By the end of July 2020 (the first phase of the pandemic in U.S.), COVID-19 had infected more than 4.6 million individuals and caused more than 155,000 deaths in the U.S. Given the novelty of the virus, and the absence of vaccines and pharmacological solutions, social distancing is the biggest control mechanism during the initial phase of this type of pandemic. The fast spreading speed of COVID-19 brings with it sever health, economic and sociopolitical consequences (Baker et al., 2020; Cajner et al., 2020; Coibion et al., 2020a, 2020b; Dunn et al., 2021). Furthermore, it has disproportionately hit the low income, minority and vulnerable populations. Low-income sub-populations have exhibited lower levels of compliance to social distancing due to occupation specific inflexibility (Drago and Miller, 2010; Lou et al., 2020; Wright et al., 2020). Stay-at-home orders did not significantly alter work trip patterns for essential businesses such as grocery stores, garbage collection, postal services, construction work etc. which account for majority of the low-income populations’ employment (Drago and Miller, 2010; Lou et al., 2020). The lack of compliance to social distancing along with health care access inequalities result in widened infection risk gaps across socio-economic and racial-ethnic subgroups (Bruce, 2008; Kendall et al., 2020; Leclere et al., 1994). For example, recent research showed that counties with higher minority population and lower socioeconomic status experienced significantly higher COVID-19 death and infection rates (Nayak et al., 2020). As efficacious vaccines are invented and their supply chain log roadblocks are resolved, we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Now more than ever is the time for us to gather lessons learned in order to be better prepared for the future ones.
However, it has been recognized that it is difficult to establish causal inference in this context due to the presence of spatial and temporal confounders which influence both the speed of the spread of infection and the levels of compliance to social distancing (Courtemanche et al., 2020). Examples of such confounders are: state/county specific prevention measures such as requirement for wearing masks, restrictions on international and domestic travel, testing, contact tracing, and local norms and perceptions towards social distancing etc. Furthermore, those state/county level requirements and measures are rapidly changing over time. There is a significant heterogeneity in levels of compliance to social distancing directives throughout the U.S. and the distribution is shown to be correlated with local norms, perceptions, social-economic profiles and political leanings (Bodas and Peleg, 2020; Lou et al., 2020; Wright et al., 2020).
A lot of these confounders are either unobserved or difficult to measure directly. In this study we examine the impact of social distancing on the growth rate of daily confirmed COVID-19 cases at county level. To address the challenges of directly measuring and controlling confounders, we implement Spatial Durbin Models with county fixed-effects to indirectly control for time-invariant and county-specific unobservables while accounting for spatial dependence between counties. The spatial econometric model indirectly controls for spatial confounders through recognizing the spatial contiguity of counties and through county level fixed effects. The models acknowledge that infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, follow spatial patterns i.e., the infection rates are correlated with geographic proximity and connectivity through mobility among communities (Langford, 2002).
Our analysis focuses on the time period corresponding to the first wave of COVID-19 U.S. pandemic that goes from mid-March till mid-June, which corresponds to the highest levels of social distancing compliance (Barry et al., 2021). We chose this time period based on the fact that procedures such as social distancing are the first line of defense in the early phase and quantitative evidence is needed for current and future infectious disease public health prevention and intervention.
Our overall goals are to: 1) quantify the direct and indirect marginal effects of social distancing compliance in reducing the growth rate in infections; 2) assess the disparity in marginal effects between rural and urban areas, and between areas with high or low social vulnerability. Specifically, the second goal aims at quantifying the differential impacts of social distancing which is of high policy relevance. It is motivated by the fact that region-specific factors such as healthcare access, population density, and racial/ethnicity composition can be quite different across urban and rural areas. For instance, rural areas are characterized by sparse populations and lower housing density compared to urban areas.Therefore it is not surprising that regional patterns of disease spread and social distancing compliance will be different. Similarly, those differences are expected to be observed in low versus high vulnerability areas, as characterized by the social vulnerability index (SVI) provided by the CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The SVI for each U.S. county considers community level poverty, socio-economic status, transportation access, disabilities and housing composition, among other variables.It provides another way to examine potential subgroup differences of social distancing on the spread of COVID-19 beyond traditional dimension of mere population size. Our second goal of quantifying impact heterogeneity across areas may provide evidence for designing area-based customized policies for achieving cost-effectiveness.
Figure 1 shows cumulative infections at the beginning (left) and at the end of the study period (right) for urban vs. rural counties. Figure 2 shows cumulative infections at the beginning (left) and at the end of the study period (right) for high vs. low SVI counties. As can be seen in these plots, the infected areas are highly spatially clustered, meaning adjacent counties experience similar levels of infections. Therefore, conventional regression models (e.g., Ordinary Least Squares) that impose independence assumption on observations and ignore the spatial dependence among them will produce biased and inconsistent inferences (Wooldridge, 2016). Another reason is that spatially adjacent counties are more likely to share similar norms and perceptions which can include acceptance towards social distancing. Therefore, in the context of infectious disease such as COVID19 that is spread primarily via close contact, it is important to quantify and disentangle direct effects (within county and feedback effects) and indirect effects (across counties spillover effects) for understanding the value of coordinated efforts among neighboring counties.
A few studies have investigated the impact of various social distancing-based interventions on the spread of COVID-19 infections. In particular, a study finds that shelter-in-place order along with closure of bars, restaurants and entertainment outlets, on average reduced daily growth rate of confirmed COVID-19 cases by 5.4% after 1–5 days, 6.8% after 6–10 days, 8.2% after 11–15 days, and 9.1% after 16–20 days across U.S. counties (Courtemanche et al., 2020). However, there are no studies in the literature that have quantified the direct and indirect effect of social distancing and examined the differential impact of social distancing on COVID-19 infections in rural vs. urban, and low vs. high SVI counties in the U.S.
Our findings support the importance of social distancing in slowing down infections during the early phase of the pandemic. Notably, the spatial estimation uncovers significant spillover effects on infection rate reduction in a typical county (i.e., rate reduction caused by social distancing compliance in its neighboring counties) and provides support for multi-county social distancing coordination efforts. Our results further reveal that those counties with high social distancing index (SDI) (i.e., those with SDI level higher than the median of the SDI distribution) on average experienced about 1.84% lower daily infection growth rates compared to those counties with low SDI. This difference is larger when comparing urban areas to rural ones (i.e., 1.88% rate differences), and even larger when comparing areas with high vs. low social vulnerability index (i.e., 2.00% rate differences). Moderate level of social distancing is found to be most effective (i.e., generating the largest rate differences as compared to those non-compliance counties) in rural and low SVI areas and contributes to reduction in daily infection growth rate by 1.5% and 1.2%, respectively. Results of this paper highlight the importance of collateral planning and coordinating with the geographically adjacent counties in flattening the epidemic curve.