This study was conducted between December 2019 to June 2020. The National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH) data were employed. NSCH is a screening for various developmental disorders that provides data on different, intersecting aspects of children’s lives including physical and mental health, parental health, access to health care, and the family, and social environment (23). NSCH included completed interviews of a representative national sample of non-institutionalized children aged 0–17 years and an average of 520–796 participants per individual state (23). The survey was conducted as a mail and web-based survey administered by the Data Research Center (DRC) with a partnership of Maternal and Child Health Bureau and Census Bureau. The 2018 NSCH data are publicly available on the Census Bureau’s NSCH page. Further information on sample methodology and selection is on the DRC website (
Institutional Review Board of Texas A&M University examined the proposal of this study and deemed this project is not research involving human subjects as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. A representative sample of 30,530 noninstitutionalized children aged 0–17 years from the 2018 NSCH was included in this study. Children with DD were identified based on the DD definition described by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) (1, 24, 25). The child was included in the DD group if he/she had any or a combination of the following: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Down Syndrome (DS), Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD), Cerebral Palsy (CP), Intellectual Disability (ID), epilepsy, Tourette syndrome, developmental delay, learning disability, behavioral and conduct disorders, and speech disorder.
Study Variables: To investigate access to healthcare-related factors on the oral health of children with DD, we utilized the model of access to healthcare by the NAM (16). Thus, we included the following indicators in our theoretical framework: Utilization of dental services, barriers of access to healthcare (personal, financial, and structural), and outcomes variables (OHN and unmet dental needs). Specifically, the utilization of dental services was analyzed using questions regarding annual dental provider visits and annual preventive visits in the NSCH. Any annual dental provider visit was further collapsed into two groups: “Yes, saw a dental provider” and “No, did not see a dental provider during the past 12 months”. For annual preventive visit, we used the survey’s question: “during the past 12 months, if a child saw a dental provider for preventive dental services such as check-ups, cleaning, sealants, and fluoride treatment?” We classified the children into two groups: “No, did not see a dental provider for a preventive visit” and “yes, saw a dental provider once or twice within the past 12 months”.
As to access to healthcare barriers, for the personal barriers, we measured the extent of disability which was developed from parents’ responses to two questions in the NSCH: “Health condition affected ability- How often” and “Health condition affected ability -Extent”. Ability was defined as the child’s ability to do things other children his or her age do. If parents responded that their child’s health condition had no impact on his/her ability, the child was categorized as “never” for the extent of the disability. If they responded as “yes” the health condition affected their child's ability somehow, they were asked to describe the extent into three categories: Very little, somewhat and a great deal. Accordingly, the extent of the disability variables included four groups: Never, very little, somewhat, and a great deal.
For the financial barriers, since no question was asked about dental insurance, “health insurance coverage within the past 12 months” was used as a proxy and includes two categories: Insured all 12 months and uninsured all 12 months. The health insurance types were further divided into four categories: Public, private, public and private, and uninsured. Four categories for the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) were used to indicate income/poverty level: 0–99%, 100–299%, 300–399%, and 400% and above. In terms of structural barriers, two variables were used for geographic location: residence (metropolitan and non-metropolitan) and Census Bureau regions. Standard Metropolitian statistical area is defined as a core with a population of at least
50,000. In the NSCH, since child’s state of residence was collected as Federal Information Processing Standard State Code “FIPS”, using the Census Bureau Regions Classification, we created four categories for the Census Bureau regions: Northeast (e.g. NY, PA, NJ), Midwest (e.g. OH, MN, MI), South (e.g. TX, FL, MS), and West (e.g. CA, OR, WA).
Our dependent variable is the perceived OHN, which is a dichotomous variable that we developed from parents’ responses to the questions regarding if their child had any of the following oral conditions during the past 12 months: cavities, bleeding gum, and/or toothache. If the parents’ response was “yes” to any of these conditions, the child was classified as having OHN. The other outcome variable is unmet dental needs through the question: “During the past 12 months, was there any time when this child needed healthcare, but it was not received?”. If parents’ response was “yes”, parents asked to choose from a list of health care services (medical, dental, mental, hearing, and vision) that a child needed but not received.
Additionally, covariates such as age, race/ethnicity, family structure, guardian education, and household language were developed from items present in the NSCH. Age was developed from a continuous variable (0–17) into three categories based on a phase of dentition: <6 years old (primary), 6–12 years old (transitional), and 13–17 years old (permanent). Race/Ethnicity was developed from two variables race and ethnicity to provide 5 racial/ethnic categories: Whites, African Americans or Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Others. Family structure was collapsed into three categories: Two parents, single mother, and others. Guardian education included two categories: Less than high school or high school and some college or higher. Household language was classified into 2 groups: English and non-English.
Statistical Analysis
Data were analyzed with IBM SPSS software, version 26. Descriptive statistics and bivariate analysis (Chi-square test) were used to compare oral health status, unmet dental needs, and utilization of dental services between children with and without DD. Additionally, frequency tables were used to summarize sociodemographic factors and factors related to access to health care for our sample of children with DD stratified by OHN status. Multi-variable logistic regression analysis was conducted to examine the association between OHN and each variable related to access to heathcare.
To ensure proper variance estimation, statistical estimates were calculated for the complex sample design (to adjust clustering, stratification, and non-response). For the analysis, all variables were weighted to represent the population of non-institutionalized children 0–17 nationally. The child’s weight was composed of a base sampling weight, adjustments for both screener and topical nonresponse, an adjustment for the selection of a single child within the sample household, and adjustments used to control to population counts for various demographics obtained from the 2017 American Community Survey (ACS) one-year data. All percentages, confidence intervals (CI), and p values reflect the sampling weights and are thus generalizable to nationally representative estimates. Adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% CI were reported.