Freezing behavior of lipid nanovesicles
As shown in Fig. 1a, the effects of LMF and CPA on ice crystal formation were assessed by plotting thermocouple temperature profiles of the lipid nanovesicle solution within the zone of ice crystal formation (− 5 ~ 0°C). The degree of supercooling and the freezing rate, which determine ice crystal formation, were measured in the lipid nanovesicle solution (Supplementary Fig. S1). The freezing process firstly involves ice nucleation, in which a minuscule crystalline lattice structure is formed. Once stable ice nuclei are formed, ice crystal growth proceeds by the addition of molecules to the interface31. Ice nucleation is affected by the supercooling of water, which is the retention of the liquid state below its equilibrium freezing point (0°C). The freezing rate, the velocity to pass through the critical zone of ice crystal formation (− 5 ~ 0°C), determines the ice crystal size and distribution.
The degree of supercooling of the lipid nanovesicle solution was decreased by approximately half in the LMF system compared with the conventional freezing (CF) system (Fig. 1b). Meanwhile, the degree of supercooling of the solution was significantly lower with the addition of CPA than without CPA, indicating that supercooling was controlled primarily by CPA treatment. The presence of solutes such as CPA generally causes a decrease in the freezing point of solutions and promotes heterogeneous nucleation, which lead to a decrease in the degree of supercooling32,33. The combination of LMF and CPA completely suppressed supercooling of the lipid nanovesicle solution. The lowered degree of supercooling suggested that faster ice nucleation occurred in the solution, which contributed to a decrease in ice crystal size34,35.
The freezing rate of the lipid nanovesicle solution in the CF system was 0.279°C/min, and it increased after adding CPA to the solution, which indicated that CPA treatment had little impact on ice crystal growth (Fig. 1c). On the other hand, the freezing rates of the lipid nanovesicle solution in the LMF system with and without CPA were 0.933 and 0.610°C/min, respectively. Compared with the CF system, the LMF system increased the freezing rate with and without CPA by 5.2- and 2.2-fold, respectively.
Generally, freezing at high rates reduces the time for ice crystals to grow in solution, thereby forming small and uniform ice crystals. Extremely quick freezing using liquid nitrogen can decrease the size of ice crystals more dramatically compared with freezing using the LMF system, but quick freezing also disrupts lipid bilayer membranes by creating high osmotic pressure36. Hence, freezing at a moderate rate (i.e., not too quick or too slow freezing) forms fine ice crystal and concurrently leads the appropriate diffusion from the aqueous phase of lipid nanovesicle37,38. These suggest that the LMF system regulating the freezing rate can minimize the membrane disruption from ice crystal formation.
Effects of freezing rate on lipid nanovesicles
Various organic solvents (e.g., acetone, n-propanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and methanol) as the liquid media were applied to the LMF system to control the freezing rate in detail. The temperature profiles of the lipid nanovesicle solutions in the LMF system using organic solvents showed that the freezing rate differed substantially depending on the liquid medium (Fig. 2a). The lowest freezing rate (0.186°C/min) was obtained using the CF system, whereas the highest freezing rate (0.966°C/min) was obtained using the LMF system with methanol as the liquid medium.
The freezing rate in the LMF system was significantly correlated with the specific heat capacity of the medium (Table S1). Linear regression indicated that the freezing rate increased proportionally with the specific heat capacity of the medium (Fig. 2b). Changes in the freezing rate were significantly associated with the removal of latent heat of fusion produced by the phase change of water from a liquid to crystalline form. These results suggest that as the specific heat capacity of the liquid medium increases, a higher driving force for heat transfer is provided to the sample solution, which increases the freezing rate accordingly. Furthermore, it is possible to precisely control the freezing rate by simply changing the liquid medium in the LMF system (Supplementary Fig. S2).
The effect of the freezing rate on the integrity of the lipid bilayer membrane was evaluated by measuring the size distribution of lipid nanovesicle after lyophilization (Fig. 2c). The intact lipid nanovesicle prior to lyophilization had a Z-average diameter (Dz) of 112.3 nm and polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.184, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showed a monodispersed morphology of the lipid nanovesicles (Supplementary Fig. S3). Compared with the size distribution of intact lipid nanovesicles, changes in Dz and PDI were observed in all of the lyophilized lipid nanovesicles. However, the changes in the size distributions of the lyophilized lipid nanovesicles differed significantly among the different freezing systems. The Dz and PDI of lyophilized lipid nanovesicles showed the greatest changes in the CF and LMF systems with acetone and the smallest changes in the LMF system with isopropanol, suggesting that the change in size distribution decreased as the freezing rate increased (Supplementary Fig. S4). Nevertheless, lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the LMF system with methanol, in which the freezing rate was highest, showed a greater increase in Dz compared with the LMF system with isopropanol. These results suggest that too quick-freezing leads to disruption of the lipid bilayer membrane, and the membrane integrity of lipid nanovesicles can be maintained completely after lyophilization when the appropriate freezing rate is applied.
We assessed leakage of encapsulated material (fluorescent calcein in the internal aqueous phase) in lipid nanovesicles after lyophilization at different freezing rates (Fig. 2d). The highest leakage (25.32%) was measured in lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the CF system. Leakage from lyophilized lipid nanovesicles decreased as the freezing rate increased. But, the leakage in the LMF system using isopropanol showed the least leakage (7.11%), consistent with the freezing rate-dependent changes in size distribution. These results demonstrate that minute changes in the freezing rate considerably affect the integrity of lipid bilayer membranes during freezing; thus, precise control of the freezing rate is crucial for maintaining the lipid nanovesicle structure. Isopropanol was selected as the optimal liquid medium in the LMF system for lyophilization of the lipid nanovesicles.
Powderization and rehydration of lipid nanovesicles
Powderization of lipid nanovesicles via lyophilization is a promising technology that can improve long-term stability and transportability for practical applications38,39. Lyophilized lipid nanovesicles must be reconstituted by adding a solution for rehydration prior to administration. The rehydration behavior of the lipid nanovesicle powder is important for product quality in terms of practical applications40. Hence, we examined the effects of LMF and CPA on the powderization and rehydration behavior of lipid nanovesicle powders.
As shown in Fig. 3a, the lipid nanovesicle powder lyophilized in the CF system formed a sticky agglomeration that did not completely disperse upon rehydration, regardless of CPA treatment. Lyophilization in the LMF system without CPA produced aggregated powder, which had low dispersibility following rehydration. By contrast, the powder produced by lyophilization in the LMF system with CPA had a fine and flour-like consistency and was dispersed completely in the solution without aggregation.
The size distributions of the lipid nanovesicle powders differed from those of intact lipid nanovesicles after rehydration, except for the powder produced by lyophilization using LMF with CPA (Fig. 3b). The lipid nanovesicle powder without CPA showed two size distribution peaks after rehydration, regardless of the freezing system. These results indicated that CPA prevented the collapse, fusion, or aggregation of lipid nanovesicles during lyophilization, during which the water molecules that interacted with the polar phosphate groups of lipid bilayers were displaced by CPAs such as saccharides. The surface of the frozen vesicles was covered by a concentrated aqueous saccharide solution or glassy solid, which prevented physical damage by ice crystals causing disruption of the lipid bilayer41. Meanwhile, the lipid nanovesicles lyophilized by CF (without LMF) with CPA showed 1.47- and 1.46-fold increases in Dz and PDI after rehydration, respectively, compared with the intact lipid nanovesicles. Monodispersed size distributions of lipid nanovesicles similar to those of the intact vesicles were obtained only after lyophilization by LMF with CPA after rehydration. These results suggest that both the CPA treatment and LMF system are required to retain the integrity of lipid bilayer membranes during lyophilization and rehydration.
TEM images of the lipid nanovesicles lyophilized by CF without CPA and those lyophilized by LMF with CPA after rehydration are shown in Fig. 3c. Aggregations and structural disruptions were observed in the lipid nanovesicles lyophilized by CF in the absence of CPA. By contrast, the lipid nanovesicles lyophilized by LMF with CPA reverted to a spherical structure after rehydration, similar to intact lipid nanovesicles.
Membrane fluidity and polarity of rehydrated lipid nanovesicles
The effects of LMF and CPA on membrane integrity of lyophilized lipid nanovesicles were assessed by measuring membrane fluidity and polarity after rehydration. The membrane fluidity (1/P) values of rehydrated lipid nanovesicles after lyophilization with different freezing conditions (with or without LMF and CPA) were measured, and the results indicated membrane fluidity (Fig. 4a). The 1/P values of lipid nanovesicles lyophilized in the LMF system, regardless of CPA treatment, were similar to those of the intact nanovesicles, suggesting that lyophilization in the LMF system did not cause considerable changes in the membrane fluidity of lipid nanovesicles. However, the 1/P values of lipid nanovesicles lyophilized in the CF system (without LMF) in the presence or absence of CPA were higher than those of intact nanovesicles.
Membrane polarity of lyophilized lipid nanovesicles with different freezing conditions was determined using Laurdan, a fluorescence molecular probe. Laurdan shows specific emission peaks at 440 and 490 nm that originate from lipid bilayer membranes in ordered (lo, So) and disordered (ld) phases, respectively. The lipid nanovesicles lyophilized under different freezing conditions showed different fluorescence spectra of Laurdan (Fig. 4b). An emission peak shift of Laurdan toward longer wavelengths (red shift) occurred in all lyophilized lipid nanovesicles, compared with the spectrum from intact lipid vesicles, but the peak shifts differed depending on the freezing conditions. Lyophilized lipid nanovesicles showed the lowest shift in the LMF system with CPA and the highest shift in the CF system without CPA. These results indicated that the freezing conditions determined the changes in the phase state of lipid membranes after lyophilization.
The membrane polarity (GP340) values of the lyophilized lipid nanovesicles were measured to identify the degree of hydration of the membrane surface (Fig. 4c). The GP340 value of the intact lipid nanovesicles was approximately 0.5, whereas that of lyophilized lipid nanovesicles without CPA or LMF decreased significantly after rehydration. The decrease in the GP340 value of lipid vesicles implied that the ld phase increased, and the ordered (So or lo) phase decreased, in the lipid membrane. Only lyophilized lipid nanovesicles treated with both CPA and LMF showed no change in the GP340 value compared with intact vesicles. These results suggest that no fusion occurs, and the lipids remain in lo phase when lipid nanovesicles are lyophilized with both CPA and LMF. In other words, lyophilization with both CPA and LMF allows lipid nanovesicles to retain the trapped solute during rehydration since the vesicles do not undergo a phase transition.
In Fig. 4d, the membrane fluidity and polarity of lyophilized lipid nanovesicles are plotted as a Cartesian plot, in which the phase state of the lipid membranes can be classified based on the GP340 and 1/P values. The cross point of the x and y axes is the threshold point of the phase transition in the soy-phosphatidylcholine lipid vesicle (1/P = 6.0, GP340 = − 0.2)42,43. Using Cartesian diagram analysis, lipid vesicles with lower fluidity (1/P < 6) and higher polarity (GP340 > − 0.2) were plotted in the second quadrant, indicating that lipid membranes are in the So or lo phase. The intact and lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the LMF system existed in a solid-ordered (So) phase with a lower fluidity and higher GP340 value compared with lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the CF system. Lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the CF system, regardless of CPA treatment, were found near the boundary of the So/lo and ld phases, indicating that they are in ld phase partially mixed with the So or lo phase. The plot showed that lipid membranes of intact and lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the LMF system existed in the So phase, with a lower fluidity and higher GP340 value than those of the other nanovesicles. Meanwhile, the lyophilized lipid nanovesicles in the CF system were found near the boundary of the So and ld phases, indicating that their lipid membranes are in a ld phase partially mixed with the So or lo phase.
These results suggest that the phase state of the lipid membrane was significantly altered during lyophilization in the CF system, which might be attributed to the formation of large and heterogeneous ice crystals, inducing membrane fusion of lipid nanovesicles. Nevertheless, only the lipid nanovesicles lyophilized with both CPA and LMF were found to be similar to intact nanovesicles in terms of the phase state of the membrane. These results suggest that membrane integrity is retained during lyophilization and completely reconstituted by rehydration only when both LMF and CPA are applied during the freezing step. The effects of CPA and LMF on the integrity of lipid nanovesicles during lyophilization and rehydration are presented in Fig. 5.
Storage stability of lyophilized powder
Lyophilization using CPA and LMF achieved optimal recovery of the lipid nanovesicle powder after long-term storage (Fig. 6). During storage at 4°C and 30°C for 30 days, the lipid nanovesicle powder retained its monodispersed distribution and colloidal stability unlike vesicles stored in solution (without lyophilization), which became unstable and aggregated after a short period (2 or 7 days). These results confirmed that this lyophilization method preserves intact lipid bilayer membrane structure for a long time. Rehydration is a complex process requiring multiple vortexing and heating steps to achieve complete reconstitution and solubilization of lipid nanovesicle powder17. By contrast, the proposed lyophilization methods in the LMF system using CPA can stabilize lipid bilayer membranes and prevent fusion, aggregation, and leakage. Furthermore, the process is comparatively simple; the lipid nanovesicle solution is frozen at − 75°C in a liquid medium (isopropanol) during the freezing step without the need for any complex device or process.