Activation of mTORC1 is insufficient for α cell proliferation
We previously demonstrated that the α cell-liver axis is conserved in zebrafish. In zebrafish lacking both gcgra and gcgrb (gcgrDKO), there are more α cells due to increased proliferation32. In addition, the hyperplasia is rapamycin-sensitive and depends on slc38a5b14. To fully characterize the phenotypic conservation, we determined the free amino acid levels in whole larvae and in adult serum. Compared to the control groups, the free amino acid level was markedly elevated in larvae and in adult serum of gcgrDKO zebrafish (Supplementary Fig 1a, b). We also assessed mTORC1 activity in α cells using serine 240/244 phosphorylation of S6 ribosomal protein (pS6) as a readout. The number of pS6 positive α cells and pS6 signal intensity were both increased in the α cells of gcgrDKO zebrafish (Supplementary Fig 1c, d and e). These data confirm that loss of glucagon signaling causes hyperaminoacidemia and activates mTORC1 in α cells14-16,33.
Whether mTORC1 activation is sufficient for α cell proliferation is unknown. To answer this question, we established two transgenic lines, Tg(gcga:MTORL1460P, cryaa:tagRFP) and Tg(gcga:RhebS16H, cryaa:YFP) (TgαCA-MTOR and TgαCA-Rheb hence forward), that express a constitutively active mTORL1460P (CA-MTOR) or RhebS16H (CA-Rheb) only in α cells. Lens fluorescent markers were used to facilitate genotyping. As expected, the pS6 signal was overtly increased in both transgenic lines (Supplementary Fig 1f), indicating functional transgene expression. We used EdU incorporation to label the dividing and newly divided α cells32. However, there was no significant increase in either total α cell number or EdU-positive α cells in either of the transgenic lines (Fig 1b, c, e, and f). Nonetheless, α cells in both transgenic lines exhibited hypertrophy compared to the control (Fig 1d). These results indicate that mTORC1 activation leads to α cell hypertrophy but not hyperplasia. However, adult TgαCA-MTOR fish did have significantly increased α cell area compared to WT control (supplementary Fig 1g, h), likely a secondary effect of hyperglucagonemia and subsequent glucagon resistance. Since high concentrations of amino acid are sufficient to induce α cell proliferation in primary islets14-16, we hypothesize that other amino acid-sensitive pathway(s) may also be required for hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation.
Hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation requires CaSR cell-autonomously
Amino acids are capable of stimulating certain GPCRs which subsequently, can induce cell proliferation. We assessed 3 amino acid-sensitive GPCRs, gprc6a, tas1r3 and casr, all of which have previously been implicated in the regulation of endocrine cell function, to determine if these GPCRs impact α cell proliferation34-37. Using efficient CRISPR mutagenesis38, we knocked down gprc6a, tas1r3 and casr in gcgrDKO zebrafish individually. The results revealed only the casr knockdown significantly reduced α cell number down to that of the control group (Fig 2a), suggesting that CaSR is involved in α cell proliferation. Hence, we established 2 independent casr mutant lines for cross validation (Fig 2b). Loss of casr function did not affect gross appearance or body length at 5 dpf (Supplementary Fig 2a, b), the stage most of the analyses were performed at in this study. As expected, the mutants have hypercalcemia at 7 dpf (Supplementary Fig 2c) and impaired calcium deposition in the notochord at 10 dpf (Supplementary Fig 2d, e). In 2-month-old adult zebrafish, casr mutants displayed skeletal dysplasia (Supplementary Fig 2f, g) and marked growth retardation (Supplementary Fig 2h, i). The mutant lines did not survive past 3 months of age. These results are reminiscent of casr-deficient mice39,40, supporting that the mutations are loss of function.
To delineate the role of CaSR in α cell proliferation, we first evaluated α cell proliferation levels in casr mutants. Compared to wild-type and heterozygotes (casr+/-), there were significant decreases in the total α cell number and EdU-labelled α cell number in casr-/- zebrafish (Supplementary Fig 3a, b, c and d). These results indicate that CaSR plays a role in α cell proliferation in normal aminoacidemia. To test whether CaSR is required for hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation, we crossed the casr mutant into gcgrDKO background to generate the triple mutants (casr-/-;gcgrDKO). The α cell number in 5 dpf casr-/-;gcgrDKO fish was significantly reduced compared to that of gcgrDKO, and was similar to that of wild-type controls (Supplementary Fig 3e, f). These results indicate that CaSR is essential for hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation.
It is unknown whether the α cell function of CaSR is cell autonomous. Therefore, we re-expressed the human CASR gene (CASR)41 specifically into α cells using Tg(gcga:CASR,cryaa:tagRFP) (TgαCaSR) in casr-/-;gcgrDKO zebrafish. We observed that both total α cell number and the number of EdU-labelled α cells in TgαCaSR;casr-/-;gcgrDKO zebrafish were restored to the levels of the gcgrDKO zebrafish (Fig 2c-f). To determine whether CaSR’s role was conserved in mammals, we used Calhex 23142 to inhibit CaSR in primary mouse islets cultured in high amino acid medium (HAA)14. We observed that Calhex 231 significantly suppressed HAA-induced α cell proliferation (Fig 2g). These results suggest that CaSR functions cell-autonomously in hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation and this function is conserved in mammals.
Gq mediates hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation
We used designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) to determine the CaSR downstream signaling pathways involved in hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation43. CaSR can couple to Gq and Gi to activate intracellular signals25,26. To determine whether Gq or Gi mediates α cell proliferation, we established 2 transgenic lines, Tg(gcga:hM3Dq, cryaa:tagRFP) and Tg(gcga:hM4Di, cryaa:tagRFP) (TgαGq and TgαGi). These engineered receptors can be activated by CNO (Clozapine N-oxide) to initiate Gq and Gi signaling, respectively. We bred these transgenes into the casr-/-;gcgrDKO and gcgrDKO background and treated the progenies with 20 μM CNO for 48 h from 3 to 5 dpf (Fig 3a). CNO treatment restored α cell number and proliferation in the TgαGq;casr-/-;gcgrDKO group to that of the gcgrDKO group, but did not increase α cell number and proliferation further in the TgαGq;gcgrDKO group (Fig 3b, c, d and e). However, CNO did not increase either α cell number or α cell proliferation in the TgαGi;casr-/-;gcgrDKO group (Supplementary Figure 4a, b, c, and d). Overall, these results suggest that activation of Gq, not Gi, signaling leads to α cell proliferation and CaSR may signal through Gq to induce α cell proliferation.
Synergism of CaSR and mTORC1 pathways is sufficient to induce α cell proliferation
To determine whether activation of mTORC1 and Gq pathways are sufficient to cause α cell proliferation independent of hyperaminoacidemia, we crossed TgαGq to TgαCA-Rheb. We treated the progeny with 1 µM or 20 µM CNO for 48 hours from 3 to 5 dpf to activate the Gq pathway in α cells. Activation of Gq pathway with 1 µM CNO was insufficient to cause α cell proliferation in TgαGq fish, but significantly increased α cell number in TgαGq;TgαCA-Rheb (Fig 4a). These results suggest that Gq and mTORC1 pathways act synergistically to induce α cell proliferation. Interestingly, 20 µM CNO was sufficient to increase α cell number and proliferation in gcgr-intact fish to the same level of the gcgrDKO group (Fig 4b, c, d and e). This degree of activation is likely supraphysiological as the ligand concentration is over 1000-fold of its EC50. This indicates that Gq hyperactivation is sufficient for α cell proliferation.
CaSR-Gq induces α cell proliferation via the ERK1/2 Pathway
GPCR coupling of Gq activates multiple intracellular transduction cascades25. Pertinent to cell proliferation is the MAPK pathway that leads to phosphorylation and consequent nuclear translocation of ERK1/244. Hence, we next explored whether ERK1/2 is activated in α cells by hyperaminoacidemia. We found that the pERK1/2 positive α cells and nuclear pERK1/2 signal intensity were markedly increased in the gcgrDKO group compared to that of the control group, but not in the casr-/-;gcgrDKO group (Fig 5a, b and c). These results indicate that hyperaminoacidemia-induced activation of CaSR activates ERK1/2. To determine whether CaSR activates ERK1/2 through Gq, we assayed the effect of Gq activation on pERK1/2 levels in α cells by using DREADD.
We found that CNO treatment significantly increased the pERK1/2 positive α cell percentage and nuclear pERK1/2 signal intensity in TgαGq;casr-/-;gcgrDKO fish to the same levels of the gcgrDKO fish (Fig 5d, e and f). Interestingly, CNO even increased the pERK1/2 positive α cell percentage further in the TgαGq;gcgrDKO group (Fig 5d, e). These results indicate that Gq activation leads to ERK1/2 phosphorylation in α cells. Therefore, hyperaminoacidemia activates the CaSR-Gq-ERK1/2 pathway in α cells.
It is unknown whether ERK1/2 activation is essential in hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation. To answer this question, we utilized the MEK1/2 inhibitors U0126 and PD032590145,46 to suppress ERK1/2 phosphorylation in control, gcgrDKO and casr-/-;gcgrDKO zebrafish for 48h (Fig 6a). ERK1/2 is the only known physiological substrate of MEK1/247. As expected, both of U0126 and PD0325901 decreased the nuclear pERK1/2 levels in α cells of gcgrDKO islets (Supplementary Fig 5a). Both inhibitors also reduced the α cell number and proliferation in gcgrDKO fish to that of control and casr-/-;gcgrDKO groups (Fig 6b, c, d and e and Supplementary Fig 5b, c, d, e). Notably, U0126 even reduced α cell number and proliferation in the control fish (Fig 6b, c, d and e).
It is unknown whether MEK1/2 is also necessary for amino acids induced a cell in mammalian α cells. We therefore examined the effect of U0126 on HAA-stimulated α cell proliferation in cultured mouse islets14. We found that U0126 significantly decreased the percentage of Ki67 positive α cells in the islets cultured in HAA medium (Fig 6f, g). These results indicate ERK1/2 activation is essential for hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation. Taken together, these findings suggest that CaSR-Gq mediates hyperaminoacidemia-induced α cell proliferation via MEK1/2-ERK1/2.
Hyperaminoacidemia-induced mTORC1 activation in α cells requires CaSR and MEK1/2
Previous studies demonstrated an essential role of mTORC1 in hyperaminoacidemia- induced α cell proliferation14-16,33. Since α cell proliferation also depended on CaSR, we tested whether mTORC1 activation is intact in casr-/-;gcgrDKO fish. Unexpectedly, pS6 levels decreased significantly in casr-/-;gcgrDKO fish when compared to gcgrDKO fish (Fig 7a, b, c), suggesting that CaSR is required for mTORC1 activation. To establish if mTORC1 activation requires the downstream MEK1/2, we treated gcgrDKO fish with U0126. U0126 decreased the percentage of pS6 positive α cells and the intensity of α cell pS6 signal in gcgrDKO fish to the same levels of wild-type fish (Fig 7d, e and f). These results suggest hyperaminoacidemia-induced mTORC1 activation in α cells requires CaSR and MEK1/2.
Gq hyperactivation-induced α cell proliferation requires mTORC1 activity
As Gq hyperactivation caused α cell hyperplasia in gcgr-intact animals, we examined whether it also required mTORC1. Indeed, rapamycin abolished α cell hyperplasia induced by Gq hyperactivation (Fig 8a, b). Consequently, Gq hyperactivation also increased pS6 levels in TgαGq;casr-/-;gcgrDKO fish (Fig 8c, d and e), and further amplified the percentage of pS6 positive α cells in TgαGq;gcgrDKO fish compared to untreated controls (Fig 8c and d). Furthermore, the Gq hyperactivation even increased pS6 levels in gcgr-intact zebrafish, although the pS6 positive α cell number was still less than gcgrDKO group (Fig 8f, g and h). Therefore, Gq hyperactivation simultaneously activates ERK1/2 and mTORC1, and both are necessary for α cell proliferation.
Together, these data revealed activation of ERK1/2 and mTORC1 is necessary and sufficient for inducing α cell proliferation. The study also uncovered a previously unidentified role of the CaSR.