This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of VR-guided training for the management of PPPD using the mediVR KAGURA system. Patients with PPPD showed improvements in objective symptoms, including static postural stability (both vestibular and somatosensory weighting), immediately after only one 10-min VR-guided training session. Additionally, this training improved anxiety and all the NPQ subcategories of the symptoms of patients with PPPD after 1 week. Consequently, these findings broaden the possibilities of PPPD management.
PPPD is a newly defined diagnostic syndrome that unifies key features of PPV, CSD, and other related disorders [10]. The exact pathophysiology of PPPD remains to be elucidated; however, physiological, structural, and functional neuroimaging studies of patients with PPV, CSD, and PPPD have revealed three mechanisms that can potentially explain the development of PPPD. These mechanisms include stiffening of postural control, a shift in processing spatial orientation information to favor visual over vestibular inputs, and failure of higher cortical mechanisms to modulate the first two processes [9, 40–45]. Psychological and functional comorbidities develop from maladaptive cognitive-behavior responses, which include acrophobia, anxiety or depressive disorders, and functional gait abnormalities. Therefore, management strategies for PPPD include, 1. therapy for comorbidities, including vestibular diseases; 2. reweighting the sensory postural control; and 3. desensitization to increase the tolerance of perceived stimuli. SSRI and SNRI utilize strategies 1 and 2 by regulating serotonin in the central brain system [3, 4]. PPPD rehabilitation strategies rely on the re-adaptation of the vestibular control systems; therefore, vestibular suppressant drugs, including antihistamines and benzodiazepines, should be avoided to prevent delays in rehabilitation [46]. Vestibular rehabilitation is a general term for a range of physical treatments that utilize habituation exercises and relaxation techniques to desensitize a hyperactive vestibular control system present in vestibular and neurological diseases [13–15]. Vestibular rehabilitation utilizes strategies 2 and 3. CBT uses guided self-observation of physical, emotional, and psychosocial levels to abandon maladaptive cognitive-behavioral cycles. Furthermore, desensitizing exercises can be used to increase the tolerance of perceived disequilibrium and reduce automatic high-risk postural strategies [16–18]. Thus, CBT utilizes strategy 3. Additionally, recent studies have provided evidence of the effectiveness of altering brain activity and structure in patients with PPPD using transcranial direct current stimulation to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex [19] and non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation [20], which use strategy 2.
The use of conventional approaches in the quantitative performance of postural balance training may be ineffective [4, 7]. VR creates interactive, multimodal sensory stimuli that offer unique advantages over other approaches in neurorehabilitation. VR facilitates an easy, prompt, quantitative, and replicable training method by accurately setting the distance, angle, height, or other parameters in a 3D virtual space [4, 7]. The therapist’s only responsibility is to adjust these parameters by inputting numbers on the operating panel of the computer. Moreover, the unpredictable nature of VR-training tasks may require significantly greater precise postural control of the patients. Consequently, tailor-made, optimized, and unpredictable VR-guided training tasks resulted in greater improvements in postural and trunk balance compared to conventional approaches, even when performed in a sitting position. VR ameliorates cognitive and motor functions in neurorehabilitation [1]. Several benefits have been widely reported in relation to motor function: upper limb and improvement in balance and gait [47], neuromotor monitoring of recovery [48], improvement of strength fitness, skills [49], improvement in the range of movement of the shoulder, and reduction in spasticity [50]. Furthermore, psychological and cognitive benefits were reported when the VR device was adapted to the patient, such as improvement in attention or memory stimulation and decreased depression symptomology in elderly participants. [1, 51] Thus, VR devices can be used as effective tools to motivate patients during rehabilitation sessions [52], to improve spatial orientation and attention in daily life activities [53], and to improve pain relief scores and emotional aspects related to functionality [51]. Additionally, a VR training environment will provide participants with task-specific training, accurate sensory and tactile feedback, and motivation [54]. Thus, mediVR KAGURA dual-task training might provide cognitive and motor function neurorehabilitation.
In our present study, improvements in the NPQ scores and static postural stability regarding vestibular and somatosensory weighting were speculated to be caused by retuning, desensitizing, and reweighting the impaired balance control via amelioration of cognitive and motor function in patients with PPPD. Additionally, anxiety scores also improved due to mediVR KAGURA training. This was accomplished using tailor-made, optimized, and unpredictable VR-guided training tasks and relaxation techniques by therapists (strategies 2 and 3) using the mediVR KAGURA system. Likewise, conventional dual-task training is provided by asking patients to talk with the therapist, count backward from 100 to a specific number, or simultaneously perform tasks, such as playing rock-paper-scissors while walking [46, 55]. During our VR-guided rehabilitation sessions, the patient had to constantly think of the next task, including the timing of the fall of the next object, followed by timed reaching tasks, to emulate the conditions of hazard perception and avoidance. Compared to augmented and mixed reality technologies, VR may be more appropriate in providing patients with uniform and replicable environments for cognitive stimulation or evaluation. Variations in the environmental information and location in augmented or mixed reality technologies present challenges in standardization. These methods may be useful for patients with PPPD who have sensitized and weighted their vestibular control systems since they are unable to imagine the real world and real life.
However, we could not suggest improvements in dynamic postural stability in patients with PPPD using our VR system. Especially, the dynamic Romberg’s rate worsened in the patient group. Romberg’s rate indicates the visual weighting during the balance test. Those were speculated to be caused by sensory over-reweighting on the vestibular, visual, and somatosensory senses, since visual weighting relatively decreased, as the results showed that static postural stability regarding visual weighting (VRF and ARF) did not improve in patients with PPPD. Additionally, dynamic postural stability improved in the control group, which enhanced the significant differences between control and patient groups. However, we suspect that further VR-guided training by the mediVR KAGURA system will improve the dynamic postural stability in patients with PPPD through “adequate” sensory reweighting. Additionally, we should investigate more appropriate conditions of VR training.
It is also important to note how the use of VR applications in the future may benefit from larger pooled automated data and artificial intelligence. For example, if eye trackers become a standard feature of VR in every headset, this could generate data from healthy controls and individuals with disabilities. This may lead to results that can allow equality of performance, where people with disabilities could interact competitively with people with typical development—we advocate that this should be explored in future studies.