Generation of transgenic A. thaliana plants expressing combinations of MaFAR, MaWSD2 and MaWSD5
To compare, which WE species are synthesized from the plastidial in contrast to cytosolic fatty acid pool, we generated transgenic A. thaliana plants expressing different combinations of WE forming enzymes with and without plastidial transit peptides. We chose to express FAR and WS enzymes from the bacterium M. aquaeolei (MaFAR (Hofvander et al., 2011; Wahlen et al., 2009), MaWSD2 (Barney et al., 2012; Villa et al., 2014; Vollheyde et al., 2020), MaWSD5 (Knutson et al., 2017; Vollheyde et al., 2020)). Previous studies could show that cytosolic expression of combinations of these enzymes resulted in WE production in planta (Aslan et al., 2015a; Aslan et al., 2015b; Aslan et al., 2014; Heilmann et al., 2012; Ivarson et al., 2017; Iven et al., 2016; Lardizabal et al., 2000; Ruiz-Lopez et al., 2017; Vollheyde et al., 2020; Yu et al., 2018; Zhu et al., 2016). In addition, the lack of transmembrane domains in these bacterial enzymes avoid interference with the subcellular localization of the proteins.
To compare plastidial and cytosolic WE production, we designed constructs following our recently published analysis of transgenic A. thaliana MaFAR/MaWSD5 plants (Vollheyde et al., 2020) and generated nine additional constructs consisting of MaFAR combined with either MaWSD2 or MaWSD5 with and without plastidial transit peptide (Fig. 1, Table 1). All open reading frames were N-terminally fused with a fluorescence tag (yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) or cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)) and an immunotag (myc or flag tag) to facilitate localization studies and western blot analyses. Similar to the published and analyzed MaFAR/MaWSD5 (ßcon::YFP-myc-MaFAR/gly::CFP-flag-MaWSD5) construct (Vollheyde et al., 2020), a construct was created, expressing YFP- and myc-tagged MaFAR under the control of the seed specific ß-conglycinin promoter and CPF- and flag-tagged MaWSD2 under the control of seed specific glycinin promoter (ßcon::YFP-myc-MaFAR/gly::CFP-flag-MaWSD2, from here on referred to as MaFAR/MaWSD2). In addition to these cytosolic enzyme combinations, another set of constructs was made by fusing the three enzymes with an N-terminal plastidial transit peptide (Lee et al., 2002) to direct WE biosynthesis from the cytosol to plastids, the location of de novo fatty acid biosynthesis (clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, clMaFAR/clMaWSD5). In order to confirm plastidic localization, two constructs were made aiming for a plastidial localization controlled by the 35S promoter (35S::clMaFAR/35S::clMaWSD2, 35S::clMaFAR/35S::clMaWSD5). To analyze a possible contribution of a plastidic fatty alcohol pool in WE production, only a plastid-localized WSD was expressed by four more constructs (gly::clMaWSD2, gly::clMaWSD5, 35S::clMaWSD2, 35S::clMaWSD5).
Transformed A. thaliana Col-0 plants were first screened for independent transgenic T1 plants by herbicide treatment with glufosinate and 40 to 100 independent plants were obtained for each construct (Table 1). Despite of two transformation events and screening of a large number of seedlings, only 18 transgenic T1 plants were obtained for MaFAR/MaWSD2. For each construct, ca. 20 independent lines were screened subsequently for high WE content in T2 seeds by WE extraction and thin layer chromatography (TLC) (Iven et al., 2013). For MaFAR/MaWSD5, ten new lines were screened in addition to the ones published by Vollheyde et al. (2020). In case of MaFAR/MaWSD2, clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 plants, 50 % to 80 % of the screened lines showed WE formation in T2 seeds. No WE formation was detected in T2 seeds of lines expressing plastidial localized enzymes under the control of the 35S promoter or expressing the plastidial localized MaWSD2 or MaWSD5 alone. As expression under the control of the 35S promoter should lead to expression of WE synthesizing enzymes in leaves as well, leaves of T1 plants expressing the respective constructs were screened for WE formation, too. However, no WE formation was detected by TLC analysis.
To examine, whether plastidial localization of proteins was successful with the used transit peptide, 35S::clMFAR/35S::clMaWSD2 and 35S::clMFAR/35S::clMaWSD5 T2 seedlings were analyzed by confocal microscopy making use of the enzymes´ YFP and CFP tags (Fig. 1). Additional file 1 depicts CFP and YFP fluorescence overlay with chlorophyll autofluorescence, confirming plastidial localization of expressed clMaFAR and clMaWSD5. No CFP signal was obtained for 35S::clMFAR/35S::clMaWSD2, since only one line was available for analysis.
As significant WE amounts were obtained in T2 seeds of plants expressing the four constructs MaFAR/MaWSD2, clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5, three independent lines per construct with high WE levels were chosen for further analyses regarding protein expression, WE content and generated WE species (Table 1). For a comparison with results published for MaFAR/MaWSD5, three additional lines were analyzed in detail as the five already published ones were only analyzed by nanoelectrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (nanoESI-MS/MS) (Vollheyde et al., 2020).
Table 1
Overview of generated and analyzed transgenic A. thaliana plants.
Construct expressed (short name)
(ßcon/gly: seed specific promoters, 35S: 35S promoter)
Number of independent lines after herbicide treatment
Number of screened heterozygous lines by TLC (number of lines with increased WE amounts)
Plant lines used for further analysis
(†confocal microscopy
‡western blot
§analysis of WE species and WE amounts by GC-FID and nanoESI-MS/MS)
T2 seeds: 17 (9)
‡§lines 2, 6, 17
T2 seeds: 36 (22)
‡§lines 11, 28, 35
T2 seeds: 19 (16)
[9 (6) lines screened for (Vollheyde et al., 2020), 10 (10) additional lines screened for this publication]
‡§lines 11, 12, 17
(lines 2, 4, 5, 7, 10 (Vollheyde et al., 2020))
T2 seeds: 18 (12)
‡§lines 4, 12, 18
T2 seeds: 22 (0)
T1 leaves: 5 (0)
†line 21
T2 seeds: 23 (0)
T1 leaves: 9 (0)
†lines 18, 19, 23
T2 seeds: 21 (0)
T2 seeds: 21 (0)
T2 seeds: 12 (0)
T1 leaves: 5 (0)
T2 seeds: 21 (0)
T1 leaves: 38 (0)
MaFAR, MaWSD2 and MaWSD5 protein levels are different in seeds
Making use of their YFP-myc and CFP-flag tags, protein levels were investigated by western blot analysis in protein extracts of MaFAR/MaWSD2, clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 dry T2 seeds. A detection of MaFAR was achieved via an anti-myc IgG antibody and a detection of MaWSD2 as well as MaWSD5 was done via an anti-flag IgG antibody. In addition to that, anti-green fluorescent protein (GFP) IgG antibody was used to monitor all three proteins via their YFP and CFP labels. MaFAR protein was detected in clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 constructs (Fig. 2, Additional file 2). Despite a weak signal in MaFAR/MaWSD5 line 17, no signal corresponding to MaFAR protein was observed in MaFAR/MaWSD2 and MaFAR/MaWSD5 seeds. A signal corresponding to MaWSD5 protein was obtained in all MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 lines. In contrast to that, MaWSD2 protein was only detected in the clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 lines and as a weak signal in MaFAR/MaWSD2 line 17.
Plastidial WE synthesis leads to a shift in WE length and desaturation degree
In order to determine WE amount and species generated by the four constructs (MaFAR/MaWSD2, clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5), T2 seeds were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to flame ionization detection (GC-FID) and nanoESI-MS/MS. GC-FID analysis revealed WE contents between 12 and 22 mg/g seed as well as TAG contents between 188 and 268 mg/g seed (Fig. 3, Additional files 3 and 4). Although differences in WE levels were not significant between the different constructs, seeds expressing clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 contained on average ~ 50 % less WE than MaFAR/MaWSD2 seeds. In clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 seeds, the averaged WE content was ~ 60 % of the WE amount of MaFAR/MaWSD5 seeds (Fig. 3a). Similar to WE content, no significant difference in TAG content was observed in seeds between the constructs (Fig. 3b). However, MaFAR/MaWSD5 TAG content was slightly reduced compared to seeds expressing MaWSD2 and in clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 seeds, the TAG content was reduced even more. Figure 3c shows, that MaFAR/MaWSD2 seeds contained on average 8 % WE, which was even higher in an individual line (Additional file 3c). In clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 lines, the percentage of WE was 4 %. Due to accompanied changes in total TAG amount, WE content in MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 seeds accounted to 7 %.
In order to analyze whether plastidial localization of WE producing enzymes leads to changes in generated WE species, their fatty acid and fatty alcohol profiles were further investigated by GC-FID (Fig. 4, Additional files 4, 5 and 6). The acyl moiety profile shows only small differences between MaFAR/MaWSD2 and MaFAR/MaWSD5. Both enzyme combinations led to WE consisting mostly of 20:1 (n-9), 18:1 (n-9), 18:2 (n-6) and 16:0 fatty acids (Fig. 4a). For MaFAR/MaWSD5 a significant higher content of 16:0 was detected.
Comparing MaFAR/MaWSD2 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, a plastidial WE biosynthesis led to a significantly reduced incorporation of 18:1 (n-9) accompanied with a higher content of 18:0 and 16:0 acyl moieties (Fig. 4a). Although not significant, a trend towards the reduction of WE with 20:1 (n-9) and 18:2 (n-6) acyl moieties was observed as well. Comparing MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5, a reduced content of 20:1 (n-9) acyl moieties in the plastidial constructs was observed as well and a slight reduction in 16:0 even though these differences were not significant. This was accompanied by an increase in 18:0 and 18:1 (n-9) as well as a significant higher content of 18:1 (n-7) acyl moieties.
The overall chain length and desaturation degree status of acyl moieties reflects the above mentioned trends. For both plastidial constructs a decrease in 20 carbon acyl moieties compared to the corresponding non-plastidial constructs was detected, although this decrease was not significant. Whereas the decrease in 20 carbon chain length species resulted mainly in a significant increase in 16 carbon acyl moieties for clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, acyl moieties with 18 carbons chain length increased in clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 seed WE (Fig. 4c). The number of double bonds present in acyl moieties did not differ between MaFAR/MaWSD5 and clMaFAR/clMaWSD5. In contrast to that, a clear and significant trend towards the incorporation of saturated acyl moieties was observed for clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 compared to the corresponding non-plastidial construct. While monounsaturated acyl species were favored by the non-plastidial construct, saturated and monounsaturated acyl moieties were equally distributed in clMaFAR/clMaWSD2.
Figure 4b shows the alcohol moiety profiles of extracted WE. No differences were observed between MaFAR/MaWSD2 and MaFAR/MaWSD5. In both enzyme combinations 20:1 (n-9) and 18:1 (n-9) were the preferred alcohol species incorporated into WE. Comparing the alcohol profiles of plastidial and corresponding non-plastidial constructs, a clear and significant decrease in 20:1 (n-9) alcohol species to almost half of the content was observed, as well as a decrease in 18:1 (n-9). This was accompanied with a large and significant increase in 18:0 alcohol moiety as well as a slight, although not significant, increase in 16:0 in both plastidial constructs. Interestingly, in clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 the 18:0 alcohol moiety content was significantly more than in clMaFAR/clMaWSD5.
Figure 4d shows the summed up overall chain length and desaturation degree preference for alcohol moieties of WE in the analyzed lines. Whereas alcohol moieties with 20 carbons chain length were preferred over 18 carbons chain length alcohols in non-plastidial constructs, the incorporation of fatty alcohols with 18 carbons chain length was preferred in plastidial constructs. A slight, although not significant, increase in 16 carbon alcohol species was observed in the same combinations as well in comparison to the corresponding non-plastidial constructs. A large shift occurred in the number of double bonds. MaFAR/MaWSD2 and MaFAR/MaWSD5 preferred monounsaturated alcohol moieties with ~ 70 mol%. In both plastidial enzyme combinations, the number of double bonds decreased significantly in alcohol moieties. In clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 saturated and monounsaturated species accounted to equal amounts of ~ 50 mol%. In clMaFAR/clMaWSD2, the content of saturated and monounsaturated alcohol moieties even inverted compared to MaFAR/MaWSD2 accounting for ~ 70 mol% saturated moieties in the plastidial construct.
Acyl and alcohol moiety profiles obtained by GC-FID analysis give an overview about the composition of acyl and alcohol species in WE. However, information about individual WE species cannot be obtained by this analysis. Therefore, WE of three independent plant lines per construct were analyzed by nanoESI-MS/MS (Fig. 5, Additional file 7). Figure 5 shows the 20 most abundant WE species synthesized by the four analyzed enzyme combinations. As already observed in the GC-FID profiles, seeds expressing either MaFAR/MaWSD2 or MaFAR/MaWSD5 have similar WE compositions. In both constructs, 20:1/18:1 and 20:1/20:1 WE species were the two most abundant WE species, which accounted to ~ 20 mol%. In clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 seeds however, more than 50 mol% of all WE species contained 18:0 alcohol moieties, which formed the six most abundant WE species. 18:0/18:0 and 18:0/16:0 were the two main WE species in clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 seeds, accounting to 30 mol%. Similar to but not as consistent as in clMaFAR/clMaWSD2 seeds, 18:0 alcohol moieties were preferred by clMaFAR/clMaWSD5 accounting for ~ 30 mol%. 18:1 and 18:2 acyl moieties formed the two most abundant WE species in clMaFAR/clMaWSD5.