Bryozoans are exclusively sessile colonial animals that mostly inhabit in marine inhabits and rarely occur in freshwater environments. They have plastic morphology in terms of zooids and colonies, whereas in a unitary species colony, the majority of zooids are in homomorphy (except polymorphism), like some type of modular units, and thus bryozoans are also known as polyzoan.
Cambrian explosion is characterised by the rapid appearance of the majority of phyla of modern animal life. Especially in the interval from Cambrian Stage 2 to Stage 3, biomineralisation bloomed in great abundance. Many metazoans evolved a variety of mineralised shells or carapaces in response to predation pressure28. Despite putative bryozoans have been repeatedly noted in Cambrian17,23, yet none of these fossils are convincing14,20. Bryozoa is among the handful phyla and the unique skeletonised group that is still lacking representatives in the Cambrian Explosion6,20. The discovery of the Chengjiang bryozoans indicates that the Bryozoa had shown up in the Stage 3, like coeval biomineralised brachiopods29, soft-bodied phoronids30,31 and entoprocts32 that have been inferred to be closely related. All skeletonised metazoan phyla first appeared by no later than the early Cambrian.
Plenty of studies has been on intra-subgroup relationships and evolution of bryozoans based on colony and zooid morphology, life histories, ecological habits and etc.8,27,33, with particular interests focused on the gene or genome based data1,2,5,34. Some agreements on molecular phylogeny of bryozoans have been achieved. Phylactolaemata has been supposed to be the most basal extant class19, of which all members live exclusively in the freshwater, lack biomineralised skeletons, and consequently have no indisputable fossil record4 except for the Permian chitinous statoblasts35. Ctenostomes have been inferred to be the ancestor of all skeletonised bryozoans10,16,23. They are also soft-bodied, without biomineralisation, and thus seldom fossilised except for some examples formed by borings36,37, bioimmuration38,39 or lithoimmuration40. All ctenostome remains are negative relief or natural mould, without any information about their internal structure and soft parts.
Largesttäten are characterised by the preservation of soft tissue of metazoans. They have been reported repeatedly throughout the geological history. Especially in Cambrian, many biotas yielding fossils with soft tissues have been described in various locations globally (e.g. Chengjiang and Guanshan biotas from South China, Burgess Shale-type Biota from Canada, Sirus Passet Biota from Greenland etc.). Most of the biotas above have attracted wide attention28,41,42. In the celebrated Chengjiang Biota, despite extensive investigation has been on various species31, yet no remain of soft-bodied bryozoans has been reported until now. The missing of phylactolaemates or ctenostomes in all Cambrian biotas may be closely related with the lacking of degrade-resistant tissues5, such as cuticle which could be exquisitely preserved in Largesttäten.
Cyclostomata has been inferred to be the earliest skeletonised clade and the out-group to all other Palaeozoic stenolaemate orders according to the morphological and molecular evidence24, whereas the earliest cyclostome species (Gorjunovia) have been noted in the Middle Ordovician21, later than the early Ordovician trempostome Prophyllodictya15. Based on the fossil stratigraphic extension, some authors argued that the cyclostomes derived from the Palaeozoic trempostomes16,43. Obviously, the fact that the predicted bryozoans are difficult to find does not exclude their existence in undiscovered place. The unexpected unavailability of bryozoans from early strata can be cause by their extremely low diversity, abundance or limited geographic distribution in the early Cambrian6,44, and thus leading them undiscovered hitherto. The discovery of the Chengjiang cyclostomes in the early Cambrian, is congruent with the molecular and morphological inferences that the Cyclostomata is the first mineralised stenolaemate. The ancestor of this animal phylum might have existed in or prior to the early Cambrian4, as with the hypothesis on sponges45, perhaps in the forms of soft-bodied (e.g. phylactolaemates and ctenostomes), but not preserved as fossils.
Corynotrypa (cyclostomes) has been supposedly to be the most basal known genus among stenolaemates. It has been deduced to be derived from a ctenostome-like ancestor4,9 because Corynotrypa and ctenostomes share a highly similar simple skeletal construction and a runner-like encrusting colony without any polymorphism7,46. Nevertheless, the earliest Corynotrypa fossils have been noted in the Middle Ordovician, later than that of Prophyllodictya. The bryozoan fossil from the early Cambrian Yu’anshan Formation support the hypothesis that Corynotrypa is the earliest representative of mineralised stenolaemate, and may be the best evidence to depict the morphological evolution between Corynotrypa and ctenostomes.
Ctenostomes might evolve into Corynotrypa by stolonal mineralization and change of growth direction of polypides from vertical to creeping. Corynotrypa was inferred to have evolved from ctenostomes through division of the body cavity into two parts46. The outer part mineralised and became calcified zooidal wall, while the inner part remained its soft-bodied, perhaps play as membranous sac that could protrude tentacles by the muscles47. The flatten and partially distorted stolon of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa is an evidence for its quality of being soft and easy to distort, likely in uncomplete biomineralisation. The fully exposure of tentacles may suggest that polypides were enclosed by a thin layer of soft tissue, rather than a calcified wall. In that case, the frontal exterior walls of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa might not be biomineralised, and thus could easily degrade in the process of fossilisation. From ctenostomes (e.g. Ropalonaria) to the Chengjiang Corynotrypa, the stolon might biomineralize and the fusiform internodes eventually acted as a basal wall of the zooid like that in Corynotrypa. The unmineralised frontal exterior wall, together with the slightly biomineralised basal wall, formed the zooids that were capable to completely accommodate the polypides. All ctenostomes have soft-bodied tubular zooids, in which the polypides can vertically extend, with centrally located openings in the stolonal internodes, whereas in the Chengjiang Corynotrypa, the zooids are creeping in fusiform outline, with distal openings in the unmineralized frontal exterior wall of zooids. Compared with the upwards tubular zooids of ctenostomes, the recumbent zooids of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa would limit the vertical extension of the polypides and ultimately lead to a creeping growth.
Ctenostomes and the Chengjiang Corynotrypa rooted themselves on the internode or the basal wall respectively. Because of the their unmineralised zooids or soft-bodied frontal exterior wall, both ctenostome and the Chengjiang Corynotrypa could change the outline of polypides and flap around when they encountered water flow. This outline change and flapping ability could buffer the impact of the water flow, and could be interpreted as an adaptive strategy to the unsound connection between the Chengjiang Corynotrypa colony and the soft bottom. The frontal exterior wall of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa is inferred to be soft-bodied, whereas all Corynotrypa species have been noted with calcified frontal exterior walls since the Middle Ordovician. From early Cambrian to the Middle Ordovician, biomineralization perhaps happened in the frontal exterior wall of Corynotrypa. This biomineralisation might completely limit the vertical growth of the polypides and lead to their creeping growth. The bomineralisation of the whole zooidal walls of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa could be an adaptive strategy to the pressure of predation, just like that of the small shelly fossils in Stage 2, Cambrian most of which retreated themselves into shells to fend off predators. The biomineralised frontal exterior wall might not be an exclusive character of the order Cyclostomata, but a share character that existed in all bryozoan orders initially. The difference between Cyclostomata and other bryozoans is the former acquired biomineralized frontal exterior wall lately, but the other orders did not. Accompanied by the mineralization of the front exterior wall, Corynotrypa might had also undergone remarkable evolution by complexity of budding patterns. Hitherto, all known Corynotrypa colonies are characterised by branching via bifurcation and/or lateral ramification, with distal apertures. The Chengjiang Corynotrypa contain a daughter zooid distally, without any bifurcation or branching, thereby making the long axis of the parent and daughter zooids (nearly) parallel. The bifurcation or branching might not be the ancestral characters, but a derived trait that evolved later.
Corynotrypa species have been inferred to be opportunistic22, and were more frequent in relatively unstable environments because they were harder to break or prey upon27. Uniserial colonies are highly directional, which increases the opportunity for occupying favorable refugia on a heterogeneous terrain48. Nevertheless, zooids in a chain without neighbors have limited abilities to protect themselves, and thus any zooid has a high risk of dying, while the probability that some zooids in the colony will find a refuge and survive is also high27. The great distance (long stolon between adjacent zooids) of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa would have been beneficial for the rapid expansion and for minimizing the mortality risk of the colony. Compared with the uniserial Corynotrypa, multiserial colonies (e.g. Panpipora yunnanensis) are inferred to predominate in stable environments. Panpipora yunnanensis exhibits heavily calcified zooids and multitype zooids which could be closely collaborative with each other. For example, the Panpipora nanozooids might be functioned as the cleaner or/and protector for the polypides surrounding the zooidal apertures.
Cyclostome tentacles, as soft tissues, were generally difficult to be preserved in the fossil record. In modern aqueous environments, the polypides of cyclostomes have 8–17 tentacles, with a median of 1044. The tentacle length of living, full-sized cyclostome polypides ranges from 145–1041 μm, with a median of 331 μm27. The Chengjiang Corynotrypa possesses a large number (18–26) and long tentacles (600–700 μm). The number of tentacles has been inferred to be correlated with the spacing between centres of adjacent autozooids49. Obviously, the Chengjiang Corynotrypa has the longest stolon between two adjacent zooids. That is congruent with the large number of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa tentacles. The long and dense tentacles of Corynotrypa are inferred to an adaption to the muddy and relatively quiet environment therein. The strata yielding the Chengjiang Biota are mainly laminated mudstone. They deposited in a marine basin influenced by weak bioturbation and occasional storms31. The laminated mudstone of the Yu’anshan Formation indicates that the habitat occupied by bryozoans were in low turbulence, being filled with clay particles. The muddy water would greatly reduce the penetration of sunlight, and thus was inhospitable to the survive of phytoplankton which were the main food of many organisms. Because of the shortage of phytoplankton near the sediment-water interface, the encrusting bryozoans would starve to death if they did not improve their filter feeding efficiency. Meanwhile, the laminated mudstone is inferred to deposit in a quiet environment, with slow-flowing water. The low velocity of water means less food particle was flowing through the bryozoan tentacles in the same time interval, making it less efficient to acquire food. Apparently, the long and dense tentacles of the Chengjiang Corynotrypa might give rise to a dense feeding capacity and a broad filter-feeding range, thus represent an adaptive strategy to the quiet and turbid environment.
Panpipora, as the earliest genus of Sagenellidae noted in the early Cambrian Chengjiang Biota, might not represent most basal clade in this family because of its polymorphism of zooids. The heterozooids and nanozooids could play the roles as cleaner and protection, indicating a close collaboration among different polypides27. Sagenella is characterized by encrusting, oligoserial, and single-layered colony that is ornamented by wrinkle structure. it has tubular zooids without any heterozooids. In comparison with the Chengjiang Panpipora, Sagenella seems to retain a simpler morphology though Sagenella could only be dated back to the Ordovician (Floian). The zooidal structure of Panpipora suggests that it had likely experienced a complex evolution process. The ancestral sagenellid group, likely possesses a similar or simple zooidal structure like that of the Sagenella, and may have been preserved in the strata in or prior to the early Cambrian, just not yet discovered.
Encrusting bryozoans have been considered to limit to patches of hard substrates or single shell fragments or grains of sand50 since the Middle Ordovician. Single-layered, multiserial encrusting cyclostome bryozoans are almost ubiquitous on Mesozoic hard substrates51. Clearly, the Chengjiang bryozoans did not inhabited in hard grounds, but rather muddy, soft bottom. From early Cambrian to Ordovician, a significant ecological expansion or migration of the encrusting bryozoans is deciphered herein from the soft muddy habitats to the hard carbonate or shelly grounds. The absence of Corynotrypa in strata of this time interval could be a result of exceedingly low abundance and/or species diversity, and poor preservation which may limit their recognition and lead to them being overlooked. As one of the earliest opportunistic encrusters, they were able to quickly occupy newly available habitats (e.g. hard carbonate), yet could not defend their territories against the invasion (e.g. Amplexopora)22. Because of this, Corynotrypa could only be patchily distributed at extremely low abundances and diversities in geological time.
Cyclostomata is an enigmatic clade that never flourished during the Palaeozoic44. The oldest cyclostome fossil is Gorjunovia from the Dapingian (~470 Ma) of Russia21, much later than the first appearance of the Tremadocian trepostomes (~488 Ma) from South China52. Compared with the Dapingian cyclostomes, the Chengjiang fossils (~518 Ma)53 predate the first appearance of the phylum Bryozoa by >30 Ma, and also predate the Order Cyclostomata by >48 Ma and make this group can be traced back to the early Cambrian.
The Chengjiang Corynotrypa is the earliest bryozoan fossil to date, whereas it is unlikely represent the ancestor of this phylum. Soft-bodied phylactolaemates and ctenostomes are inferred to be ancestral clades of bryozoans. They both have potential to be preserved as fossils. For examples, ctenostomes still could be preserved as fossils via lithological and organic overgrowth or as boring trace fossils in the Mesozoic23,37,39,40,54. Phylactolaemates could be found as organic statoblasts in the Permian35. Therefore, it is possible to find ctenostome fossils within the hard parts of other fossil organisms (e.g. brachiopods, hyoliths, trilobites, etc.) in the carbonate or other facies (e.g. small shelly fossils in phosphate), in which the ctenostome fossils could previously misinterpreted as trace fossils or sedimentary structure. Meanwhile, small carbonaceous fossils have been discovered in many Largesttäten globally. The earliest phylactolaemate were probably marine organisms24. There is a possibility to trace the phylactolaemate fossils through investigation on the small carbonaceous fossils in Largesttäten globally. Moreover, stenolaemates (except cyclostomes) went extinction successively during the Permian and Triassic, while cyclostomes seemed undisturbed by the crisis in generic diversity10. The cyclostomes survival across the Permian-Triassic boundary, as well as the rapid recovery in the Mesozoic10, suggest that these organisms are highly adaptable and can endure drastically environmental changes. Hence, cyclostome specimens may also exist in some unexpected and under-sampled habitats in and/or prior to the early Cambrian.