The hypothesis of this study was that in the process of gastric-to-intestinal transdifferentiation, due to H. pylori infection, a terminally differentiated gastric cell undergoes a reduction in gastric-specific and an escalation in progenitor/intestine-specific factors, respectively.
H. pylori infection, in the harsh acidic milieu of the stomach, induces a cascade of pathologic changes, to which a series of virulence factors contribute 28,30. These predominantly include CagA 31–33, VacA 34 and BabA adhesin 35,36. Such that patients infected with cagA+, s1m1, babA2 + H. pylori, are at more than 23 fold increased risk of severe gastrointestinal complication, as compared to cagA-, s2m2, babA2- strains 30, and the risk of gastric cancer in the former group is 6.4 times higher than that in the latter 28. In our study, we have used a cagA+ (ABCCC-type), vacA s1m1i1 and babA AA, hypervirulent H. pylori strain, which was also capable of inducing cellular elongation and vacuolation, as well as IL-8 production. This hypervirulent strain was co-cultured with gastric primary cells (GPCs) and two commonly used (MKN45 and AGS) cancer cell lines, for 8, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours and the expression profiles of the following 3 categories of genes were assessed: 1) tissue-specific transcription factors (RUNX3, KLF5, SOX2, SALL4, CDX1 and CDX2), 2) stemness factors (TNFRSF19, LGR5, VIL1) and 3) tissue-specific mucins (MUC5AC, MUC2).
First and foremost, to understand the essence of the studied cells, we examined their gene expression and clustered them by drawing gene expression charts and heat maps. Of these cells, the non-transformed (non-cancerous) primary cells (GPCs 29) clustered with the normal gastric tissue. Whereas, the essence of MKN45 and AGS cells was closer together and clustered with the intestinal type gastric tumor and duodenal tissue. In recent years, several attempts have been made to elegantly build a suitable model for in vitro infection of H. pylori, ranging from one-dimensional gastric cancer cell lines 37 to three-dimensional, patient-derived organoids 38. The former group include MKN45 39 and AGS 40 cancer cell lines, which are already transformed, as manifested by their prominent expression of intestine-specific genes, i.e. CDX2, MUC2, TFF3 41, VIl1, LGALS4 and LI-cadherin 42. By definition, these cancer cell lines have already undergone gastric-to-intestinal transdifferentiation (transformation), evidenced by the down regulation of p53 gene, CDK2 and G1 cyclins expression, homozygous deletion of the p16 and p15 genes or p27 gene rearrangement, promoter mutation of E-cadherin, etc. 42,43. According to these reports and in line with our results, gene expression patterns of these cancerous cell lines (MKN45 and AGS) are closer to the intestinal type tumor and the duodenum, rather than the normal stomach 42. Therefore, assessing alteration in gene expression patterns, subsequent to H. pylori infection in gastric primary cells (GPCs), relative to these cell lines, may provide a more realistic insight.
Based on the behaviour of GPCs, the obtained data suggest an interdependent gene regulatory network, induced by H. pylori infection. This interaction begins with the downregulation of RUNX3, upregulation of self-renewal and pluripotency transcription factors, KLF5, SOX2 and SALL4, leading to the downregulation of TNFRSF19 and upregulation of LGR5 and aberrant expression of intestine-specific transcription factors, particularly CDX2, thereby facilitating the process of gastric-to-intestinal transdifferentiation.
This network of interactions is activated by H. pylori infection, which affects the Wnt pathway in three aspects. It primarily lifts the inhibitory role of RUNX3, by causing its gene hypermethylation (inactivation) and mislocation 44. Secondly, it disrupts the E-cadhein/β-catenin interaction between epithelial cells, by injecting CagA oncoprotein into the cells and causing excessive accumulation of β-catenin in the cytoplasm, part of which enters the nucleus 45 and transcribes the Wnt responsive genes, such as cell cycle control, pluripotent 46, and self-renewal genes of cancer and stem cells 47 and ultimately, aberrant expression of CDX1 and CDX2 and occurrence of intestinal metaplasia 48. Since, we have, herein, used a hypervirulent strain of H. pylori, the reduction in RUNX3 gene expression in GPCs was clearly observed. This phenomenon was also observed in MKN45 and AGS cancer cell lines, but with less intensity coinciding with or earlier than GPCs, respectively, which returned to baseline expression at late time points. This observation may be due to the earlier onset of RUNX3 down regulation in these two cells, as they have already experienced this process in their previous malignant transformation, as evidenced by the cytoplasmic localization of RUNX3 in MKN45 49 and its inactivation in AGS 50.
A recent study on 192 GC patients, whose tumor tissues were analysed by methylation-specific PCR and IHC, demonstrated significant RUNX3 promoter hypermethylation (40.6%, 78/192) and subsequent protein underexpression (51.65%, 99/192) 51. This pattern was found closely associated with H. pylori infection 51. In addition, a study of 154 healthy volunteers revealed that RUNX3 CpG island methylation was significantly higher (5.4 to 303-fold) in H. pylori-positive versus negative subjects 52. On the other hand, several meta-analyses have confirmed the close association between RUNX3 gene downregulation and gastric cancer development 53–55 and disease progression 56. How H. pylori manages to downregulate RUNX3 gene expression may be due to its indirect activation of DNA methyltransferases via inflammatory mediators 57, and/or the direct effect of CagA 57. Nevertheless, when RUNX3 is downregulated, its inhibitory role is lifted and aberrant activation of the Wnt signalling pathway, leading to spontaneous epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and production of tumorigenic stem cell-like subpopulations, occurs 58. In line with this scenario, we observed SOX2, SALL4 and KLF5, upregulation, at early time points, which mostly remained as such, in the other two cell lines, albeit to a lesser extent, throughout the experiment.
SOX2 expression plays an important role in regulating tissue development and cell differentiation, as this factor is highly expressed in the foregut region, during embryonic development, giving rise to the stomach and generating the boundary between the posterior stomach and the proximal intestine 59. Generated Sox2-GFP indicator mice from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) reveal that, in adulthood, SOX2 + cells are located in the base of the pyloric and corpus glands, capable of generating surface mucous, chief, parietal, and enteroendocrine cells of the gastric units 60, ablation of which results in the disruption of the physiological renewal of the gastric epithelium 60. The role of SOX2, in gastric cancer development, however, remains obscure. Studies can be categorized in three groups, as those having provided evidence in support of 61–65 or against 65,66 its role in gastric carcinogenesis, as well as those which have found no significant association 67. In particular, analysing normal gastric mucosae, intestinal metaplasia and tumor tissues of 68 gastric carcinoma patients by IHC, showed SOX2 as moderately expressed in sites with intestinal metaplasia 62. In the gastric tumors, however, SOX2 is mainly expressed at sites with high proliferation rates 68. Therefore, SOX2 is considered functionally active in cancer stem cells, maintaining their self-renewal capacity 68. Considering these results, the elevated expression of SOX2 in GPCs, may primarily be due to the formation of a subpopulation of progenitor cells, further supported by the simultaneous/subsequent upregulation of SALL4 and KLF5 expression. SALL4 69 and KLF5 70 are considered as oncogenes and distinguished as stemness-related reprogramming factors. SALL4 is aberrantly expressed through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway in several human malignancies, such as oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma 71, osteosarcoma72, leukaemia 73, and gastric cancer 74. Its expression is closely correlated with a poor outcome and resistance to therapy 71. SALL4 expression in the normal stomach is limited to the proliferating and stem cells areas, though its expression in gastric tumor tissues is also detected 75. Likewise, the expression of KLF5 increases in the process of gastric carcinogenesis, and is particularly detected in tissues with intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia 76. This transcription factor is critical in maintaining the integrity of intestinal stem-cells 77. Expression of these two stemness-related reprogramming factors indicates the emergence of a subpopulation of progenitor cells, which may play an intermediary role in the gastric-to-intestinal transdifferentiation process. H. pylori infected MKN45 and AGS cancer cell lines also showed initial KLF5, SOX2 and SALL4 overexpression, which remained elevated throughout the experiment, respectively. Studies show that MKN45 and AGS cells contain large populations of cancer stem cells capable of spheroid and tumor formation in vitro and in vivo 78,79. Thus, their initial higher expression of KLF5, SOX2 and SALL4 may be due to the presence of larger starting population of cancer stem cells in MKN45 and AGS cells, prior to infection.
On a different note, using immunohistochemistry, we have previously reported an inverse trend between TNFRS19 downregulation and LGR5 upregulation in gastric cancer tumours in humans, as well as in response to H. pylori infection in mice 80. Other studies also support a potential negative modulatory role for TNFRSF19 on LGR5 expression 19 and the Wnt signalling pathway 81. For instance, TNFRSF19 overexpression in MKN45 cells, leads to their decreased clonal expansion 81. LGR5 is a stem cell surface receptor and gastric LGR5 + cells have a structure similar to the undifferentiated stem cell population, with large nuclei, limited rough endoplasmic reticula and absence of secretory granules 46. H. pylori is known to affect gastric precursor cells, leading to increased proliferation and expression of LGR5 + cells 21, which is higher prevalent in the gastric tumor than the non-cancerous surrounding tissues, as a marker of dedifferentiation 82. Furthermore, it has been revealed that LGR5 is considered as a marker of intestinal stem cells 83, and its overexpression at the end of our experiment may due to the appearance of an intestinal progenitor subpopulation. We have, herein, observed that a reduction in TNFRSF19 coincided with the escalation of LGR5, at the latest time point in GPCs. A similar pattern was also observed for H. pylori-infected MKN45 cells. This inverse trend between TNFRSF19 and LGR5, was also slightly observed in the consistently upregulated AGS cells. In regards to the development of intestinal progenitor subpopulations, Villin, which is the building block of the intestinal microvilli 84 and has also been designated as an indicator of dormant gastric stem cells 85, is also under focus. Our result showed that VIL1 gene expression experienced late peaks, in all three cell lines, which further conforms with this concept.
Finally, in the gastric to intestinal transdifferentiation process, it is ultimately expected that the intestine-specific transcription factors undergo upregulation. Accordingly, we observed that both CDX1 and CDX2, had an increasing trend in GPCs, as well as MKN45 and AGS, but with varying patterns. The expression of CDX1 peaked but declined in GPCs, early and late after infection, respectively. Whereas, in MKN45 cells this rise began early and persisted up to late stages, when, AGS cells joined in. The Caudal homeobox gene family is responsible for differentiating the endoderm into the posterior endoderm and are distinguished as intestine-specific transcription factors 86. The activities of the two CDX1 and CDX2 transcription factors are limited to the middle and posterior intestinal region 87 and both are essential in the regulation of the intestinal cell proliferation and differentiation 88. It has also been shown that the undifferentiated cells of the intestinal crypts express CDX1 predominantly, whereas the differentiated cell of intestinal villi, mostly express CDX2 88. On the other hand, the aberrant expression of CDX1 is detected in areas of the stomach and oesophagus affected by intestinal metaplasia 89. Studies have shown that the Wnt signalling pathway regulates both CDX1 90 and CDX2 91 and that H. pylori increases their expression 92,93. Given these findings and the results obtained herein, it seems that following infection with a hypervirulent strain of H. pylori and activation of the Wnt pathway, the progenitor subpopulations initiate the gastric-to-intestinal transdifferentiation process, by aberrant expression of CDX1 and CDX2. In GPCs, with normal gastric nature, undifferentiated intestinal subpopulations expressing CDX1 and differentiated intestinal subpopulation expressing CDX2, appeared at early and then late time points, respectively. Whereas in MKN and AGS ells, with cancerous and mostly intestinal nature, a mixture of CDX1 expressing undifferentiated and CDX2 expressing differentiated cells are formed earlier or at the final stages, respectively.
According to our hypothesis, the above interdependent network of gene expression would supposedly translate into downregulation of gastric-specific (MUC5AC) and upregulation of intestine-specific (MUC2) mucins. However, in GPCs, we observed a consistent upregulation of the former and downregulation (yet with a rising trend) of the latter. In MKN45 cells, both MUC5AC and MUC2 were upregulated throughout the experiment. In AGS cells, an opposing trend was observed in the expression of these two tissue-specific mucins. As the colonization of Leb-binding H. pylori strains, including our herein used hypervirulent strain, is dependent on MUC5AC 94, the upregulation of this receptor upon infection may be induced for better colonization. It is also hypothesized that, injection of CagA into gastric epithelial cells triggers an array of molecular cascades 95 leading to transient escalation in MUC5AC expression 96. Accordingly, we observed an initial peak in MUC5AC expression, in all three cell lines. AGS cells, however, was the only cell line in which the previously expected pattern occurred, namely MUC5AC downregulation coincided with MUC2 upregulation. In support of the observed pattern in AGS cells, a meta-analysis of 7 case-control studies (1997–2012) concluded that the presence of H. pylori decreases gastric epithelial expression of MUC5AC, by more than half 97 and its eradication restores its levels to some degree 98. MUC5AC downregulation was also evident in gastric preneoplastic lesions, including areas with atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia 27,99 and dysplasia 99. As for MUC2, immunohistochemical and RNA northern and slot-blot analysis of normal and neoplastic human tissues confirmed its lack of expression in normal gastric epithelium, thereby restricting it to the intestines 100. Consequently, the level of MUC2 is substantially increased, in intestinal metaplasia and intestinal type gastric cancer 27, particularly following H. pylori infection 101. Histopathological and histochemical studies have divided intestinal metaplasia into two types: 1) complete or type I, which is characterized by the presence of absorptive, Paneth, and goblet cells and corresponds to the small intestine phenotype and 2) incomplete or types II and III, which are characterized by the presence of columnar and goblet cells 102. It has been shown that in type I intestinal metaplasia “gastric” mucins (MUC1, MUC5AC, and MUC6) are decreased, while MUC2 is aberrantly expressed. In contrast in types II and III intestinal metaplasia, “gastric mucins” (MUC1, MUC5AC, and MUC6) are co-expressed with “intestinal” mucin (MUC2) 103. Hence, our results may suggest that following H. pylori infection of MKN45 cells, the upregulation of both MUC5AC and MUC2 may represent incomplete or types II/ III of intestinal metaplasia cells, in which copresence of intestinal differentiated cells, columnar and goblet cells, are expected. In contract in AGS cells, the inverse trend of MUC5AC/MUC2 expression, may be due to the formation of complete or type I intestinal metaplasia.
In summary, GPCs as a non-cancerous primary cell culture model for H. pylori infection 29 seems to undergo transdifferentiation by downregulating RUNX3 and TNFRSF19, up-regulating self-renewal and pluripotency transcription factors (SOX2, KLF5 and SALL4), which then lead to the up-regulation of LGR5 and aberrant expression of intestine-specific transcription factor, particularly CDX2. Aberrant expression of MUC2 did not occur in these cells, during the time course of our experiment and might appear in prolonged cocultures. In contract, MKN45 and AGS cancerous cells, infected with H. pylori may manifest the process of transdifferentiation by upregulation of self-renewal and pluripotency transcription factors, due to their prior downregulation of RUNX3. In both cancer cell lines, the upregulation of LGR5 and aberrant expression of CDX2 is observed. However, in MKN45 cells, the simultaneous upregulation of MUC5AC and MUC2 may represent incomplete types (II and III) intestinal metaplasia, whereas in AGS cells, their inverse trend may manifest the appearance of the complete type (I). In other words, upon H. pylori infection, the differentiated gastric cells in GPCs, seem to develop into naïve progenitor cells, which later take on the nature of intestinal progenitor cells. But as expected and in contrast to GPCs, in the two H. pylori- infected gastric cancer (MKN45 and AGS) cell lines, less naïve and intestinal progenitor cells and more intestinally differentiated cells become expanded. Thus, depending on the target gene of interest, and its potential therapeutic manipulations, the herein illustrated time course of gene expression, in three different cell lines, following H. pylori infection, will allow for an educated choice of cell line and time point, for future study designs.