This study provided evidence of incorporating genetic information in ENM to characterize the adaptation potential of M. geocarpum in four West-African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Togo) and suggested implications for sustainable management and breeding perspectives under current and future climate change.
Current potential distribution ranges of Kersting’s groundnut and genetic groups
We used two approaches to model KG distributions across agroclimatic zones of four West African countries: a traditional species SDM using species-wide cultivated areas, and intraspecific models based on genetic information. We found that decomposing a species into intraspecific genetic groups increases our understanding of the potential distribution of KG, which is consistent with results from the previous few studies 30, 31, 35, 36. The SDMs for Pop1 performed more accurately in estimating potential cultivation areas of KG rather than the genetic Pop2, which showed lower prediction accuracy. The Pop2 is found in the three agroclimatic zones of all countries; it displays a wide distribution range like the whole species. Indeed, Allouche, et al. 37 reported that the values of predictive accuracy tend to be lower when species are more common within the distribution ranges. Our results reinforce the view that it is necessary for SDMs evaluation, to consider not only the use of genetic data but also the population sizes and the cultivated ranges of each genetic unit 35, 38.
Environmental variables contribution
Our approach allowed to identify six environmental variables correlated with the potential distribution ranges of the species and populations. The rainfall wettest month, rainfall driest quarter, and temperature seasonality were mostly involved in fitting the models. The ecological weight that precipitations may have in KG’s distribution is also supported by a recent ethnobotanical study where farmers identified drought and high moisture during the reproductive stage as the main factors hindering species production 5, 12. Tamini 39 also showed that the different sowing dates and seasons with varied temperatures influenced KG growing cycle by delaying or accelerating the flowering time. To cope with these weather issues, farmers managed their cropping calendar by advancing (in June) or delaying (in August) the date of planting KG. The change in temperature and moisture levels are not only determined by climatic parameters but may also lead to a change in the absorption rate of water, fertilizers, and other minerals in soils, which determine yield output 40-42. Therefore, the consideration of both climate and soil type was essential to better predict the species and genetic groups’ distribution. The physical composition of soil such as bulk density of soil in kg / cubic-meter for 22.5 cm depth also had a relevant role in KG and populations distribution. Furthermore, based on variables importance shown by Jackknife measures, soil texture fractions clay and sand in percent, at 10 cm depth accounted for the potential distribution ranges of M. geocarpum and the genetic Pop1 while less for Pop2. Kouelo, et al. 43 reported that the soil texture and preparation (type of tillage) influenced the crop productivity in Benin. Although applying SDM to intraspecific genetic groups allowed the detection of environmental variables, a multidisciplinary approach involving agronomists and biologists would allow a clear understanding of the weight that each of these components may have on crop growth and development.
Niche overlapping
We found important geographic overlap among the projected distributions of the species genetic populations. The clusters did not show strict cluster-specific ecological niches. Our results did not support the view that a given species could be considered as an assemblage of genetic units differing in their spatial distribution 31, 35. Populations of KG are both cultivated in the Northern-Guinean and the Southern-Sudanian zones of Benin, characterized by bimodal (rainfall ≤ 1500mm) and unimodal (rainfall ≤ 1100mm) growing seasons, respectively. However, Pop 2 showed wide cultivable areas rather than Pop1, as it is also grown in the Northern-Sudanian zone, where rainfalls are relatively low (rainfall ≤ 900mm). The null hypothesis was rejected as climatic niches between the two populations were identical and similar (niche identity test p < 0.01 and niche similarity p < 0.05)), suggesting variation in their environmental niches and adaptation to different climate conditions, as previously reported by Wellenreuther, et al. 44 who analyzed the ecological causes of the ranges limits and the coexistence of two congeneric damselflies (Calopteryx splendens and C. virgo). In addition, Maxent’s outputs also revealed that climatic niches of the two genetic populations of M. geocarpum are relatively different in the distribution areas. This finding is in accordance with other studies which reported environmental niche dissimilarity at the intraspecific level 31, 38, 45, 46.
Predicting evolutionary change based on genetic variation
We assumed that KG species will conserve its cultivated areas over space and time. Our results, however, found evidence of variability in the species response to future environmental conditions. This corroborates many other studies which showed the impact of future climatic conditions on crops production, such as cereals, legumes, vegetables 22-24, 47, 48.
We also combined genetic information to ENM to test the hypothesis that genetic divergent groups differ in their adaptive potential to respond to environmental change. The projection under future climatic scenarios RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 indicate that the response of Kersting’s groundnut and genetic groups varied significantly across agroclimatic zones. Our results confirmed the idea that different genetic clusters potentially showed adaptive variation to different abiotic conditions within the geographical range of the species 49. Globally, although Central Benin is presumed to be a centre of origin for the crop, we observed a loss in suitable areas for the species production in the Southern-Sudanian zone of the country. The genetic Pop 1 is the most concerned by the negative impact of environmental evolution as it was generally found in these regions of the country. Similarly, Ikeda, Max, Allan, Lau, Shuster and Whitham 31 tested and demonstrated the hypothesis that species locally adapted to current environments are likely to become maladapted in the future. The same trends were reported on other cereals such as maize, wheat, sorghum, and barley which tend to decrease their area of suitability in their centres of origin 50, 51. In the context of an inevitable agricultural reduction in these agroclimatic zones, the earlier the mitigation actions are taken, the more successful will be the collection and conservation efforts of KG’s resources. On the other hand, severe environmental conditions (RCP8.5) of the Northern-Guinean zone in Southern Benin and Togo remain, even become more favorable to the species cultivation (Pop2). Likewise, the Southern-Sudanian zone of Ghana, Burkina Faso, Togo and Northern Benin, and Northern-Sudanian zone increased in cultivable areas of Pop2. Out of the 361 individuals included in this study, 101 belong to the genetic Pop2, distributed mostly in the Southern-Sudanian zone and counts all the landraces grown - diversity based on seed coat color - 5, 12. Such diversity in this population may explain the adaptive response of the Pop2 to climate variation. This is supported by the conclusion of Vigouroux, et al. 52 who described the evolution and adaptation of pearl millet in West Africa. However, the cultivable area of this genetic Pop2 is predicted to decline in the Southern-Sudanian zone of Central Benin. With regards to these results, significant headway can be made by creating more favorable policy environments. Two strategies proposed by Ramirez-Cabral, Kumar and Taylor 23 can be used to mitigate loss in KG resources and diversity: first, the use of all the resources of Pop2 in regions where the stress of climate conditions become unsuitable for the species production. An example of this is the Southern-Sudanian zone of Central Benin, where the use of KG is more important than other regions. The second option was to address future loss of suitability by shifting Pop1's current cultivation areas to new regions, such as the Northern-Guinean zone of Southern Benin, the southern-Sudanian, and northern-Sudanian zones, where future climatic conditions are projected to become more cultivable for KG.
Conservation implications
Successful management of an endangered species often depends on the accurate identification of current and future cultivable areas. Thus, we combined genetic diversity and ecological niche modeling to understand the evolutionary dynamics in Kersting’s groundnut species across its cultivated regions. Although the predictive models showed that future climatic conditions will be more favorable to KG production, areas of the Southern-Sudanian and Northern-Guinean zones of Benin were identified as climatically unsuitable for the species and genetic groups. Notwithstanding the above results, this approach may provide a valuable tool for genetic resources managers for implementing collection and conservation strategies of this orphan legume, as sustained by Sohn, et al. 53 in their study on the endemic bird in South America. In particular, our suggestion is to focus on the Pop1 with particularly high conservation value. This genetic group is composed mainly of the white landrace mostly preferred, grown, and sold by farmers in Benin 5, 6. However, the local seed system alone will likely be insufficient to adapt the crop production to changing climate. Formal seeds management efforts can improve the decision-making process that would greatly help in the collection and conservation of those populations at higher risk of extinction but also those that may thrive with climate change. In general, African crop genetic resources conservation is unfortunately poorly supported by National Governments, and material from the regions is not fully represented in the important international genebanks which afford the baseline for sustained public breeding efforts 47.
Implications of SDM results for selection for adaptation
Undertaking any global initiatives to overcome food insecurity challenges requires an assessment of staple crop productivity, quality, and environmentally suitable areas under climate change 23. KG is a staple food crop and a source of proteins and nutrients for smallholder farmers in West Africa. In this research, we expected to identify the intraspecific genetic group that would be resilient under future climate scenarios, and which areas are concerned by changes in KG diversity. The model projections indicate that a shift in Kersting’s groundnut productive areas is slightly and likely with a loss of cultivability of the Pop1 cultivation areas and an increase for Pop2 in two agroecologies (Northern-Sudanian and Southern-Sudanian). Although KG is predicted to gain in a suitable area in future environmental changes, its cultivation is, however, decreasing year to year from its cultivated areas 5, 54. Therefore, it will be crucial to adapt M. geocarpum species to the increasingly challenging environmental conditions through the development of new resilient cultivars that meet farmers’ needs. The Pop2 comprises all landraces (diversity) of the species and can serve as a potential source for diversity on which breeding efforts could be based to confer resilience to changing climates and increase sustainability, growth, and yield of genetic Pop1. Advancements in molecular plant breeding would be an importance of paramount to increase the genetic gains and make more accurate the breeding process. In the particular case of KG, currently, available partial GBS data 16, 34 would allow the analyses of intraspecific genetic clusters based on gene network variation for various important phenotypic traits (e.g.: grain yield, yield-related traits, flowering time). This novel approach would provide possibilities to assess the extent to which key functional genes and genetic variation may be threatened under future ecological conditions 55. Plant breeders have widely and successfully implemented genome-wide breeding approach for the development of climate-resilient varieties 56-58, through marker-assisted selection and genomic selection. Another approach is to increase variability within the species, particularly in Pop1, through mutation methods (using physical or chemical mutagens) combined with molecular markers (Targeted Induced Local Lesions in Genomes (TILLING)). Such techniques have been successfully used in breeding of many legume crops to enhance diversity and to develop mutant cultivars 2, 59, 60.