Meteorological parameters and natural gas consumption
Over the study period, mean monthly temperature was 14.6°C, with a variation range from 8.5 to 21.4°C. Regarding humidity, air pressure and visibility the measured mean values were 71.0 %, 1015.4 hPa and 15.1 Km, respectively. Average total monthly rainfall was 78.1 mm. Precipitation and air temperature presented the highest temporal variability (coefficient of variation equal to 32.2 % and 42.3 %, respectively). Whereas precipitation showed no statistically significant differences between the 4 seasons (p > 0.05), temperature did show differences (p < 0.05) except in the fall and the spring. Wind intensity remained almost constant (mean monthly equal to 13.5 Km h-1) throughout the period and showed no statistically significant differences between seasons (p > 0.05), except for the fall.
Fig. 3 shows the temporal variation in monthly NG consumption in the city of Tandil for the residential, commercial, and CNG sectors during the study period. Of the total NG consumption in the city of Tandil, 65.2 %, 10.6 %, 10.0 % and 14.1% correspond to the residential, commercial, CNG and industrial (not considered in this study) sectors, respectively. In Argentina, the highest percentages of consumption of NG distributed along the gas network correspond to the residential and industrial sectors—43.5 % and 39.7 %, respectively (Secretary of Energy of the Nation 2019).
NG residential and commercial consumption are higher in winter, with statistically significant differences in relation to the other seasons in the case of the residential sector and to spring and summer in the case of the commercial sector (p < 0.05). This behavior was reflected in a good correlation between NG consumption and ambient temperature, with an R and p value (value in parenthesis) of -0.78 (p = 0.003) and -0.94 (p <0.0001) for the residential and commercial sectors, respectively. In general, heating degree days is currently an important determinant of the amount of energy required to heat urban buildings (Kennedy et al. 2009). In our country, residential and commercial NG consumption reaches its maximum level in the winter months (Secretariat of the Environment and Sustainable Development 2015).
Regarding CNG demand, only statistically significant differences were measured between summer and winter (p < 0.05), with a fairly good correlation with ambient temperature (R = -0.69, p = 0.013). A decrease in the CNG consumption in the summer is probably related to less economic activity as a consequence of the holidays (Gil 2006; Gioli et al. 2012).
Temporal variability of atmospheric methane concentrations
Table 1 shows the average atmospheric CH4 concentrations for each season and for the complete study period at each sampling site.
Table 1 Comparison of the mean values of the atmospheric CH4 concentrations between seasons (± standard deviation, n = total number of measurements performed in each site, superscript letters show results for Fisher’s LSD Test) and results of Pearson correlation analysis (linear correlation coefficients R and significance level p in parentheses) between the atmospheric CH4 concentrations and the mean air temperature (T) at each site
Atmospheric CH4 concentration (ppm)
Pearson [CH4] with T
R (p)
2.14 ± 0.05a
2.08 ± 0.04a
2.26 ± 0.06ab
2.45 ± 0.37b
2.22 ± 0.23
-0.71 (< 0.001)
2.16 ± 0.04a
2.12 ± 0.07a
2.36 ± 0.12b
2.38 ± 0.06b
2.25 ± 0.14
-0.92 (< 0.001)
4.24 ± 1.03a
5.78 ± 1.07b
6.18 ± 2.03b
5.58 ± 0.45ab
5.45 ± 1.41
-0.24 (0.455)
2.09 ± 0.07a
2.08 ± 0.04a
2.30 ± 0.17b
2.27 ± 0.04b
2.19 ± 0.14
-0.82 (0.001)
2.16 ± 0.04a
2.09 ± 0.02a
2.30 ± 0.09b
2.30 ± 0.08b
2.21 ± 0.11
-0.93 (< 0.001)
2.19 ± 0.11a
2.12 ± 0.04a
2.31 ± 0.14a
2.57 ± 0.32b
2.30 ± 0.24
-0.78 (0.003)
2.05 ± 0.05a
2.01 ± 0.05a
2.22 ± 0.24b
2.12 ± 0.07ab
2.10 ± 0.14
-0.65 (0.023)
2.32 ± 0.09ab
2.22 ± 0.07a
2.46 ± 0.17b
2.45 ± 0.09b
2.37 ± 0.14
-0.66 (0.020)
2.11 ± 0.02a
2.09 ± 0.05a
2.26 ± 0.10b
2.31 ± 0.16b
2.19 ± 0.13
-0.82 (0.001)
2.04 ± 0.04b
1.97 ± 0.03a
2.03 ± 0.04b
2.05 ± 0.04b
2.02 ± 0.05
-0.79 (0.003)
Except for S3 (the one nearest the WWTP and located in a high-density zone), at all sites the greatest CH4 concentrations were registered in the winter and/or the fall, with significant statistical differences with respect to the other seasons. A good inverse statistically significant correlation was obtained between the mean monthly atmospheric CH4 concentration at each site and monthly mean temperature (Table 1). Given that the maximum CH4 concentrations were recorded in the coldest months, we infer that the predominant sources are non biogenic ones, and not sources associated with biological processes, whose emissions occur in the warm seasons (Wong et al. 2016).
Fusé et al. (2019) suggested that the maximum concentrations of atmospheric CH4 recorded in the fall and winter in Tandil can be explained by the higher consumption of NG for heating and by gas leaks in the heating systems. In general, good statistically significant correlations were obtained between atmospheric CH4 and residential or commercial consumption of NG (Table 2). NG exhaust from diverse residential implements (for heating, water heating, and cooking) contains some unburned CH4 due to inevitable incomplete combustion (Lebel et al. 2020; Merrin and Francisco 2019). Helfter et al. (2016) suggest that in winter, increases in CH4 concentrations above the background level could be attributed to CH4 losses from over-pressurized pipelines as a response to an increase in gas demand.
Table 2 Linear correlation coefficients R and significance level p (in parentheses) between the values of atmospheric CH4 concentration for each site and the NG volumes for each sector
0.71 (0.01)
0.70 (0.01)
0.43 (0.16)
0.58 (0.05)
0.93 (< 0.01)
0.57 (0.05)
-0.13 (0.70)
0.33 (0.29)
0.12 (0.70)
0.48 (0.11)
0.77 (< 0.01)
0.29 (0.35)
0.61 (0.04)
0.92 (0.03)
0.57 (0.05)
0.75 (0.01)
0.79 (0.01)
0.58 (0.05)
0.30 (0.33)
0.58 (0.05)
0.08 (0.80)
0.45 (0.14)
0.63 (0.03)
0.51 (0.09)
0.84 (< 0.01)
0.33 (0.29)
0.68 (0.02)
0.62 (0.03)
0.44 (0.15)
A better correlation between atmospheric CH4 and commercial consumption of NG was obtained for S2, S4, S5 and S9, probably because these sites are located in commercial areas or close to them (La Macchia 2016). S9 is situated at one of the main entrances to the city, where various stores are located (Migueltorena and Linares 2019).
The best correlation between atmospheric CH4 and CNG demand was observed in S6. This site is located near National Route 226 and two CNG stations (Fig. 2b). A good correlation was also established for other sites close to CNG stations, S2, S5, and S8, although the last one with a value of p < 0.1. In the CNG stations, CH4 emissions may result from the process of converting pipeline gas to vehicle fuel and during the fueling process itself. Recent surveys provide evidence for fugitive emissions in gas stations—elevated CH4 levels (up to 14.1 ppm) were observed in a CNG vehicle gas station in Irvine, California (Hopkins et al. 2016).
S3 is the only site for which no good correlation was found between the mean monthly atmospheric CH4 concentration and ambient temperature and between atmospheric CH4 concentration and monthly consumption of NG by any of the sectors. Chen et al. (2018) showed a relatively weak seasonality of CH4 emissions in the waste sector. However, the increase in atmospheric CH4 in the summer, compared with the winter and spring, seems to indicate a greater participation of biogenic sources within the WWTP (Kong et al. 2002). CH4 emissions tend to be high in summer, when biological production of CH4 increases due to relatively high water temperature (Masuda et al. 2015). The seasonal maximum in the fall could be attributed to the predominance of non biogenic sources, associated to NG use (Sánchez et al. 2018; Wong et al. 2016) or to a greater accumulation of the CH4 emitted by the WWTP resulting from possible thermal inversions (Verhulst et al. 2017). The latter may result from concurrent meteorological conditions (high humidity, reduced visibility, fog, low temperatures and wind intensity) (Ackerman and Knox 2006), which occur in Tandil in the fall (Picone 2014; Fusé et al. 2019). The dissimilar seasonal behavior and the relatively high atmospheric CH4 concentrations observed in S3 required that the following analyses be performed in two ways: including and excluding S3.
All these results appear to indicate the presence of one or more dominant sources that cause atmospheric CH4 concentrations in each site to vary across seasons. When considering the effect of ambient temperature on the mean monthly CH4 concentration (average of concentrations in the 10 sites), a good inverse correlation is obtained (R = -0.79, p = 0.002). Therefore, the use of NG seems to account for a large percentage of atmospheric CH4 in the urban area of Tandil, as was observed for a previous period (Fusé 2019). In turn, in Helfter et al. (2016), average CH4 fluxes in London were 17 % lower in summer than in winter, but the correlation with air temperature was not statistically significant. This suggests that the total CH4 flux is due to a superposition of sources with constant and time-varying emission rates.
Spatial analysis and exploratory regression of atmospheric CH4 concentrations
Mean seasonal atmospheric CH4 concentrations
Based on the temporal variation of the atmospheric CH4 concentrations observed in each site, we explored differences between the sites for each season. According to the results of Fisher’s LSD test, in spring, summer, and fall, atmospheric CH4 concentrations can be classified in only two categories: high (letter b) for S3, and low (letter a) for the rest of the sites. In winter, although S3 still presents the highest CH4 concentration, the concentrations measured in the other sites increase and the differences between the sites become more visible as a consequence (letters a, b, c and d in the results of Fisher’s LSD test). This is in agreement with the results reported in Tables 1 and 2, which indicated a greater relevance of non biogenic sources associated with NG consumption during the coldest months. When repeating this analysis, excluding S3, the differences in atmospheric CH4 concentrations between sites for each season become more evident. S8 presented the highest atmospheric CH4 concentrations with statistically significant differences with respect to the other sites in spring and summer, and compared with S7 and S10 in the fall. In winter, the greatest atmospheric CH4 concentrations were measured in S6, with statistically significant differences compared with S4, S5, S7, S9, and S10.
The spatial variation in the atmospheric CH4 concentrations measured in the city depends on the type of dominant source (fixed, diffuse, biogenic, or non biogenic), its relative contribution, and its distance from the sampling site (Carranza et al. 2018; Helfter et al. 2016). When performing the exploratory regression analysis on the 10 sites, no variable met all the search criteria established in section Exploratory Regression for each diagnostic test. However, some findings are worth noting. When performing it on 9 sites (excluding S3), the seasonal behavior of the sources that account for spatiotemporal variation becomes more notable (Table 3).
Table 3 Results of the exploratory regression analysis for the 9 study sites (excluding S3), by season and for the complete study period (annual): Homes connected to the gas network (GN); distance from CNG stations (GD), distance from the wastewater treatment plant (PD), distance from the artificial lake (LD)
Adj R2
% Signif
Passing Models
* = 0.10, ** = 0.05, *** = 0.01
The independent variable GD met the search criteria of each diagnostic test in the fall and winter, whereas GN in the spring and summer, as well as the fall (Table 3). Still, both variables significantly correlated with atmospheric CH4 concentrations with a value of p < 0.05 or p < 0.10 in those seasons when they failed to meet the search criteria. These results suggest that one source predominates over another according to the season. In winter, GD is the independent variable that best explains atmospheric CH4 concentrations, while in the spring and summer, the independent variable GN accounts for them. In the fall, both of these independent variables explain the spatial variations in atmospheric CH4 concentrations. The difference in the predominance of the sources for each season was more easily observed in the case of residential and commercial consumption of NG than in the CNG sector (Fig. 3). This behavior was reflected in Pearson correlations between atmospheric CH4 measured in each site and the general demand on NG for each use (Table 2); whereas in some sites residential or commercial demand on NG best explains the temporal variation in atmospheric CH4 concentrations, in other sites it is the demand on the CNG sector the variable that accounts for them.
The variable PD did not meet the search criteria for each diagnostic test in any season. When considering the 10 sites for the exploratory regression analysis, PD presented the highest values of Adj R2 (between 0.29 and 0.37) in the four seasons. However, PD significantly correlated with atmospheric CH4 (Adj R2 = 0.37 and p < 0.10) in 25 % of the cases reported in winter. Besides, for the linear regressions of the seasonal means for the 9 sites, the Adj R2 value for PD was higher only in winter, with a 0.42 value but only in 12.5 % of the cases reported. The results suggest that PD alone accounts for the high atmospheric CH4 concentrations registered in S3 whereas it only partly explains the concentrations measured in the other sites (where other CH4 sources predominate), as the WWTP is close to only 3 sites of the sampling network (S2, S5 and S6). According to the results of the exploratory regression analysis, multicollinearity were not observed for GD and PD or GN and PD (VIF < 7.5); however, the results of the Pearson correlation test between mean monthly atmospheric CH4 and monthly consumption of NG by sector suggest that GD or GN probably best accounts for the high CH4 concentrations measured in these sites. This is reasonably expected especially in winter when the sources dependent on NG are the most relevant and the differences of atmospheric CH4 concentrations between the sites become smaller.
Annual mean atmospheric CH4 concentrations
The annual mean atmospheric CH4 concentration measured in S3 showed statistically significant differences compared with the other sites (p < 0.05). The second highest value, found in S8 (zone near a CNG station and with a high density of homes connected to the gas network) (Fig. 2), only presented statistically significant differences in relation to S3 and S10. The remaining sites showed intermediate annual mean atmospheric CH4 concentrations with no statistically significant differences between them (p > 0.05). The differences in atmospheric CH4 concentrations between sites become more evident when excluding S3 from the Fisher’s LSD test. S8 now presented statistically significant differences with respect to all the sites (p < 0.05), except S6. The rest of the sites presented intermediate annual mean atmospheric CH4 concentrations, although with minor differences between them (represented by the pairs of letters ab, bc, cd, de of Fisher’s LSD test).
Because of these observations, the exploratory regression analysis performed for the seasonal mean atmospheric CH4 concentrations was repeated for the annual mean concentrations in order to explain the general CH4 behavior in the city of Tandil. Once again, when considering the 10 sites for the exploratory regression analysis, no variable met the search criteria of each diagnostic test. However, some findings are worth noting. When performing it on 9 sites (excluding S3), the variables GD and GN satisfied those criteria (Table 3).
Atmospheric CH4 concentration correlated positively with GN (Adj R2 = 0.66, p < 0.01) and negatively with GD (Adj R2 = 0.65, p < 0.01). In Liu et al. (2019), population density had a remarkably positive correlation with CH4, with a correlation coefficient of 0.74 (p < 0.01). As Sailor and Lu (2004) suggest, the anthropogenic heating profiles for the urban core would be correspondingly higher as they scale with population density. In Florence (Italy), road traffic and domestic heating were responsible for only 14% of the observed CH4 fluxes, while the major residual part was likely dominated by gas network leakages (Gioli et al. 2012). A study on the megacity of Seoul, Korea, confirmed the impacts of fugitive emissions on near-surface CH4 concentrations after the implementation of NG-powered vehicles (Nguyen et al. 2010).
PD explains 29% of the spatial variability of the atmospheric CH4 concentration in the city with a significance p < 0.10. Similar results were reported by Liu et al. (2019), who found a negative correlation between PD and the atmospheric CH4 concentration with R2 = 0.27 and p < 0.10. When comparing both exploratory regressions for annual mean concentration, 10 sites vs. 9 sites, PD carried more weight in the first case (Adj R2 = 0.32, although with p > 0.10 and 25% of significance of the variable). The low values of R2 and % of significance of the variable are explained by the precise location of the source. Although both the WWTP and the CNG stations are fixed sources, these latter are located in different sites of Tandil city (Fig. 2b). For this reason, the CNG stations could generally contribute to the spatial variation in the atmospheric CH4 concentration in the city.
No significant correlations were established with LD (p > 0.1); this variable failed all the tests (Table 3), proving not significant in this study. Although the urban lake was expected to acquire relevancy in the warmer months for being a biogenic CH4 source (Ortiz-Llorente and Alvarez-Cobelas 2012), its contribution was almost nonexistent because of its fixed location in an urbanized zone.
Methane concentration associated with natural gas sources
From the results of the exploratory regression, it can be observed that when 9 sites were considered, only the models with just one variable (GN and GD) were able to meet all the search criteria established in the diagnostic tests. The reason for this may be that one of these variables could best explain the temporal CH4 behavior in one site and, at the same time, have less relative weight in another site. For instance, the significance of GN and GD excluding S3 in the exploratory regression analysis for the entire study period was equal to 37.5 % for both variables (Table 3). This accords with the results of the Pearson correlation test between mean monthly atmospheric CH4 in each site and monthly consumption of NG by each sector (residential, commercial, and CNG). The results reported in Liu et al. (2019) showed that the larger the population in the urban area, the greater the household energy consumption and the higher the CH4 emissions. Particularly, as observed by Hopkins et al. (2016), high levels of atmospheric CH4 were found near CNG storage tanks and connecting pipes in Orange County, California; however, CH4 increase was highly variable across the 12 different CNG stations surveyed, suggesting that fugitive leaks are responsible for these high concentrations.
In order to find a multiple OLS model that allows quantifying the interrelationships between both sources associated with NG consumption (GN and GD) and atmospheric CH4 concentration in the city of Tandil, it would be important to incorporate more sampling sites (Quinn and Keough 2002). These should be located not only within the urban core but also towards the periphery of the city to obtain a more precise atmospheric CH4 concentration for the entire city by increasing the measurement sites. Population density in urban cores is usually one order of magnitude higher than for the city as a whole (Liu et al. 2019). Furthermore, according to Marcotullio et al. (2013), the higher levels of CH4 emissions per capita in urban areas, compared with non-urban areas, are due to better energy and transportation infrastructure. Consequently, mean atmospheric CH4 concentrations and estimations per capita emissions may decrease when extending the sampling network toward the periphery. Nevertheless, it is necessary to consider that although the residential CH4 emissions are individually small, when taken together, the sector could contribute significantly to large-scale emissions (Saint-Vincent and Pekney 2019).
Estimating the relative CH4 contribution of sources associated with gas natural consumption, where several emission sources coexist, can be challenging. The spatial variation in atmospheric CH4 concentration will be the result of the combined effects of various relevant factors, such as traffic variables, population or address density, land use, altitude and topography, meteorology and location, as other authors suggest (Hoek et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2019; Nisbet et al. 2020). Data availability and the unique characteristics to each area will determine the choice of variables to be used in each study, so the inclusion of a CH4 source can be relevant in one city but not in another. In particular, the location of the WWTP in Tandil is in a densely populated area that deserves particular focus. A greater number of sampling sites around the WWTP would surely explain the spatial variability of atmospheric CH4 concentrations around this source. In addition, extending the sampling network to the periphery of the city would entail incorporating other fixed CH4 sources not included in this work (two WWTP and a landfill).