Salient features of the QTLs collected for meta-analysis
A total of 493 QTLs were available from 58 studies, including 21 studies for STB, 17 for SNB, 12 for FHB, 6 for KB, and only 2 for LS published from 1998 to April 2021 (Online Resource 1, 2), which involved 62 different mapping populations including 20 DH, 39 RIL populations and 3 F2/BC populations (some studies involved more than one populations) ranging in size from 70 to 316 lines that were evaluated each for more than one year.
The total number of QTLs was 493 (184 were associated with FHB, 126 with STB, 103 with SNB, 66 with KB, and only 14 QTLs with LS) (Fig. 1a). These QTLs were unevenly distributed on the 21 wheat chromosomes ranging from 9 QTLs on 5D to 54 on 5B (Fig. 1b) and on three sub-genomes, with 151 on sub-genome A, 232 on sub-genome B, and 110 on sub-genome D (Fig. 1b). The PVE for a single QTL ranged from 0.13 to 94.1 (average of 13.47%), with most of the QTLs showing PVE < 20% (Fig. 1c); the confidence intervals (CIs) ranged from zero to 197.6 cM, with an average of 13.57 cM (Fig. 1d). The QTL data collected in this study has been included in the recently developed WheatQTL database ( (Singh et al. 2021).
Characteristics Of The Consensus Map
The consensus map had 50,355 markers spread over a distance of 9229.87 cM (ranging from 144.41 cM for 3D to 746.98 cM for 5B with an average of 439.52 cM) (Online Resource 3). The overall marker density was 5.45 markers/cM, ranging from 1.79 markers/cM on chromosome 4D to 12.95 markers/cM on chromosome 2A (Online Resource 4). Sub-genome A contained 2,691 markers over a distance of 437.32 cM, sub-genome B carried 3287 markers over a distance of 544.39 cM and had the highest marker density (6.04 markers/cM), and sub-genome D contained 1214 markers over a distance of 336.84 cM and presented the lowest marker density (3.60 markers/cM). Overall, the marker density at the fore-end of chromosomes was considerably higher than that at the end (Fig. 2).
Qtl Projection And Meta-qtl Analysis
Only 291 QTLs of the available 493 QTLs could be projected onto the consensus map; 208 QTLs were grouped into 63 MQTLs (Table 2, S5), leaving 38 singletons (single QTLs), and 45 unassigned to any MQTL (predicted QTL peaks were outside the MQTL CI). The 63 MQTLs were distributed on the different wheat chromosomes (Fig. 3); with a maximum of 7 MQTLs on 5B and a minimum of only one MQTL each on 1D, 2A, 4A, 6D, and 7D. As many as 22 MQTLs (34.92%) were based on 4 or more initial QTLs. The CI of MQTLs ranged from 0.04 to 15.31 cM with an average of 3.09 cM (4.35-fold less than that of initial QTLs) (Fig. 4); 33 out of 63 MQTLs had CI < 2 cM. Moreover, there were substantial differences in average CIs of MQTLs among different chromosomes (Fig. 4). The PVE ranged from 2.24 to 51.23% with a mean of 15.24%; LOD score ranged from 2.93 to 48.44 with an average of 7.42. Only a solitary MQTL (MQTL2B.2) provided resistance to all the 5 diseases; each of ten MQTLs (1A.1, 1B.4, 2A.1, 2B.2, 2D.3, 3B.1, 3B.2, 3B.3, 4A.1, 4B.3, 5B.3) provided resistance to 3–4 diseases; and the remaining provided resistance each for only one disease, although there could be more than one MQTLs for the same disease (for instance, MQTL6A.2 accommodated 4 QTLs for FHB, 4B.4 carried 3 QTLs for LS, and 3A.1 carried 3 QTLs for SNB). The remaining details about MQTLs are available in Table 2.
Table 2
MQTLs associated with multiple disease resistance identified in this study
MQTL (Physical interval, in Mb) | Flanking markers (CI, in cM) | N QTLs (avg. LOD) | Trait (avg. PVE) |
MQTL1A.1 (27.26–27.76) | RAC875_c16820_419/wsnp_Ra_c26191_35761997 (32.98–37.6) | 4 (4.25) | STB, SNB, FHB (5.78) |
MQTL1A.2 (344.69-571.29) | wsnp_Ku_c816_1684354/CAP7_c490_123 (153.25-156.23) | 3 (4.17) | FHB, SNB (10.37) |
MQTL1B.1 (7.83–58.06) | wsnp_RFL_Contig2449_2013497/wsnp_CAP8_c2023_1110474 (2.105–2.915) | 3 (3) | SNB, STB (8.4) |
MQTL1B.2 (58.06–74.29) | wsnp_Ra_c12151_19543036/wsnp_JD_rep_c63201_40318622 (5.665–7.115) | 5 (6.62) | SNB, STB (18.8) |
MQTL1B.3 (646.16-646.18) | CAP7_c199_62/Xabg373 (57.21–57.45) | 2 (5.5) | FHB, SNB (8.65) |
MQTL1B.4 (432.37-563.07) | Kukri_c147_1620/cfa2129b (66.86–68.86) | 4 (8.7) | STB, LS, FHB (12.42) |
MQTL1D.1 (10.26–12.31) | AX-94817725/Excalibur_c55959_710 (48.91–59.28) | 2 (4.08) | STB (17.4) |
MQTL2A.1 (8.35–24.29) | wPt-9793/AX-94570860 (5.67–13.19) | 5 (3.96) | FHB, SNB, STB (7.86) |
MQTL2B.1 (3.78–9.11) | wPt-1634/Xcfd276 (8.12–11.16) | 3 (4.9) | SNB, FHB (4.8) |
MQTL2B.2 (387.83-536.75) | RAC875_rep_c109471_154/Xwmc25 (57.59–58.48) | 6 (6.98) | STB, FHB, STB, LS, SNB (20.8) |
MQTL2B.3 (613.1-788.54) | BS00070900_51/Lr50 (100.3-100.48) | 5 (4.05) | SNB, STB (14.64) |
MQTL2B.4 (698.3-773.15) | wsnp_Ra_c14267_22357509/D_GDS7LZN01D8KK0_75 (124.98-126.72) | 3 (2.93) | FHB, STB (4.8) |
MQTL2D.1 (14.25–14.78) | wsnp_Ex_c7669_13090850/Xbarc90 (16.33–16.59) | 2 (16.25) | SNB (23.5) |
MQTL2D.2 (19.63–24.97) | wsnp_RFL_Contig1945_1118187/1091926 (22.77–24.89) | 2 (5.35) | STB, SNB (7.4) |
MQTL2D.3 (15.58–19.62) | Xfba88/Xfba4 (39.55–39.85) | 3 (5.12) | STB, FHB, SNB (10.43) |
MQTL2D.4 (561.15-574.39) | Xcfd43/wPt-0619 (52.11–52.25) | 6 (10.3) | FHB, SNB (16.16) |
MQTL2D.5 (642.27-648.55) | wsnp_Ra_c4712_8489753/Xfbb72a (123.17-130.83) | 3 (7.8) | FHB (20.63) |
MQTL3A.1 (25.36–60.2) | D_GDEEGVY02FU4W8_119/gwm369 (1.83–2.82) | 3 (3.17) | SNB (7.77) |
MQTL3A.2 (1.38–12.25) | Kukri_c41361_186/BS00048491_51 (44.24–45.8) | 2 (5.65) | FHB (5.02) |
MQTL3B.1 (18.85–29.46) | 3955846/M21/P76.3 (2.22-3) | 5 (8.47) | SNB, FHB, KB, STB (15.57) |
MQTL3B.2 (0.21–7.61) | XksuG53/4989073 (14.79–15.07) | 6 (6.99) | SNB, STB, FHB, KB (17.19) |
MQTL3B.3 (77.72-201.35) | Xgwm566/Xwmc762 (61.18–76.49) | 3 (5.17) | FHB, SNB, STB (9.1) |
MQTL3B.4 (753.69-789.33) | BobWhite_c22016_155/BS00087534_51 (191.66-193.78) | 2 (3.5) | FHB (7.4) |
MQTL3D.1 (448.27-613.12) | IAAV5582/wsnp_Ex_rep_c101732_87042471 (9.94–10.23) | 2 (3) | STB, SNB (8.9) |
MQTL3D.2 (601.92–604.3) | Xgwm183a/CAP12_rep_c3953_177 (14.7-15.47) | 2 (8.85) | STB (26.8) |
MQTL3D.3 (587.21-611.67) | Xwmc418/Xcnl5b (44.64–45.33) | 2 (3.85) | STB, KB (36.5) |
MQTL4A.1 (11.36-737.38) | Excalibur_c56041_728/wsnp_BE403710B_Ta_2_1 (1.08–3.33) | 5 (12.36) | FHB, STB, KB (33.14) |
MQTL4B.1 (24.34–37.55) | AX-95174194/AX-94943082 (34.55–38.36) | 5 (17.57) | FHB, KB (12.93) |
MQTL4B.2 (14.12–16.05) | Xwmc310/GENE-4933_1176 (97.73-100.62) | 2 (7.75) | SNB, STB (10.35) |
MQTL4B.3 (24.55–26.49) | BS00081631_51/Tdurum_contig64772_417 (111.89-115.45) | 4 (14.15) | STB, FHB, SNB (19.15) |
MQTL4B.4 (618.59-621.33) | RAC875_c104178_425/Xbcd402c (141.19-141.35) | 3 (3.19) | LS (2.24) |
MQTL4D.1 (36.45-324.47) | Xcfd71/Xbarc0105 (3.32–7.89) | 2 (6.6) | FHB, STB (11.25) |
MQTL4D.2 (121.19-439.67) | Xbarc288/Kukri_rep_c68594_530 (21.39–27.61) | 3 (24.17) | FHB (37.63) |
MQTL4D.3 (25.99-481.55) | AX-94773648/Xcfd39b (29.55–39.97) | 2 (11.5) | FHB, SNB (12.35) |
MQTL5A.1 (5.99–19.98) | Kukri_c14683_65/RAC875_c53808_1027 (11.48–12.34) | 2 (10.77) | SNB, STB (14.59) |
MQTL5A.2 (132.19-165.68) | wsnp_Ex_c62351_62025537/BF202040-164 (49.1–50.6) | 3 (6.57) | SNB, FHB (8.81) |
MQTL5A.3 (556.68–558.9) | Xwmc150/wPt-3620 (98.10-99.29) | 2 (3.72) | FHB, STB (31.46) |
#MQTL5A.4 | Xmwg522/Xcfa2121 (127.62-127.77) | 4 (4.46) | STB, FHB (9.815) |
MQTL5A.5 (623.48-630.93) | Xbarc232/Xcfa2185 (188.45-189.46) | 3 (3) | FHB, KB (11.67) |
MQTL5B.1 (294.08-402.79) | Xbarc74/IWB73666 (17.23–21.66) | 6 (6.5) | STB, SNB (12.02) |
MQTL5B.2 (436.58-481.54) | BS00023064_51/JG_c2778_160 (45.38–47.71) | 5 (3.6) | KB, STB (12.92) |
MQTL5B.3 (672.95–684) | XP7152-196/AX-110438459 (54.06–55.86) | 3 (4.9) | KB, FHB, STB (12.33) |
MQTL5B.4 (571.2-600.13) | RAC875_c52086_72/Xcfd156 (77.8-81.16) | 2 (4.55) | FHB (15.1) |
MQTL5B.5 (660.76-712.85) | Xgwm272/Xwmc443 (136.29-136.35) | 2 (18.37) | SNB, FHB (21.12) |
#MQTL5B.6 | wPt-3049/TC86533 (166.29–172.70) | 3 (7.42) | SNB, FHB (17.1) |
MQTL5B.7 (480.48–587.6) | Excalibur_c76347_77/BobWhite_c1238_1826 (238.74-238.83) | 4 (5.2) | SNB, FHB (6.16) |
MQTL5D.1 (61.86–75.92) | BobWhite_c1372_133/Ra_c6082_737 (33.5-33.84) | 2 (3.6) | STB, SNB (21.2) |
MQTL5D.2 (123.5-331.4) | Kukri_c444_833/Xcfd78 (40.35–55.66) | 2 (3.7) | FHB, SNB (20) |
MQTL6A.1 (11.25–11.55) | wsnp_Ku_c7471_12865509/wPt-1742 (39.84–40.19) | 3 (4.35) | SNB, STB (42) |
MQTL6A.2 (16.57–25.63) | Ku_c10377_335/Excalibur_c14693_724 (68.12–78.76) | 4 (4.9) | FHB (9.27) |
MQTL6B.1 (18.34–22.12) | RFL_Contig3110_2172/Xgwm1051 (26.06–30.25) | 3 (8.13) | STB, FHB (9.17) |
MQTL6B.2 (36.18–88.71) | wPt-0470/RAC875_rep_c111705_629 (85.34–91.79) | 2 (3.55) | SNB, KB (3.62) |
MQTL6B.3 (227.28-436.46) | wPt-9784/wPt-3060 (121.85-123.71) | 3 (20) | LS, FHB (51.23) |
#MQTL6D.1 | P32/M52-290/XMXE3M8o (90.73-100.63) | 2 (4.8) | STB (7.2) |
MQTL7A.1 (9.19–21.66) | X304060/Xfba17 (0.53–3.43) | 5 (3.2) | STB, FHB (9.12) |
MQTL7A.2 (21.8-33.65) | AX-94785770/Ku_c416_1522 (52.97–53.57) | 7 (7.47) | SNB, FHB (15.51) |
MQTL7A.3 (424.65-596.71) | Xwmc179/Xgbx3480a (77.81–80.80) | 3 (4.8) | FHB, KB (9.03) |
MQTL7A.4 (115.2-311.91) | Lr47/BobWhite_c8796_599 (90.97–91.35) | 4 (3.68) | FHB, SNB (5.38) |
MQTL7B.1 (708.47-744.25) | BG262689-071/4207627|F|0–30:C > G-30:C > G (19.7-19.74) | 2 (48.44) | LS, STB (47.99) |
MQTL7B.2 (232.75-394.11) | wsnp_CAP11_c203_195421/wsnp_RFL_Contig2148_1449634 (28.3-33.16) | 5 (4.34) | FHB, SNB (10.28) |
MQTL7B.3 (613.25-621.92) | Excalibur_c29455_476/wsnp_BF292987B_Td_2_1 (49.36–49.86) | 2 (3) | SNB, STB (11.55) |
MQTL7B.4 (719.08-744.09) | Excalibur_c1070_1978/wPt-0786 (123.03-124.85) | 3 (3.37) | STB, FHB (4.03) |
MQTL7D.1 (532.95-570.65) | Jagger_c1294_346/Xgwm44 (77.42–82.86) | 3 (3.69) | STB, FHB (24.33) |
# Physical intervals of these MQTLs could not be worked out. |
As many as 60 MQTLs (except MQTL5A.4, 5B.6, and 6D.1) were anchored to the physical map of the wheat reference genome (Online Resource 5). The mean physical interval of MQTLs ranged from 0.30 Mb (MQTL6A.1) to 726.01 Mb (MQTL4A.1), with a mean of 74.09 Mb (31 MQTLs had < 20 Mb). The physical intervals of several MQTLs were shown to overlap, for instance, 2B.3 (613.09-788.53 Mb) and 2B.4 (698.3-773.15 Mb); 4B.1 (24.33–37.55 Mb) and 4B.3 (24.55–26.49 Mb).
Validation of MQTLs with GWAS and co-localization with different resistance genes
The physical coordinates of the above 60 MQTLs were compared with MTAs for disease resistance reported in 16 GWAS, earlier conducted in wheat (6 studies for STB, 2 studies for SNB, 3 studies for KB, and 5 studies for FHB; no GWAS for LS). Of the 60 MQTLs, 38 could be validated, each in at least one GWAS, (involving a total of 111 MTAs) (Fig. 3, Online Resource 6), among them, 22, 20, 13, and 5 MQTLs were verified using MTAs associated with FHB, STB, KB, and SNB resistance, respectively (Fig. 5). The number of MTAs for each MQTL also varied, so that as many as 15 MQTLs each matched with at least 3 MTAs identified in 16 GWA studies; of these MQTL4A.1 matched with 23 MTAs, followed by MQTL1B.1 and 1B.7 with 9 and 8 MTAs, respectively. Some of the MQTLs (e.g., MQTL2B.3, 3B.2, and 4A.1) each involving 5 or more initial QTLs matched with more than 4 MTAs (Fig. 5).
Positions of MQTLs were also compared with those of the 50 available known resistance genes (Online Resource 7). MQTLs identified in the present study overlapped 12 resistance genes [including 6 genes for STB (Stb1, TaSSP6, Stb8, Stb11, Stb12, and TaSRTRG6), 5 for FHB (Fhb2, WFhb1-1, Tapgip3, TaNACL-D1, Ta-UGT3), and 1 for KB (Chs-1B)] (Online Resource 7). For instance, MQTL1B.1 overlapped Chs-1B and Stb11, MQTL3B.3 overlapped Tapgip3 and Ta-UGT3 genes and MQTL2B.4 and 1B.4 overlapped two most recently cloned STB resistance genes, TaSSP6 and TaSRTRG6, respectively.
Candidate Genes And Their Gene Ontology (Go) Terms
As many as 874 CGs were available in the genomic regions of 39 selected MQTLs, each based on at least three QTLs and with an average genetic and physical CIs of 2.94 cM and 81.55 Mb, respectively (Online Resource 8). These CGs included 149 genes with unknown functions. On the two extremes, MQTL2A.1 gave a maximum of 81 CGs and MQTL6B.3 gave a solitary CG. Many CGs were detected repeatedly in different MQTL regions, the frequency distributions of these CGs are presented in Fig. 6. The number of genes encoding for nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) domains or R genes per MQTL ranged from zero in several MQTLs to 13 in MQTL6B.1 (Online Resource 8). GO analysis suggested a variety of functions for the CGs including those involved in a variety of biological processes and molecular functions, at least some of them are associated with disease resistance (Online Resource 8).
Differentially Expressed Genes (Degs) In Mqtl Regions
In silico expression analysis was performed for a total of 453 genes detected in 20 most robust and stable MQTLs (those involving at least 4 initial QTLs) (Online Resource 8). The first transcriptomic data-set revealed 82 DEGs with 23 up-regulated genes, 50 down-regulated genes, and 9 genes that were up-regulated under some conditions and down-regulated under others (Tables S8, S9). The number of DEGs ranged from one in MQTL2B.3 to 12 in MQTL2A.1. The second dataset revealed 36 DEGs with 15 genes up-regulated, 12 genes down-regulated, and 9 genes up-regulated under some conditions and down-regulated under others. From this data-set, MQTL2A.1 had the maximum DEGs (9), while no DEG was detected for the following five MQTLs: 1A.1, 2B.3, 4B.1, 7A.4, and 7B.2 (Online Resource 9).
The third data set uncovered 32 DEGs with 10 up-regulated genes, 14 down-regulated genes, and 8 genes that were up-regulated at one time-point and down-regulated in others. Same to the first and second datasets, MQTL2A.1 had the highest number of DEGs (7), while several MQTLs including 2B.3, 4B.1, 5B.7, 7A.2, 7A.4, and 7B.2 had no DEG. The fourth data-set did not provide expression values of the CGs under control conditions, therefore, comparative evaluation (stress versus control) of the expression of the CGs could not be performed. In this case, we considered those CGs as important for the concerned disease that showed at least 2 transcripts per million (TPM) expression. As many as 108 such CGs were discovered. The fifth data-set, revealed a total of 50 DEGs, with 19 up-regulated genes and 31 down-regulated genes. From this data-set also, MQTL2A.1 had the maximum DEGs (11), while no DEG was identified for 1B.4, 2B.3, and 5B.7. A total of 25 genes were observed to be differentially expressed across three or more expression databases used (Online Resource 9).
Overall, 194 DEGs were identified for all the studied MQTLs (except MQTL4A.1) (Online Resource 9); the number of DEGs per MQTL ranged from 1 (MQTL2B.3) to 36 (MQTL2A.1). Further, these DEGs encoded different proteins belonging to the following categories: (i) R-domain containing proteins, (ii) transcription factors like NAC domain, AP2/ERF, SANT/Myb domain, Zinc finger binding domain-containing proteins, etc (iii) different protein kinases, (iv) transporters like SWEET sugar transporter, sugar/inositol transporter, etc., (v) genes involved in oxidation-reduction reactions like cytochrome P450, (vi) genes involved in antioxidative defense, for instance, glutathione S-transferase, (vii) cupin superfamily proteins, for instance, germin like protein, (viii) invertase inhibitors like pectinesterase inhibitor, etc., (ix) glycosyltransferase enzymes, for instance, UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase, and (x) WD40 repeat proteins. Among the DEGs detected, those with functions earlier reported as important for disease resistance were considered the most promising CGs for individual MQTLs. As many as 85 such CGs were available from 18 MQTLs (Table 3); these are listed in Table 3 along with their GO terms.
Table 3
High confidence MQTLs and their CGs that exhibited differential gene expression during the in silico expression analysis
MQTL (Total CGs identified; DEGs) | Important CGs | Functional annotation | Gene ontology term |
MQTL1A.1 (13; 7) | TraesCS1A02G045700 | Glutathione S-transferase | glutathione dehydrogenase activity |
MQTL1A.1 | TraesCS1A02G046300 | NUDIX hydrolase domain | hydrolase activity |
MQTL1A.1 | TraesCS1A02G046400 | PMR5 N-terminal domain | - |
MQTL1A.1 | TraesCS1A02G047000 | P-type ATPase | integral component of membrane |
MQTL1B.2 (13; 4) | TraesCS1B02G081900 | Glycosyl transferase | integral component of membrane |
MQTL1B.2 | TraesCS1B02G082900 | Ankyrin repeat-containing domain | - |
MQTL1B.4 (8; 4) | TraesCS1B02G286300 | Cytochrome P450 | heme binding |
MQTL1B.4 | TraesCS1B02G286600 | G10 protein | nucleus |
MQTL1B.4 | TraesCS1B02G285900 | Zinc finger C2H2-type | nucleic acid binding |
MQTL1B.4 | TraesCS1B02G286500 | Ribosomal protein L12 family | structural constituent of ribosome |
MQTL2A.1 (80; 36) | TraesCS2A02G036100 | Pectinesterase inhibitor domain | enzyme inhibitor activity |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G036300 | Thiolase | transferase activity |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G036500 | Adenylate kinase/UMP-CMP kinase | ATP binding |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G037600 | Serpin family | extracellular space |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G038300-38400 | Glycoside hydrolase | hydrolase activity |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G039300 | Zinc finger, RING-CH-type | integral component of membrane |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G039400 | Glycoside hydrolase | hydrolase activity |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G040000 | NB-ARC | ADP binding |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G040200 | Proteasome component (PCI) domain | cytoplasm |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G040900-41000 | Protein kinase domain | ATP binding |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G041300-41400 | Amidase | amidase activity |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G042400-42500 | NB-ARC | ADP binding |
MQTL2A.1 | TraesCS2A02G043200 | SWEET sugar transporter | integral component of membrane |
MQTL2B.2 (16; 9) | TraesCS2B02G322800 | Glutathione S-transferase | protein binding |
MQTL2B.2 | TraesCS2B02G323500 | NAC domain | nucleus |
MQTL2B.2 | TraesCS2B02G323700 | Protein kinase domain | ATP binding |
MQTL2B.2 | TraesCS2B02G324200 | Glycolipid transfer protein domain | cytoplasm |
MQTL2B.2 | TraesCS2B02G324300 | Zinc finger, CCCH-type | metal ion binding |
MQTL2D.4 (26; 11) | TraesCS2D02G461500 | NSF attachment protein | intracellular protein transport |
MQTL2D.4 | TraesCS2D02G461700 | Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain | protein dimerization activity |
MQTL2D.4 | TraesCS2D02G461000 | Pentatricopeptide repeat | zinc ion binding |
MQTL2D.4 | TraesCS2D02G460100 | Germin | extracellular region |
MQTL2D.4 | TraesCS2D02G462300 | Protein kinase domain | integral component of membrane |
MQTL3B.1 (34; 16) | TraesCS3B02G045900 | CALMODULIN-BINDING PROTEIN60 | calmodulin binding |
MQTL3B.1 | TraesCS3B02G046100 | Fatty acid hydroxylase | integral component of membrane |
MQTL3B.1 | TraesCS3B02G047500 | AAA + ATPase domain | ATP binding |
MQTL3B.1 | TraesCS3B02G049100 | Protein kinase domain | ATP binding |
MQTL3B.2 (53; 22) | TraesCS3B02G005000-5100 | Protein kinase domain | ATP binding |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G005900 | Histone deacetylase interacting domain | cytoplasm |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G006600 | Cytochrome P450 | diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G006700 | O-acyltransferase | integral component of membrane |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G008200 | Pectinesterase inhibitor domain | ATP binding |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G008600 | Protein kinase domain | enzyme inhibitor activity |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G008900 | Pectinesterase inhibitor domain | - |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G009600 | Lysine-rich arabinogalactan protein 19 | serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity |
MQTL3B.2 | TraesCS3B02G009700 | Proteinase inhibitor I13 | - |
MQTL4B.1 (14; 9) | TraesCS4B02G042900 | Zinc finger, RING-type | integral component of membrane |
MQTL4B.1 | TraesCS4B02G043100 | GRAS TF | protein binding |
MQTL4B.1 | TraesCS4B02G043200 | Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain superfamily | calcium ion binding |
MQTL4B.1 | TraesCS4B02G043300 | Phospholipase A2 | plasma membrane |
MQTL4B.3 (40; 24) | TraesCS4B02G032800 | ATP-dependent RNA helicase DEAD-box | - |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G033100-33600 | Germin | extracellular region |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G033700 | Ankyrin repeat | structural constituent of ribosome |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G033900 | Ribosomal protein S21 | structural constituent of ribosome |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G034400 | Ribosomal protein L18 | cytoplasm |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G035100 | Leucine-rich repeat | chloroplast thylakoid membrane |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G035400 | Proteasome | integral component of membrane |
MQTL4B.3 | TraesCS4B02G035500 | CBS domain | integral component of membrane |
MQTL5B.1 (11; 5) | TraesCS5B02G192700 | DnaJ domain | copper ion homeostasis |
MQTL5B.1 | TraesCS5B02G193200 | AP2/ERF domain | carbohydrate metabolic process |
MQTL5B.2 (15; 5) | TraesCS5B02G272600 | Glycoside hydrolase | nucleus |
MQTL5B.2 | TraesCS5B02G272800 | WD40 repeat | - |
MQTL5B.2 | TraesCS5B02G274000 | P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase | ATP binding |
MQTL5B.7 (18; 2) | TraesCS5B02G355100 | Protein kinase domain | nucleus |
MQTL5B.7 | TraesCS5B02G354800 | High mobility group box domain | protein binding |
MQTL6A.2 (29; 8) | TraesCS6A02G039200 | WD40 repeat | nucleus |
MQTL6A.2 | TraesCS6A02G040200-40500 | Histone H2B | DNA binding |
MQTL6A.2 | TraesCS6A02G040900 | F-box domain | nucleic acid binding |
MQTL7A.1 (24; 9) | TraesCS7A02G033500 | Guanine nucleotide binding protein | catalytic activity |
MQTL7A.1 | TraesCS7A02G034300 | Glutathione S-transferase | protein binding |
MQTL7A.1 | TraesCS7A02G034500 | Glutathione S-transferase | protein binding |
MQTL7A.1 | TraesCS7A02G035400 | F-box-like domain superfamily | nucleus |
MQTL7A.1 | TraesCS7A02G036100 | SANT/Myb domain | cytoplasm |
MQTL7A.2 (36; 14) | TraesCS7A02G055400 | Ubiquitin-like domain | transferase activity |
MQTL7A.2 | TraesCS7A02G055800 | UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase | transferase activity |
MQTL7A.2 | TraesCS7A02G056200 | UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase | integral component of peroxisomal membrane |
MQTL7A.2 | TraesCS7A02G056600-56700 | Glutathione S-transferase | integral component of membrane |
MQTL7A.2 | TraesCS7A02G056800 | Protein kinase domain | transferase activity |
MQTL7A.2 | TraesCS7A02G057100 | BTB/POZ domain | DNA-binding TF activity |
MQTL7A.2 | TraesCS7A02G057700-57800 | AP2/ERF domain | DNA-binding TF activity |
MQTL7A.4 (8; 4) | TraesCS7A02G239500 | Transcription factor CBF/NF-Y/archaeal histone domain | integral component of membrane |
MQTL7A.4 | TraesCS7A02G239900 | Nonaspanin | DNA-binding TF activity |
MQTL7B.2 (5; 3) | TraesCS7B02G186900 | AP2/ERF domain | nucleic acid binding |
MQTL7B.2 | TraesCS7B02G187000 | ATP-dependent RNA helicase DEAD-box | metal ion binding |
MQTL7B.2 | TraesCS7B02G187100 | Zinc finger, CCCH-type | |
The expression patterns of all the 194 DEGs across different tissues at different wheat development stages were also analyzed. Column clustering was performed, and consequently, the 194 DEGs were grouped into two classes based on their expression patterns in different tissues. The expression patterns of some selected CGs in different wheat tissues are shown in Fig. 7. Genes in class I showed high expression in the roots and leaves/shoots at vegetative stages when compared to other stages of growth (Fig. 7). Class I included the genes (encoding mainly for protein kinases, glutathione S-transferase, ankyrin repeat-containing domain, G10 protein, Thiolase, Zinc finger, NAC domain, calmodulin-binding protein, and germin-like protein, etc.). Whereas, genes from Class II showed high expression mainly in the spike (including stamen, rachis, stigma, pistil, and ovary, etc.) and grains (including seed coat, endosperm, embryo, and aleurone layer, etc.) (Fig. 7). Following are some examples of class II genes- cytochrome P450, Pectinesterase inhibitors, and SWEET sugar transporter.