Insertion of FPs into Pcdh for development of the FRET-based Pcdh indicators
To develop FRET-based Pcdh indicators, we used the protocadherin-γB2 (γB2) isoform because structural information was available regarding a trans-dimer formed by longer ectodomain fragments (EC1-EC5) of γB2 (PDB: 5T9T) [27], which was helpful in determining the insertion sites of FPs for the FRET donor and acceptor. We expected that the loop between the βB and βC strands in EC1 of one γB2 molecule and the loop between the βC and βD strands in EC5 of another γB2 molecule would be close to each other with the formation of a trans-dimer. On the basis of this expectation, we individually inserted yellow FP Venus into these regions (amino acid position 29th and 472nd residues in the mature form, respectively; Fig. 1a) and examined the effect of FP insertion on the localization of γB2. Venus-inserted γB2s, γB2-EC1-Venus, and γB2-EC5-Venus were mainly localized at the perinuclear region in HEK293T cells, similar to C-terminal Venus-fused γB2 (γB2-Venus) (Fig. 1b). This result indicates that the insertion of Venus into γB2 hardly compromised the localization of γB2. Since the low localization of γB2 at the plasma membrane hampers the development of FRET-based indicators for monitoring γB2 trans interactions across cells, we deleted the intracellular domain (ICD) to efficiently localize FP-inserted γB2s at the plasma membrane[31]. We prepared γB2ΔICDs in which cyan FP mTurquoise2 (mTQ2) and Venus were inserted into the EC1 and EC5 domains as the FRET donor and acceptor, respectively (γB2ΔICD-EC1-mTQ2 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-Venus) (Fig. 1c). They were efficiently localized at the plasma membrane similar to γB2ΔICD-Venus (Fig. 1d).
FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators can monitor homophilic trans interaction of γB2
To examine whether FRET occurs by γB2 trans interaction across cells (Fig. 2a), we co-cultured HEK293T cells individually expressing γB2ΔICD-EC1-mTQ2 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-Venus and assessed FRET by acceptor photobleaching at the cell adhesion sites (Fig. 2c-d). The average FRET efficiency was 14.1 ± 2.42 % (Fig. 2e, mean ± SD, pre-optimization). To increase FRET efficiency, we optimized the linkers between the FPs and γB2. We eventually obtained γB2ΔICD-EC1-G4S-mTQ2ΔC6 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-VenusΔN3C9-P3 as post-optimized FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators (Fig. 2b). FRET at cell adhesion sites was assessed (Fig. 2c-d), and the average FRET efficiency was 27.4 ± 5.67 % (Fig. 2e, mean ± SD, post-optimization), which was approximately twice as high as the pre-optimized FRET efficiency.
A cell aggregation assay using K562 cells in previous studies showed that Pcdh isoforms mediate specific interactions only between identical isoforms[6, 7]. To examine the effect of FP-insertion into γB2 on the binding specificity, we performed a cell aggregation assay using K562 cells individually transfected with expression plasmids encoding FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators and C-terminal tdTomato-fused γB2 (γB2-tdTomato) and γA3 (γA3-tdTomato) isoforms. Both types of cells expressing γB2ΔICD-G4S-mTQ2ΔC6 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-VenusΔN3C9-P3 aggregated with cells expressing γB2-tdTomato; however, they did not aggregate with cells expressing γA3-tdTomato and segregated into homophilic aggregates (Fig. 2f), indicating that FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators retain homophilic interactions. We observed that γB2ΔICD-EC1-G4S-mTQ2ΔC6 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-VenusΔN3C9-P3 mediate homophilic interactions with each other (Fig. 2g). Finally, we assessed FRET by acquiring a Venus/mTQ2 ratio image of cell aggregates formed by cells individually expressing γB2ΔICD-EC1-G4S-mTQ2ΔC6 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-VenusΔN3C9-P3. Consequently, a higher ratio was confirmed at the cell adhesion sites between cells expressing γB2ΔICD-EC1-G4S-mTQ2ΔC6 and γB2ΔICD-EC5-VenusΔN3C9-P3 (Fig. 2h), indicating that the FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators enable monitoring of Pcdh-mediated cell-cell adhesions as a Venus/mTQ2 ratio readout.
FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators detect specific γB2 trans interaction
To confirm the specificity of the FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators, we prepared FRET-based indicators to monitor the interaction of other Pcdh isoforms and examined whether FRET occurs between the indicators with γB2ΔICD and other Pcdh. We initially prepared mTQ2- and Venus-inserted γA3ΔICDs with insertion sites corresponding to those of the FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators. However, almost no FRET was observed between them (data not shown). A previous cell aggregation assay using K562 cells indicated that chimeric Pcdhs whose EC2-EC3 domains were swapped by those of other Pcdh isoforms interact homophilically; however, they did not interact with parental Pcdhs[25]. On the basis of this knowledge, we prepared FRET-based chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators (Fig. 3a). Both γB2γA3ΔICD-EC1-G4S-mTQ2ΔC6 and γB2γA3ΔICD-EC5-VenusΔN3C9-P3 were localized at the cell adhesion sites in HEK293T cells (Fig. 3b). Next, we examined the binding specificity of FRET-based chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators using a cell aggregation assay in K562 cells. While cells individually expressing FRET-based chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators aggregated with each other, they segregated into discrete aggregates with cells expressing γB2-tdTomato or γA3-tdTomato (Fig. 3c). This result indicates that the FRET-based chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators mediate homophilic interactions. To examine the specificity of the FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators, we individually expressed the FRET-based γB2ΔICD and chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators in HEK293T cells and assessed FRET by acceptor photobleaching at the cell adhesion sites. Although FRET between the same pairs of indicators was confirmed, different pairs did not exhibit FRET (Fig. 3d). We further analyzed the specificity of the indicators in K562 cells as a FRET readout. Since the FRET-based γB2ΔICD and chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators mediate homophilic interactions (Fig. 2f, 3c), the cells expressing them should be segregated. N-cadherin has been reported to bridge K562 cells expressing different Pcdh isoforms[7]. We co-expressed N-cadherin with the FRET-based γB2ΔICD or chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators in K562 cells and co-cultured them. As expected, cell aggregation was confirmed even between the cells expressing a different pair of Pcdh (Fig. 3e), and FRET was confirmed only in the same pairs of indicators at the mTQ2- and Venus-positive cell adhesion sites (Fig. 3f, white arrowheads). These results indicate that the FRET-based γB2ΔICD and chimeric γB2γA3ΔICD indicators specifically monitor γB2 and γB2γA3 trans interactions across cells, respectively.
Ca2+ dependency of γB2 trans interaction revealed by the FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators
Previous reports have examined the Ca2+-dependency of Pcdh trans interactions in K562 cells, using different approaches, and their conclusions were not consistent[6, 25]. To clarify the Ca2+-dependency of the Pcdh trans interaction, we examined the effect of Ca2+chelation by EGTA on the pre-formed cell adhesions mediated by the FRET-based γB2ΔICD indicators in K562 cells. After treatment with EGTA, the Venus/mTQ2 ratio at the cell adhesion sites was reduced (Fig. 4a). Time-lapse imaging showed that a decrease in the Venus/mTQ2 ratio was confirmed within a second (Fig. 4b). Furthermore, emission spectra before and after EGTA treatment indicated that a decrease in the Venus/mTQ2 ratio by Ca2+chelation resulted from an increase in the emission of mTQ2, corresponding to a decrease in the emission of Venus (Fig. 4c). Quantitative analysis strongly supported that the Pcdh trans interaction was dependent on Ca2+ (Fig. 4d).