3.1 Characterization of raw materials
The FTIR spectra of the raw laterite and calcined laterites are presented in Fig. 1 in the range 4000 cm− 1 − 300 cm− 1. The FTIR spectra are made up of bands related to hydroxyl groups (4000 cm− 1 − 3500 cm− 1) and Si-O-Al bonds (1100 cm− 1- 950 cm− 1) which are the characteristic peaks of the clayey minerals. The bands located at 1009 cm− 1, 1032 cm− 1 and 1116 cm− 1 are relative to the Si-O-Al and Si-O-Fe type bonds characteristic of the presence of the kaolinite and goethite phases contained in this laterite [2, 25]. The absorption bands located at 910 cm− 1 and 936 cm− 1 are related to the Al-OH type bonds [16]. Furthermore, the OH hydroxyl bands (between 3693 cm− 1 and 3620 cm− 1) are characteristic of kaolinite [2, 16, 26]. The same is true for quartz with the doublet whose positions are respectively located at 789 cm− 1 and 745 cm− 1 [27].
The infrared spectra of the calcined laterites show a disappearance of the characteristic bands of kaolinite, such as OH hydroxyl bonds between 3693 cm− 1 and 3620 cm− 1 and Si-O-Al (750 cm− 1) and Al-OH (910 cm− 1 and 936 cm− 1) type bonds compared to the spectra of uncalcined laterite (LA). This disappearance is likely due to the dehydroxylation of kaolinite mineral into amorphous metakaolin after heating from 550°C to 750°C, this was further confirmed by the XRD analysis (Fig. 2).
The absorption bands appearing at the interval of 789 cm− 1 − 745 cm− 1 show the persistence of illite and quartz respectively [28]. The characteristic bands of the Si-O-Si links located respectively at 1009 cm− 1 and 1032 cm− 1 in a Q2 and Q3 configuration seem to transform into a single wider band located around 1116 cm− 1 characteristic of Q4 type silicon sites. This correlates with the formation of amorphous metakaolinite which results in the transition from the Q3 tetrahedral environment of silicon to a Q4 type environment corresponding to sites characteristic of silica [27, 29]. The change in the Si-O band and the disappearance of the Si-O-Al band suggest a distortion of the tetrahedral-octahedral layers and therefore suggests some amorphization within the material.
With the exception of the kaolinite mineral, the rest of the mineral phases were present in calcined laterites. In addition, increasing the calcination temperature from 25°C to 750°C in the present study increases the formation of amorphous phase content requires for the geopolymer synthesis as reported by others on different clays used as solid precursors [20, 27]. The presence of halo between 15° and 30° 2Theta range indicates the formation of amorphous phase after calcination which has been identified by other researchers [28, 30, 31].
The reactivity of the calcined lateritic clays in 8 M and 10 M of NaOH is presented in Fig. 4. It can be observed from Fig. 4 that the dissolution of the calcined precursors was improved by increasing the molarity of NaOH solution from 8 M to 10 M as well as increasing the calcination temperature from 550°C to 750°C. It can also be noted that the chemical composition is made up of mostly Al and Si (as major) and Fe (as minor) oxides. In 8 M of NaOH (Fig. 4a) the values Al, Si and Fe were 12, 18, 2; 18, 22, 3; 23,28,4; 39, 42, 5; 42, 45, 5, respectively for LAC550, LAC600, LAC650, LAC700 and LAC750 samples. When applied 10 M of NaOH, it is noticed an increase in solubility and the values were 14, 18, 2; 26, 28, 3; 30, 32, 5; 44, 42, 5; 46, 45, 5, respectively (Fig. 4b). This increase quite matching with previous works that showed increasing the molarity of activator yielded higher dissolution of the precursor. Hence, increasing the calcination temperature as well as the molarity of alkaline would expect to increase the amorphous content and favours the high dissolution of the reactive phase when activated with an activator.
3.2 Characterization of geopolymer binders
3.2.1 Setting time
The initial and final setting times of the geopolymer binders in 8 M and 10 M NaOH solution are presented in Fig. 5. It is evident from the results that increasing the calcination temperature resulted in a decrease in the setting times regardless of the composition of the activator. The final setting time of geopolymer binder made with 10 M NaOH reduced by 12.2%, 23.9%, 34.1% and 43.5% when the calcination temperature was increased from 550°C to 600°C, 650°C, 700°C and 750°C, respectively. The reduction in the set times with higher calcination temperature can be associated with increased solubility and reactivity of the laterites (Fig. 4). This observation corresponds with other studies where increasing the calcination temperature of halloysite and kaolinite was found to increase the reactive or amorphous phase within these materials resulting in lower setting times [7, 35].
Similarly, increasing the concentration of the NaOH from 8 M to 10 M resulted in a decrease in the setting times. The initial setting time of geopolymer binder synthesized with laterite calcined at 550°C, 600°C, 650°C, 700°C and 750°C reduced by 10.4%, 17.8%, 18.1%, 15.6%, and 14.1% when the concentration of NaOH was increased from 8 M to 10 M. This reduction in the setting times can be ascribed to the higher dissolution of the monomers in the precursors with a higher concentration of the NaOH. Increasing the NaOH concentration would result in an increase in the Na2O content in the whole system yielding better dissolution and higher polycondensation between Al and Si oligomers [33, 36]. Hence, increasing the calcination temperature of laterite soils in this current study improved the reactivity of the laterite and increasing the NaOH concentration yielded higher dissolution of the monomers in the precursors.
ASTM C 150 [37] requires Portland cement to have an initial setting time equals to or greater than 45 minutes and a final setting time less than or equal to 375 minutes. Observing the setting times of the geopolymer binders evaluated in this study (Fig. 5), it can be observed that initial setting times ranged between 110 minutes to 183 minutes and the final setting times ranged between 191 minutes to 255 minutes. Thus, these binders satisfy the Portland cement setting time requirements and can be used for applications where Portland cement is used as the binder provided other requirements are met.
3.2.2 FTIR spectra
The infrared spectra of the consolidated calcined laterite based geopolymers binders are presented in Fig. 6. The lower absorption bands ranged between 3693 cm− 1 and 3694 cm− 1 on geopolymer GP550 and GP600 are linked to vibrational modes of O-H bonds belonging to residual kaolinite mineral. These vibrational modes are due to the total dehydroxylation at 550°C and 600°C which was observed previously by the FTIR and XRD analyses of calcined laterite powders (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The large bands ranged between 3374 cm− 1 − 3396 cm− 1 and 3363 cm− 1 − 3394 cm− 1 and the lower ones located 1640 cm− 1 − 1645 cm− 1 and 1640 cm− 1 − 1647 cm− 1 can be attributed to the stretching vibration of O-H of water molecules [26, 38].
By comparing the infrared spectra of calcined laterites (Fig. 1) and those of the geopolymer binders (Fig. 6), it can be observed that the important absorption bands are located at 1025 cm− 1, 1040 cm− 1, 1060 cm− 1, 1063 cm− 1 and 1064 cm− 1 for LAC550, LAC600, LAC650, LAC700 and LAC750, respectively. These absorption bands infrared showed that the vibrational modes of Si-O-Al bonds after geopolymerization reaction has occurred shifted to lower wavenumbers of 1001 cm− 1, 1005 cm− 1, 989 cm− 1, 995 cm− 1 and 997 cm− 1 for GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750, respectively made with 8 M NaOH. For geopolymer binders synthesized with 10 M NaOH, the absorption bands shifted to 1003 cm− 1, 1005 cm− 1, 992 cm− 1, 988 cm− 1 and 987 cm− 1 for GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750, respectively.
The displacement of the bands through the geopolymer reaction justifies the formation of the newly formed amorphous phase as previously reported by other studies where different aluminosilicate precursors are used [3, 17, 39]. The bands located at 864 cm− 1, 867 cm− 1, 868 cm− 1 and 909 cm− 1 in Fig. 6a and those located at 858 cm− 1, 862 cm− 1, 872 cm− 1, 909 cm− 1 and 910 cm− 1 in Fig. 6b can be linked to the vibrational modes of Al-O-Si, Si-O, Fe-O and Si-O-Al(Fe) bonds [40].
3.2.3 XRD analysis
The X-ray patterns of the geopolymer binders evaluated are presented in Fig. 7. It can be observed from Fig. 7 that the reflection peaks of some mineral phases like quartz (Q SiO2, PDF# 00-046-1045), anatase (TiO2, PDF# 00-021-1272) and hematite (α-Fe2O3, PDF # 04-003-2900) detected on the X-ray diffractions of calcined laterites (Fig. 2) remained after the geopolymer reaction. This implies that these mineral phases were not involved nor alter during the geopolymerization reaction. These observations correspond to that of other studies where it was observed that the mineralogical phases within the solid precursor for the geopolymer synthesis were not totally involved in the geopolymerization reaction [31, 41]. The presence of these mineralogical phases in the geopolymer matrix could be useful when these phases act as micro aggregates within the matrix.
The hump describing the formed amorphous phase after calcination of laterite appearing between 15 and 30° (2Theta) (Fig. 2) when activated with the alkaline solution shifted to 20 and 40° (2 Theta) (Fig. 7). This displacement confirms that the geopolymerization reaction has taken place and the newly formed phases belonging to the geopolymer network [42]. The presence of kaolinite mineral in X-ray patterns of GP550 and GP600 (Fig. 2) also seen in LAC550 and LAC600 (Fig. 7) indicates that the calcination temperature of clayey laterites at both temperatures does not totally covert the kaolinite into reactive metakaolin. Thus, the use of calcination temperature higher than 600°C is recommended for the total conversion of the kaolinite in the raw laterite to reactive metakaolin.
3.2.4 Mechanical properties
The compressive and flexural strength of the geopolymer binders at various ages is presented in Figs. 8 and Fig. 9, respectively. It is evident from Fig. 8 and Fig. 9 that the mechanical properties of the geopolymer binders increased with age regardless of the calcination of the laterite and concentration of NaOH utilized. The compressive strengths of geopolymer binders (Fig. 8) synthesized with 8 M NaOH are 19.2 MPa, 21.3 MPa, 25.5 MPa, 27.6 MPa and 33.80 MPa at 7 days for GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750, respectively. At 28 days, the compressive strength of GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750 made with 8 M NaOH increased to 29.3 MPa, 35.8 MPa, 50.4 MPa, 56.9 MPa, and 64.6 MPa, respectively. Similarly, the flexural strength at 28 days of GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750 made with 8 M NaOH increased by 1.5 MPa, 2.1 MPa, 3.7 MPa, 4.3 MPa, 5.5 MPa, respectively compared to the flexural strength at 7 days (Fig. 9). These results indicate the progression of the geopolymerization reaction with age resulting in the formation of additional products resulting in strength gain.
It is evident from these results (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9) that increasing the calcination temperature and concentration of the NaOH increased the mechanical performance of the geopolymer binders. The 28 days compressive strength of geopolymer synthesized with 8 M NaOH alongside laterite calcined at 600°C, 650°C, 700°C and 750°C is 6.5 MPa, 21.1 MPa 27.6 MPa and 35.3 MPa higher than that made with laterite calcined at 550°C. This behaviour can be linked to higher calcination temperature resulting in higher reactivity of the laterites. These results are in agreement with that of Wang et al. [43] where increasing the calcination temperature from 800°C to 900°C for kaolin was found to increase the resulting compressive and flexural strength of the resulting geopolymer by 23.4 MPa and 38 MPa, respectively.
The 28 days compressive strength of geopolymer made with 8M NaOH and laterite calcined at 750°C (LAC750) was further increased by 30.9% when the concentration of the NaOH was increased to 10 M. Similarly, the 28 days flexural strength of geopolymer synthesized with 8M NaOH and LAC750 was increased by 28.1% when 10 M NaOH was used. The increase in the mechanical performance of the geopolymer binders with a higher concentration of NaOH can be associated with a higher content of Na2O in the pore solution resulting in the higher dissolution of the monomers and a corresponding formation of a higher amount of geopolymer products. These results are in agreement with that of Hanjitsuwan et al. [44] where increasing the NaOH concentration between 8 M to 18 M in the synthesis of fly ash-based geopolymer was found to yield higher compressive strength. Hamidi et al. [45] also reported approximately 20% increase in the flexural strength of fly ash-based geopolymer when the concentration of NaOH was increased from 8 M to 10 M. Thus, the use of higher calcination temperature for laterite and concentration of NaOH is recommended in order to have geopolymer binders with higher mechanical performance.
3.2.5 SEM analysis
The SEM images of selected geopolymer binders (i.e. GP550, GP650 and GP750) synthesized with 8 M and 10 M NaOH are presented in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11, respectively. It can be observed from the figures that all geopolymer binders are homogenous, dense and compact. However, there also exist micro-fissures, open voids and pores within the matrix of the geopolymer binders. The larger width of micro-fissures observed in GP550 (Fig. 10a and Fig. 11a) compared to those of GP650 (Fig. 10b and Fig. 11b) and GP750 (Fig. 10c and Fig. 11c) can be associated with the weaker structure or possible lower formation of geopolymerization products which was evident in the mechanical properties (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9).
It is evident from the figures that increasing the concentration of NaOH from 8 M to 10 M resulted in more refinement of the microstructure of the geopolymer binders. This behaviour is justified by the fact that increasing the concentration of the NaOH would yield higher NaO2 content which favours the high dissolution of monomers from the precursors resulting in the formation of higher geopolymerization products. A higher concentration of NaOH would also ensure that there exists better cohesion between different components in the matrix resulting in higher performance. These images confirmed the higher mechanical performance exhibited by geopolymer binders synthesized with 10 M NaOH (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). The sheet shapes observed on samples GP550 made with 8 M NaOH (Fig. 10a) could be a result of the residual kaolinite that has been not totally transformed into metakaolinite after calcination. When GP550 was synthesized with 10 M NaOH (Fig. 11a), no presence of these sheet shapes was observed.
The use of higher calcination temperature for the laterite resulted in a higher content of amorphous or reactive phases. This improvement in the reactive content of the laterites allows the extension of the geopolymer binder network required to tie other particles in the whole system leading to the formation of a strong and compact structure. Thus, increasing the reactive or amorphous content in laterite soils by applying thermal activation would ensure a good matrix. The study by Elimbi et al. [46] showed that increasing the calcination temperature from 600°C to 800°C for kaolinite clay used in the synthesis of geopolymer binders resulted in a more compact microstructure. Conclusively, increasing the calcination temperature of lateritic clay, a well as the molarity of the alkaline solution is of primary importance for the development of dense and compact matrix with high mechanical performances.
3.2.6 Sorptivity test
The sorptivity of the geopolymer binders consolidated with 8 M and 10 M are presented in Fig. 14. From Fig. 14, it can be observed that there was a rapid increase in the rate of water penetration at the start of the test up to 200 minutes in all the geopolymer binders regardless of the calcination temperature used for the laterite or the concentration of NaOH used. Towards the end of the test, the rate of water penetration was slow and almost constant as evident in the slopes of the lines.
It is also evident from these results that the increase in the calcination temperature used for the laterites resulted in a decrease in the sorptivity of the geopolymer binders for all concentrations of NaOH. However, increasing the concentration of the NaOH from 8 M to 10 M resulted in more reduction in the sorptivity of the geopolymer binders. The reduction in the sorptivity of the geopolymer binders with higher calcination temperature can be ascribed to the improvement of the reactivity of laterites. These results are in agreement with the trend of mechanical strength recorded for both geopolymer series synthesized with different concentrations of NaOH.
3.2.7 Bulk density and water absorption
The bulk density and water absorption recorded on geopolymer binders consolidated with 8 M and 10 M of NaOH are presented in Figs. 15a and Fig. 15b, respectively. For the geopolymer binders consolidated with 8 M NaOH, the bulk density is 1.29 g/cm3, 1.30 g/cm3, 1.31 g/cm3, 1.32 g/cm3 and 1.35 g/cm3 for GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750, respectively. When NaOH at a concentration of 10 M was used, the bulk density of GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750 increased by 0.01 g/cm3, 0.02 g/cm3, 0.03 g/cm3, 0.03 g/cm3 and 0.03 g/cm3, respectively. The increase in the bulk density with a higher concentration of NaOH can be associated with the increase in the dissolution of monomers from the laterites resulting in more formation of geopolymer products. This is evident from the water absorption results (Fig. 15) which indicates geopolymer binders synthesized with 10 M NaOH exhibited a lower water absorption compared to those synthesized with 8 M NaOH. The water absorption of GP550, GP600, GP650, GP700 and GP750 made with 10 M NaOH is 16.7%, 14.1%, 14.6%, 23.5% an 23.9% lower compare to those made with 8 M NaOH.
An increase in the bulk density was also noticed when the calcination temperature increased from 550°C to 750°C. This increase in the bulk density with higher calcination temperature can be linked to the improvement of reactive or amorphous phases in the laterites resulting in better geopolymerization reaction and a corresponding dense matrix. A similar trend was observed in water absorption of the geopolymer binders as the water absorption reduced with higher calcination temperature. The reduction in the water absorption of the geopolymer binders with the increase in the calcination temperature can be ascribed to the high degree of polymerization that favoured the extension of geopolymer binder networks within the matrix. The formation of geopolymer products from the high degree of polymerization would ensure high connectivity between different particles and a corresponding reduction in open porosity. These observations are in agreement with the findings of Kaze et al. [35] where it was reported that increasing the calcination temperature improved the geopolymerization reaction leading to the formation of strong structures with lower porosity. Wang et al. [43] reported a 60.1% increase in bulk density when the calcination temperature of kaolin was increased from 800°C to 900°C. These results also correspond to the mechanical properties of the geopolymer binders. A linear correlation between bulk density and mechanical properties is presented in Fig. 16 while that between the water absorption and mechanical properties is presented in Fig. 17. It can be observed from Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 that there is a good linear relationship between the properties further confirming the mechanical behaviour of the geopolymer binders. Thus, increasing the calcination temperature as well as the concentration of NaOH can be used to improve the geopolymerization reaction which would favour the development of dense and strong matrices with few accessible voids and pores.