. We performed best subsets regression analyses on the summed density of forest-dependent species using the predictors described in Table 1. We expected that park area would be the main determinant of density. Our objective was thus to remove the area effect and identify other important determinants of density in this ecologically sensitive group that is most at risk in the urban landscape. For similar reasons we also calculated minimum area requirements (MAR) for forest-dependent species using generalized linear models with a binomial distribution and logit link function to model presence/absence of each species in relation to park area. For species that reached an asymptote (100% probability of occurrence) within our range of park areas we used park area at 50% of the area at the asymptote to be a conservative estimate of minimum area needed to sustain populations (Robbins et al. 1989). For species for which probability of occurrence continued to increase within the bounds of our study (~2000 ha), we used park area at 50% of the probability of occurrence exhibited at 2000 ha as our estimate of MAR (Robbins et al. 1989). We then compared MAR in relation to body mass and migratory behavior to discern if MAR varied predictably with either variable.
We used STATISTIX version 9 (Analytical Software, Tallahassee, Florida, USA) for basic summary statistics, least squares regressions, PCAs, and best subsets regression analyses and JMP Pro 12 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, USA) for generalized linear models of species richness and calculation of MARs. Statistics are reported as mean ± SE.