We study a non-Hermitian electronic dimers system based on an imaginary resistor (Z) in a (N+2) level atomic multi-pod configuration. Non-Hermitian systems depend on a gain/loss parameter and are specifically marked by a degeneracy exhibited at an exceptional point (EP) separating different phases of complex modes dynamics. Interestingly, the structural characterization and the dispersive properties reveal a broad range of strong coupling where the interplay between the control and the probe field induce a simultaneous EIT, EIA and ATS. Here, by identifying the underlying physical mechanisms, we show that multiple windows of transparency can be strongly enhanced by the incorporation of several dimers in the multipod network. On the other hand, if the pumping field is resonant in the weak regime, multiple EIT and EIA windows result in the number of dimers. Remarkably, the proposed system embedded a multiple coupling mechanism whose modulation induces a couplingless point whereby the energy cross. At this point EIT and related phenomena vanish.