Study animals and substrates
Stomoxys calcitrans flies were obtained from a single culture established for approximately one year at the Duduville campus of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Nairobi, Kenya (1° 13' 12'' S, 36° 52' 48'' E; ≈ 1600 m above sea level). Prior to the experiment, gravid females of S. calcitrans from the established colony were exposed to rabbit dung (fermented in a plastic bag for 1 week) placed in plastic containers (21.5×14.5×7.4 cm) for oviposition. Rabbit dung were collected from the icipe rabbit breeding unit. After exposure for 24 hrs we transferred these containers to another cage (75×60×45 cm), and we monitored the development of the larval and pupal stages until adult emergence. Emerged flies were fed twice per day (0800 and 1600 hours) on defibrinated bovine blood obtained from a local abattoir (Farmers choice slaughterhouse, Kahawa west, Nairobi (1°11'10.0"S, 36°54'38.3"E)) poured on moistened cotton. Larvae of M. domestica were from a culture established from wild individuals captured from Kapiti Plain in Machakos County, Kenya (1°37'60"S, 37°0'0"E), using Vavoua traps [30]. They were reared on rabbit dung as previously described, but adults were fed on rotten banana, orange and watermelon. Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Fig. 5Ai) were harvested directly from unsterilized rabbit dung collected at the icipe rabbit breeding unit. We identified this mite following the morphological characteristics described by Özbek et al. [31] and Kamaruzaman et al. [32]. Insect rearing and experiments were done in a laboratory under buffered conditions of 25±5oC and 65±5% relative humidity. The photoperiod was 12L:12D unless otherwise stated.
Oviposition in the presence of conspecific and heterospecific larvae
We performed multiple-choice oviposition bioassays in cages (75×60×45 cm). In each cage, we allowed 20 gravid female S. calcitrans to oviposit on four types of substrate presented simultaneously: (1) rabbit dung, (2) rabbit dung with ten S. calcitrans third instar larvae, (3) rabbit dung with ten M. domestica third instar larvae, and (4) rabbit dung with ten S. calcitrans and ten M. domestica third instar larvae. For each replicate, we counted the number of eggs laid on each treatment 24 hrs after setting-up the bioassay. During all experiments performed in the laboratory, we used 50 g of rabbit dung, introduced in transparent 200 ml plastic cups. The high walls of these cups prevented escape of larvae from the dung. These bioassays were replicated ten times.
Oviposition in response to abundance of conspecific and heterospecific larvae
In the previous bioassay, we found that gravid female S. calcitrans avoided laying eggs on a substrate containing conspecific larvae (Fig. 1A). Here, we aimed to establish whether avoidance of conspecifics was dependent on the number of individuals present on a substrate. We performed a density-dependent response oviposition bioassay where we exposed 20 gravid female S. calcitrans to five rabbit dung substrates (as described previously) containing an increasing number (0, 10, 20, 30 and 40) of conspecific third instar larvae. We found that female S. calcitrans avoided all the substrates with conspecific larvae (Fig. 1Bi). Afterwards, we assessed whether visual or chemical cues mediated conspecific avoidance. To do so, we followed the protocol developed by Yang and Shiao [33] in two blow flies, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricus) and Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart). This involved two-choice bioassays in darkness (0L: 24D photocycle) performed in a different climate room to the one where the culture was held so that the diurnal rhythm of the culture was not affected. In a cage (34×34×34 cm) containing ten gravid female S. calcitrans, we introduced two treatments: (1) rabbit dung and (2) rabbit dung+40 third instar S. calcitrans larvae. We found that gravid female S. calcitrans significantly avoided the substrate containing conspecific larvae (Fig. 1Bii). We also assessed whether gravid female S. calcitrans could avoid a substrate already used by conspecific larvae. In a two-choice bioassay, we allowed gravid female S. calcitrans to choose between used (where 40 S. calcitrans eggs were reared until the pupae stage and removed) and unused substrates (one-week fermented rabbit dung). Each bioassay described above was performed for 24 hrs after which we counted the number of eggs laid on each substrate treatment. Each bioassay was replicated ten times.
The same series of experiments was then performed using M. domestica larvae. In the multiple-choice oviposition bioassay, we found that gravid females of S. calcitrans laid the number of eggs laid on the control substrate and the substrate with larvae of M. domestica did not differ significantly (Fig. 1 A). We therefore sought to elucidate whether this behaviour could change if the number of M. domestica larvae on the substrate increased, and to assess the role of visual or chemical cues in observed oviposition patterns using the same protocol as described for S. calcitrans.
Oviposition in the presence of parasites
To evaluate how oviposition by S. calcitrans is affected by the presence of parasites in dung, we performed two-choice bioassays. Ten gravid female S. calcitrans were introduced to a cage (34×34×34 cm) containing a rabbit dung control and rabbit dung supplemented with 50 adults of the mite Macrocheles muscaedomesticae. We counted the number of eggs laid on each substrate after 24 hrs and we replicated the experiment 10 times. We found that S. calcitrans gravid females laid fewer eggs on the substrate with mites (Fig. 2A). To find out if this behaviour was driven by visual or olfactory cues, we repeated the two-choice bioassays in darkness as described previously. Ten replicates of these bioassays were performed:
Costs of developing on a substrate with conspecific and heterospecific larvae
Danchin and Wagner [34] postulated that individuals developing in groups would pay a fitness cost due to increased competition for limited resources. Therefore, we hypothesised that S. calcitrans offspring developing with conspecific or heterospecific larvae at high density would exhibit poor development. To assess the effect of intraspecific competition on S. calcitrans, we reared first instar larvae in groups of 5, 15 and 25 in plastic cups filled with 50 g of rabbit dung. Daily, we monitored the development of these larvae until adult emergence by recording the following parameters: (1) emergence time (from first instar larvae to adult emergence), (2) larval weight (weighed at 4, 7 and 10 days after the beginning of the experiment), (3) pupation percentage (equivalent to larval mortality), (4) pupal weight, (5) emergence percentage (equivalent to pupal mortality), and (6) adult weight. We replicated each treatment ten times. For the larvalw weight parameter, we individually weighed all the larvae present on each density treatment across times.
To test the fitness consequences for S. calcitrans developing in the presence of interspecific competition, we combined 10 first instar larvae of S. calcitrans with an incremental number of first instar M. domestica larvae as follows: 10:0, 10:10, 10:20, 10:30, 10:40. Each combination was introduced to 50 g of rabbit dung and replicated ten times. Here, we also monitored the development of S. calcitrans larvae until adult emergence by recording the same six fitness parameters listed previously. Owing to our inability to differentiate S. calcitrans larvae from M. domestica larvae on day 4 and 7, we weighed S. calcitrans larvae only on day 10. On day 10, S. calcitrans larvae were smaller, with translucent bodies, in comparison with M. domestica larvae, which were larger and pale white to yellow in colour.
Cost of developing in a substrate with parasites
We hypothesised that if S. calcitrans eggs, larvae, or pupae were transferred to a substrate hosting the mite M. muscaedomesticae, egg hatchability, larval mortality and adult survival in S. calcitrans would be affected. We introduced ten eggs of S. calcitrans in transparent plastic cups of 200 ml prior containing 50 g of rabbit dung infested with 50 adult mites of M. muscaedomesticae. As a control, we transferred ten eggs of S. calcitrans to rabbit dung without mites. Three days after, we determined the number of eggs that hatched by counting the number of larvae (L1 stage) found on each substrate treatment. To assess the effect of mite infestation on S. calcitrans larval survival, we introduced 10 L1 larvae of S. calcitrans to rabbit dung hosting mites as previously described. For the control treatment, we also reared 10 L1 larvae on substrates without mites. In both treatments, we counted the number of dead larvae and the number of pupae. To determine adult survival, we transferred S. calcitrans pupae on rabbit dung infested with mites to initiate parasitation during adult emergence. After emergence, we collected ten individuals of S. calcitrans loaded with at least five mites on the abdomen, and we transferred them to another cage (20×15×14.5 cm). As a control, we used ten new emerged healthy flies (without mites). For eight days, we supplied flies of each treatment (infested and non-infested) with defibrinated bovine blood daily and counted the number of dead individuals. We replicated the bioassay assessing egg hatchability and the larvae survival ten times, whereas we replicated the bioassay testing adult survival five times.
Data analysis
All analyses were performed using the R environment for statisitcal computing (version 3.5.1) [35]. The number of eggs laid in the presence of conspecific and heterospecific larvae, and with increasing abundance of S. calcitrans or M. domestica larvae, were not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test: p<0.05). For this reason, we used Kruskal-Wallis tests to compare oviposition among presented substrates, followed by Dunn’s post hoc tests to identify homogenous subsets. Eggs laid under dark conditions, and with used or unused substrates were also not normally distributed. To compare oviposition under these conditions, we used the paired Mann-Wilcoxon test. Number of eggs laid by S. calcitrans in the presence or absence of the mite M. muscaedomesticae were normally distributed, whether tested in the light or dark. To analyse these data, we used paired t-tests.
In our experiment assessing the effects of intraspecific competition on fitness parameters of S. calcitrans, emergence time and pupal weight data were not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test: p<0.05). Due to this we used Kruskal-Wallis tests followed by Dunn’s post hoc tests to see how emergence time and pupal weight varied across the tested larval densities. For the larval weight, except weight recorded at day 7, which was not normally distributed (we used the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post hoc test for analysis), data from larval weight recorded on days 3 and 10 followed a normal distribution (Shapiro-Wilk test: p>0.05). Consequently, we ran analyses of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett-Tukey-Kramer (DTK) post hoc multiple comparisons tests (due to the inequality of the samples size) using the R library ‘DTK’ [36]. We also used ANOVA followed by DTK post hoc tests to compare adult weight across the different larval densities owing to their normal distribution. Due to the binary nature of pupation (pupated vs non-pupated)and adult emergence (emerged vs non-emerged), we used generalised linear models (GLM) with binomial distribution to test whether these variable were affected by larval density [37]. We established the significance of the model using analysis of deviance (chi-squared) tests. Using the “emmeans” R package [38], we ran Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests to identify homogenous subsets in pupation and adult emergence among the larval densities.
In the bioassay testing the effect of interspecific competition on S. calcitrans fitness parameters,
emergence time and pupal weight data were not normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test: p<0.05), so we ran Kruskal-Wallis tests followed by Dunn’s post hoc tests to see which M. domestica larval densities differed from each other. Larval and pupal weight data were normally distributed (Shapiro-Wilk test: p>0.05), so we ran ANOVA tests followed by DTK post hoc tests. We used a generalised linear model (GLM) with binomial distribution and the analysis of deviance test (With Chi-square test) followed by the Tukey’s multiple comparisons tests to determine how pupation and the percentage emergence varied across the different larval densities.
For the bioassay aiming to assess the effect of mite infestation on egg hatchability and larval survival of S. calcitrans data were binary (hatched vs unhatched). For this reason, we used a generalised linear model (GLM) with binomial distribution and an analysis of deviance (chi-squared) test. To compare survivorship of adult flies with mites and without mites, we performed Kaplan–Meier survival analysis with the Mantel-Cox log-rank chi-squared test using the R package “survival” [39].