Data sources
We collected early published epidemic data on COVID-19 cases in Shenzhen, which were obtained from the open data platform of Shenzhen Municipal Government [17]. The population mobility data were retrieved from Baidu Qianxi with location-based services having nearly 9 billion location requests each day [18], which was also in the public domain [12].
Model description
Definition of disease stages
Based on the classical epidemiological dynamic SEITR model [8; 19], we proposed a M-SEITR model to evaluate the development of the epidemic, where ‘M’ stands for in-time population mobility correction (Figure 1) [20]. In the M-SEITR model, the population was divided into five compartments, which include susceptible individuals (S), individuals during the incubation period (E), infected but undiagnosed individuals (I), diagnosed individuals with treatment (T), recovered individuals (R) and death individuals (D). The total population size was denoted as N, (N=S+E+I+T+R).
The transmission of COVID-19 in the population
The schematic disease progression diagram is demonstrated in Figure 1 (details in the Appendix). The model took into account the effects of facial mask usage p(t) and interpersonal contact m per day on the COVID-19 epidemics. Specifically, we used a multinomial distribution to describe the transmission probability caused by interpersonal contact, which depends on the number of daily interpersonal contacts and the probability of transmission per contact (β). Comparing to elsewhere in the world, the Chinese Government had developed guidelines for the use of masks and enforced a more stricter facial mask-wearing practice, especially in public places and on public transports [21]. At the initiation of the simulation at Jan 1st, where there were no confirmed cases reported in Shenzhen, we assumed the background facial mask rate to be zero (Figure 1).
Impact of work resumption
We assumed that the probability of transmission decreased with the reduction of interpersonal contact and the increase in the use of facial masks. We assumed that the vast majority of citizens would maintain the habit of wearing masks until the end of the epidemic (even after work resumption). Further, work resumption would increase the frequency of interpersonal contacts, which may further affect the trajectory of the epidemic. Importantly, we assumed that contact frequency m after work resumption would increase three-fold relative to the frequency of contact with family members prior to work resumption [22]. And the various resumption of work ratio at different dates in the resumption strategies below affects the population mobility in Shenzhen. With the increase in the resumption of work ratio, the returning population in Shenzhen also increased, including people at different stages of disease (Appendix).
Simulation of population mobility
For population mobility, we assumed the population would return to Shenzhen after resumption in the same size and speed as they left the city before the strict control was implemented. We assumed that population mobility could affect three subpopulations, the susceptible individuals (S), the asymptomatic latent individuals (E) and un-diagnosed infected individuals (I) (Figure 1). The parameters and mathematical formulation for population mobility were listed in the Appendix. Imported cases first appeared in Shenzhen on Jan 4th, and the first local case of public transmission occurred on Jan 15th, considering the estimated incubation period of COVID-19 (3-7 days) [11; 15; 23; 24], we conservatively regard Jan 1st as the starting point of the Shenzhen epidemic.
Scenarios for evaluation
The epidemic situation in Hubei may impact on Shenzhen in two ways. First, since the number of confirmed cases in Hubei has increased substantially on February 12nd due to the change of diagnostic criteria and the progress of patient admission [25], it is likely that the number of latent infections among the Hubei travelers to Shenzhen in January might have been underestimated. The extent of control of the imported cases in Shenzhen in late January would impact substantially on the epidemic in Shenzhen. Second, the inflow of asymptomatic infections to Shenzhen after work resumption may be affected by the epidemic situation in Hubei.
We created four scenarios to reflect the potential intervention status in Shenzhen. Scenario 1 represents a prompt control of the inflow of the infected population from Hubei into Shenzhen in January and a low incidence risk in Hubei in March after work resumption. Scenario 2 represents a prompt control of the inflow of the infected population from Hubei in Shenzhen in January but a high incidence risk in Hubei in March after work resumption. Scenario 3 represents a delayed control of the inflow of the infected population from Hubei in Shenzhen in January and a low incidence risk in Hubei in March after work resumption. Scenario 4 represents a delayed control of the inflow of the infected population from Hubei in Shenzhen in January but a high incidence risk in Hubei in March after work resumption.
Resumption strategies
To evaluate the possible impact of work resumption on the epidemic, we identified six stepwise resumption schemes in each scenario. These included (1) Full resumption of work from Feb 10th; (2) Scheme 1, a partial resumption of 57% on Feb 10th followed by a full resumption on Feb 17th; (3) Scheme 2, a partial resumption of 51% on Feb 10th followed by a full resumption on Feb 17th; (4) Scheme 3, a partial resumption of 51% on Feb 10th, then 63% on Feb 17th, followed by a full resumption on Feb 24th; (5) Scheme 4, an increasing partial resumption of 39%, 51% and 63% on Feb 10th, 17th, and 24th respectively, followed by a full resumption on Mar 2nd; (6) Scheme 5, a partial resumption of 57% and 74% on Feb 10th and 17th respectively, followed by a full resumption on Feb 24th. The calculation of the partial resumption is based on the type of industry, immediate urgency for the resumption and their impact on the spread of the epidemic. In general, industries related to people’s daily necessities were prioritized. These were followed by industries that were essential but allowed for ‘work from home’, then industries that may be resumed in the near future, and those can be further delayed. The full explanation of the resumption schemes was listed in the Appendix.
Model calibration
We calibrated the model parameters based on the of confirmed cases of COVID-19 published in by Shenzhen Center for Disease Control (Appendix). Overall, the calibrated model demonstrated good consistency between the model output and the reported number of imported cases.