One of the main goals in a general context of lack of ICU beds and overcrowded emergency departments, is to objectively evaluate patients and distinguish those who need hospital care from those who can be assisted at home (Fig. 2). However, in no case this should affect the right standard of care. Generally, severe dyspnea, altered vital signs and symptoms of hypoperfusion (confusion, falls, hypotension, cyanosis, chest pain) are related to patient’s hospital admission. The problem related to patients with silent hypoxemia is that they cannot be strictly placed in these categories and in this way, we risk underestimating the disease. In pre-hospital, EPOC could help clinicians to early identify silent hypoxemia.
Mechanism of silent hypoxemia
As the literature data show, even minimal hypoxia can damage several organs. Oxygen limitation impairs mitochondrial respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation pathway. The impairment of oxidative phosphorylation pathway inhibits important enzymes’ activities and leads to an energy-deprived condition. For this reason, it may be useful to combine patient’s clinical evaluation with the use of a hand-held blood gas analyzer that allows early identification of silent hypoxemia. [2] Respiratory distress may occur late in SARS-CoV-2 interstitial pneumonia. [3] This deviation from the typical picture of ARDS is probably due to a set of factors: the severity of the infection, the host's immune response, the patient's comorbidities, the level of response to hypoxia and the patient's respiratory functional reserve. [4] In COVID-19 patients, there are several mechanisms of hypoxia linked to the alteration of the ventilation/perfusion ratio (V/Q) that can be described. [5] First of all, it is possible to observe a deregulation of the normal hypoxia-induced vasoconstriction, due to hyperactivation of inflammatory mechanisms: vasoplegia causes a worsening of the V/Q ratio. [6] In addition, an activation of a cytokine storm and consequent coagulopathy can be observed, which favors thromboembolic events. Microthrombosis in the pulmonary circulation can cause severe hypoxemia and deregulation of V/Q ratio. [7,8]
Unfortunately, it is also possible that SARS-CoV-2 has an idiosyncratic effect on the respiratory control system that reduces the efficacy of this physiologic mechanism. The angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2), which is the cell receptor of COVID-19, is expressed at the level of carotid oxygen chemoreceptors. Probably ACE-2 receptors play an important role in the depressed response to dyspnea in COVID-19 patients. [1]
Therefore, the early assessment of arterial blood gas parameters, such as PaO2, PaCO2 and lactates and derived parameters, such as PaO2/FiO2 and the alveolar-arteriolar oxygen gradient, are essential for early diagnosis of silent hypoxemia, its severity and its classification. [9]
Furthermore, from serial ABG, it is possible to highlight the increase in lactates, which is an early marker of respiratory muscle fatigue and diaphragmatic exhaustion. Our data shows that the median of lactates of COVID-19 hospitalized patients (median 2.2; SD 0.3) is lower than in COVID-19 home patients (median 1.6; SD 0.4). These results may be related to Gattinoni's hypothesis that states that lung compliance is at first greater and should determine a relatively lower Work of breathing (WOB) in the first stage of the disease [10,11]. Furthermore, having a baseline lactate value can be used to highlight its subsequent possible increase in a hospital setting. The increase of lactatemia during hospitalization may represent a useful monitoring tool of insufficient response to therapeutic interventions.
Diagnosis of silent hypoxemia in COVID-19 patients
Early detection of silent hypoxemia and start therapy to prevent further deterioration are crucial to minimize long-term effects as well as mortality rate in SARS-CoV-2 patients. [12]
In pre-hospital setting we have two widely used methods to identify silent hypoxemia: pulse oximetry and the 6 minutes walking test. The pulse oximetry is a common medical device used to measure peripherical oxygen saturation (SpO2). Although it represents an accessible and hand-held device, it is important to underline that it has low accuracy when patient’s SpO2 is lower than 90%. In this case SpO2 can differ from true arterial saturation (SaO2) measured with arterial blood gas analysis by as much as 4–7%. [13] Furthermore, pulse oximetry does not provide any information about adequacy of ventilation, hemoglobin levels, electrolytes or cellular utilization of oxygen and these limitations should be considered when interpreting pulse oximetry findings. In our observational study we were able to find similar data (Fig. 3). Silent hypoxia is also detectable by 6 minutes walking test (peripherical oxygen saturation measured after 6 minutes of walk). In literature was underlined that 6 minutes walking test reported SpO2 levels significantly reduced in COVID-19 patients in comparison to the control group. [14] Despite that, this test has the disadvantage of not being feasible on all patients, for example in hypomobility syndromes or in patients with contraindications in anamnesis.
It was possible to add arterial blood gas analysis to the two methods previously listed thanks to the introduction of the hand-held ABG analyzer also in pre-hospital setting. This method has the advantage that it can be used to detect silent hypoxemia even in patients with reduced mobility and it has a greater accuracy in defining blood oxygenation values. Recent studies report that also pH level, bicarbonate and electrolyte levels may also be useful in silent hypoxia of COVID-19 patients. [15] Indeed, it has been reported that a lower level of pH, sodium, calcium, and potassium are associated with increased disease severity and lower survival rates of COVID-19 patients. [16, 17] EPOC together with pulse oximeter and 6 minutes walking test could be precious tools for the early detection of silent hypoxia in SARS-CoV-2 positive patients in pre-hospital setting. [15] Therefore it can be an interesting and useful tool to be added to the instrumentation of the ALS team.
Strengths and limitations of this study
ABG was a highly validated tool in in-hospital setting. The study has the advantage of describing the use of the same tool for early identification of silent hypoxemia also in pre-hospital setting.
The study is the result of a first retrospective descriptive analysis of the data collected by EPOC during two months of the second wave of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. It was a preliminary observational study with a small sample size. Further studies will be necessary to underline its usefulness in this context.