Ticks and TBI impact negatively ruminant livestock production worldwide. Therefore, the control and ultimate elimination of T-TBI should be prioritized to minimize their impacts not only on animal health and production but also on long-term human and environmental wellbeing. Large variations in susceptibility to T-TBI points to genome-wide variability underpinning inter-animal variation in both tick infestation and the pathogens they transmit. Here, we generated ovine 600K SNP genotype data, from 170 animals of two breeds of Tunisian indigenous sheep graze natural communal pastures with no history of specific anti-tick prevention measures. The sheep comprised of individuals showing high and low resistance (HR/LR) to tick infestation and piroplasm infection under natural conditions [40]. We analysed the data with four approaches, ROH, LR-GWAS, XP-EHH and FST, to investigate signatures of selection underpinning variation in tick infestation and therefore resistance. As noted recently by [49], we also acknowledge that using naturally infected animals runs the risk of resistant animals being a cocktail of truly highly resistant animals and those that were never exposed to infestations. These factors may dilute the certainty that animals showing high or low resistance to different pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, could in fact be functionally dissimilar [49].
Compared to the HR cohort, LR showed a comparatively higher level of genetic diversity and lower levels of inbreeding, although the differences were not significant (P > 0.05). The differences in the levels of inbreeding in the two cohorts, as determined from FROH and F, were also not significant. The variability in the four genetic groups revealed by PCA and ADMIXTURE was of the same magnitude as that of the two cohorts. Comparable levels of genetic variability have been reported in Egyptian [50], Algerian [51], Tunisian [52] and Russian [53] breeds of sheep.
The PCA and ADMIXTURE provided corroborating evidence suggesting absence of genetic stratification that is consistent with the a priori classification of the study individuals based on their susceptibility/resistance status to tick infestation, geographic sampling regions and breeds. The lack of genetic differentiation based on susceptibility/resistance to tick infestation is not surprising. A similar lack of genetic stratification that corresponds to a priori classification of sheep based on prolificacy [54] or resistance to gastro-intestinal nematodes [49, 55] has been reported. [56] also observed a lack of clear differentiation between sub-populations of dual-purpose black and white and German Holstein cattle. Our result suggests that the animals that were identified to be of high- and low-resistance to ticks are not highly divergent for this phenotype. This can be attributed to various reasons including, weak selection pressure driving differences in tick susceptibility/resistance and thus any favourable alleles are likely to be very rare, low level of tick burden that does not result in detectable genomic differentiation, and absence of farmer-driven preferential use of tick resistant animals for breeding. One or more of these reasons may explain the lack of genetic differentiation between the two cohorts. The lack of genetic differentiation corresponding to breeds and sampling regions was not unexpected. Past and recent human-mediated translocations and dispersal of the two breeds across Tunisia has brought the two breeds in close geographic proximity [57] and is resulting in cross-mating that is homogenizing their genomes. A similar finding was reported by [52]. The fact that the genomes of the B and Q breeds could not be differentiated by ADMIXTURE in each cluster provides evidence at the genome level that supports past and on-going uncontrolled mating of the fat-tailed Barbarine with thin-tailed breeds to reduce the fat content, especially of the tail, in the Barbarine carcass [58].
Linkage disequilibrium was estimated for all marker pairs using the metric r2 plotted as a function of increasing genomic distance. The overall pattern of decay in LD is the same for all the classes of datasets analysed. It reveals higher LD at shorter distances which declines rapidly and plateaus off at around 200 Kb. This differs from what has been observed in commercial breeds whose LD plateaus off at around 150 Kb [59] and is most likely the result of differences in breeding history. Specifically, the study populations comprise a broad genetic base while that of commercial breeds has been narrowed down by bottlenecks associated with breed formation and stringent artificial selection for traits of economic importance. Both the HR and LR cohorts showed identical patterns of LD decay over increasing genomic physical distances, and in the trend in NE over the past 1,000 generations. Although the two cohorts showed differences in the prevalence of tick infestation [40], this result suggests that they share aspects of their past and recent population demographic, genetic and breeding history. This may be the case as their genomes show no genetic differentiation that is commensurate with their a priori classification based on tick susceptibility/resistance. We also assessed the demographic profiles of the four genetic groups that underly the genome architecture of the study individuals as revealed by PCA and ADMIXTURE. The G2, G3 and G4 genetic groups had the highest r2 values (r2 > 0.15) and thus highest LD over short genomic distances and a decay curve with persistently elevated values compared to G1, HR and LR cohorts. A similar pattern was observed in the primitive Soay sheep [59] and was attributed to its small effective population size due to its genetic isolation in Scotland’s St. Kilda Island. Indeed, G2, G3 and G4 show the lowest NE which declines gradually over all generations. The possible reason(s) for the observed decline in NE in these three groups remains unknown and is worth further investigation. In contrast, LD was lower (r2 < 0.15) in HR, LR and G1 across all genomic distance intervals and they also showed the highest NE sizes over all generations. A similar pattern and magnitude of LD was reported in the Iranian Qezel sheep and was attributed to high genetic diversity in the breed [59]. This explanation may not suffice to explain our results as there was no significant differences in the level of genetic diversity across the different classes of datasets that we analysed. Despite being unexplained, we postulate that the low LD and high NE in HR, LR and G1, and similar magnitude of genetic diversity is unlikely to reflect any biological phenomenon.
In line with what we observe in our study, the analysis of SNP arrays shows that LD decays faster and at much shorter genomic distances in sheep [59, 60]. While LD estimates are not comparable between studies due to differences in sample sizes, number and type of markers used, it is evident that sheep are characterized by lower LD than other domestic animals. For instance, the extent of LD in various cattle breeds [61] is greater than that found in our study. [62] reported higher r2 values of between 0.19 and 0.26 in four pig breeds. This observation may be the result of less intensive selection in sheep for traits of economic importance and that the species is derived from a larger initial gene pool compared to other domestic animals [63]. Indeed, multiple male and female lineages and introgression from wild relatives have been implicated to constitute the modern-day diversity of domestic sheep [64–66].
Since millennia, ticks have parasitized animals for a blood-meal to the extent of developing, through co-evolution, a sophisticated armoury that guarantees their biological success. Here, to explore genomic signatures associated with individual variation in tick infestation and thus host resistance to ticks, we segregated the study individuals into two extreme groups comprising animals showing high- and low-resistance (HR/LR) to tick infestations. The HR group comprised individuals showing neither tick infestation nor piroplasm infection, and the LR group included animals that were infested by ticks and infected by piroplasms. The differences in tick infestation/resistance phenotype between the two groups was significant [40] and their comparison was used to maximize the likelihood of identifying biologically meaningful and statistically significant results. We therefore performed a comparative analysis with ROH, LR-GWAS, XP-EHH and FST approaches to detect selection signatures and SNPs that are likely associated with variation and thus resistance to tick infestation.
The four analytical approaches revealed 45 candidate regions, that overlapped between at least two approaches, which spanned 104 annotated genes. We observed a selection signature on OAR21 that was identified by LR-GWAS and FST which spanned nine genes including STX5 (Syntaxin-5). The ROH analysis showed that this region was specific to the HR cohort and it was the most significant in differentiating the HR from the LR cohort in the FST analysis. In a study of Belmont Red cattle, STX5 was amongst 11 out of 14 genes that showed a significant increase in its expression levels in the skin of animals that were highly resistant (HR) to ticks at time zero post infestation compared to animals of low resistance (LR) [67]. The expression level was more pronounced in 3-hour skin samples, suggesting a response to tick attachment and this could contribute to host innate immunity and to a higher resistance to ticks. STX5 regulates the endoplasmic reticulum channel-release properties of polycystin-2, a member of the transient receptor potential cation channel family that can function as an intracellular calcium (Ca2+) release channel [68]. Based on the increased expression levels of the 11 out of 14 genes they tested, most of which are Ca2+ dependent genes, [67] suggested that the high mRNA transcription levels of Ca2+ signaling genes in skin of HR animals accounts for their greater resistance to ticks. Thus, previous tick exposure may prime animals that exhibit the HR phenotype to resist further infestations via increased expression of Ca2+ signaling genes. Based on these results, we suggest that the STX5 could be the prime candidate gene driving tick resistance in sheep.
Environmental changes can exert either positive or negative effects on thermoregulation mechanisms that could influence tick burdens [69]. It has been observed that tick burdens in cattle might be correlated with traits that influence thermal comfort [70]. For instance, traits such as skin thickness, hair density and skin secretions (quantity and quality) could influence tick resistance in domestic livestock and might also influence thermal comfort since they affect the ability of the animal to dissipate heat [71]. Observations in Colombian cattle showed that high temperature humidity index (THI) values were associated with lower tick burdens and a higher tick infestation would be expected when animals experience higher thermal discomfort [70]. These findings are of relevance in our study because one of our candidate regions found on OAR18 that was revealed by LR-GWAS and XP-EHH, spanned STXBP6 (Syntaxin Binding Protein 6) and another candidate region on OAR1, that was revealed by LR-GWAS, XP-EHH and FST, spanned SLCO2A1 (OATP2A1). Both genes were closest to the most significant SNP as revealed by LR-GWAS. STXBP6 was one of the genes found to be upregulated in the testes of roosters exposed to acute heat stress [72]. Transcripts of STXBP6 were also found to be among eight other genes that were correlated with the modified Rodnan skin thickness score and forced vital capacity in humans suffering from scleroderma and systemic sclerosis [73], a condition that is characterized by thickening and hardening of the skin. One of the physical barriers that can confer resistance to tick infestation(s) include skin thickness, with animals with thin skins having significantly lower tick burdens [67, 74, 75]. Furthermore, except for birds and canids, thin skins allow animals to dissipate more heat through sweating and evaporative cooling when ambient temperatures are above the thermoneutral zones [69], and at the same time, it decreases tick attachment rate to the host’s skin. SLCO2A1, a prostaglandin transporter, maintains an increased interstitial concentration of PGE2, a major chemical mediator of febrile response, in the hypothalamus which plays a key role in thermoregulation [76]. The function of these genes is most likely complemented by the GNE, the gene closest to the top-most SNP as identified by LR-GWAS on a candidate region on OAR2, that likely plays a role in adaptation to climate-mediated selective pressures in sheep [77, 78]. Taken together, and the fact that Tunisia is a relatively hot country with annual average temperature of 29 oC (range 5.7 oC-37.1 oC; www.climate-data.org), this information leads us to hypothesize that the STXBP6 could have a potential pleiotropic effect on skin thickness and thermoregulation in sheep that enhances tick and heat stress tolerance. SLCO2A1 on the other hand, can enhance tick resistance by regulating fever during infestation with ticks and infections by TBI as well as in thermoregulation. However, these hypotheses need to be validated with more data on appropriate phenotypes such as skin characteristics.
Birth weight is the earliest available body weight trait with considerable impact on lamb survivability and growth performance traits [79]. Our analysis revealed a candidate region on OAR1 that was identified by LR-GWAS, XP-EHH and FST that spanned among others the RAB6B and TF genes. This region was observed, following genome-wide association analysis, to be significantly associated with birth weight in sheep and could be considered potential candidates for the trait [80, 81]. Growth is essentially associated with bone development and it was found that STXBP6 had potential pleiotropic effect on bone tissue and fecundity traits in chickens [82] and was found to be in a region under selection in broilers [83] and layers [84] suggesting that STXBP6 may influence body weight. In several cases, T-TBI can destabilize host growth and development. To counter against this destabilization, we suggest that natural selection may be acting on the regions spanning RAB6B, TF and STXBP6 to ensure growth and development stability early in life as an adaptive strategy that ensures survival in the context of high T-TBI challenge.
The differentiation of the study individuals into four genetic groups independent of tick infestation status, geographic sampling and breed was surprising. It was also surprising that the G1 group was characterized by a different pattern of LD decay and the trend in NE compared to G2, G3 and G4, implicating a different genetic and demographic history and/or profile for G1. To gain further insights into the genetic differentiation between these four genetic groups, we performed selection signature analysis with XP-EHH and FST approaches. These two analyses revealed several candidate regions spanning a number of putative genes showing differentiation between the four genetic groups. However, based on the functions of the genes, we are unable to suggest the exact genetic mechanisms that are driving the differentiation of the four genetic groups given that the identified candidate genes are associated with multiple functions some of which overlap. The lack of phenotypic data, such as production, reproduction, adaptation and physical traits, that describe the individuals of the four genetic groups makes it difficult to interpret our findings. We therefore suggest that there could be some underlying but yet unknown factors that are driving the genome divergence of the study populations. To determine these factors, more data as well as sampling of other breeds found in Tunisia and neighbouring countries will be required.