In recent years, multimodal approach has been preferred in the treatment of GC and GEJ carcinomas which have aggressive biology and poor prognosis. NACT had valuable advantages such as downstaging of tumor, possibly preventing micrometastatic disease, increasing R0 resection rate, and as a result of all improving survival.
In randomized controlled trials, it has been shown that higher rate of R0 resection and D2 dissection improved survival via improving pathological responses [10]. While MAGIC and French FNCLCC/FFCD trials did not include a proper extended lymphadenectomy in the majority of cases, FLOT-AIU trial had mostly D2 dissection. In all these three landmark studies R0 resection rates were higher in selected arms. We observed that 66.8% of our patients had D2 dissection, and R0 resection rates according to NACT were 92% with FLOT, 86% with DCF, 83% with CF, 78% with FOLFOX and 73% with ECF, which were consistent with the literature.
In our pathological evaluation; we observed higher pCR rates with FLOT regimen (9.1%), but this was lower than 16% of pCR seen in FLOT4-AIO trial [11]. Near-CR rate was also higher in FLOT4-AIO trial (37%) than our study (26.4%).
In FLOT4-AIO trial, distribution of diagnostic age and ECOG-PS were similar with our study. On the other hand, 3.2% of patients in FLOT4-AIO trial could not be operated due to various reasons. These poor prognostic patient group was excluded from our study cohort. In addition, patients having clinical lymph node positive disease were also higher in FLOT4-AIO trial than our study (78% vs. 55%, respectively). Therefore FLOT4-AIO trial seemed to have more patients with aggressive disease characteristics than our study. Nevertheless, 90% patients in FLOT4-AIO trial completed all cycles of allocated chemotherapy, while this rate was only 77.4% in our study. We believe that failure to complete all cycles of chemotherapy is the most important factor affecting our lower pathological response rate.
Perioperative chemotherapy for GE and GEJ adenocarcinoma was shown to improve survival in the literature. First study was reported in 2006, the MAGIC [5] trial showed significant improvement in 5-year OS rate with perioperative ECF treatment over surgery alone (36% vs 23%). Second study came out on 2011, French FNCLCC/FFCD trial [6], reported patients who received CF before and after surgery resulting in a significant improvement of 5-year DFS and OS over surgery alone (DFS: 34% vs 19%, and OS: 38% vs 24%, respectively). Finally, the FLOT4-AIO trial compared FLOT and ECF/ECX regimens as perioperative treatment in advanced GC and GEJ cancer with clinical resectable tumors, stage cT2 or higher, or nodal positive stage, or both, with no evidence of distant metastases. Results of this landmark study published in 2016 and updated in 2019, showed a 5-year OS rate improvement with FLOT regimen (45% vs 36%, respectively) [7, 11, 12]. Besides these randomized trials, Li et al. demonstrated perioperative FOLFOX regimen improved survival [13]. In this prospective non-randomized study, locally advanced GC patients received a total of 6 cycles of FOLFOX chemotherapy perioperatively vs. postoperatively with a 4-year OS rate of 78% vs. 51%, respectively. DCF regimen usually investigated on advanced GC and GEJ tumors. V325 Phase II/III trial demonstrated significantly improved OS, time to progression, and quality of life over CF regimen [14]. Two-year survival rate was 18% with DCF and 9% with CF. All these pivotal trials summarized in Table 7.
Our study is different from other studies, as we compared five different NACT regimens frequently used in daily practice. In our study population, 1-, 2-, and 5-year estimated survival rates were 89%, 72%, and 52%, respectively. According to NACT regimens, estimated 5-year OS rates were 58% with FLOT, 55% with CF, 54% with DCF and 39% with ECF, and estimated 3-year OS rate was 70% for FOLFOX. We observed higher survival rates compared to the literature. Patients who were included in our retrospective cohort were all operated after NACT. Most of the patients with progressive disease on neoadjuvant treatment could not be operated, and expected to live shorter. Also, some might have died during the NACT, either related to side effects or secondary to rapid disease progression. Excluding these patients with primary resistant disease could have affected our results. Besides these, patients having clinical positive lymph nodes (cN+) who were expected to have poor prognosis were lower in our study population. In addition, our patient cohort had higher D2 dissection rate (66.8%) that effected higher survival rates.
However, since patients with complete retrospective data were included in the study, patients with possibly had poor prognosis and had incomplete data were excluded due to investigator’s bias.
In the literature it has been shown that completion of planned chemotherapy is as important as selected regimen on efficacy. Dose modifications or interrupt treatment and failure to continue with adjuvant chemotherapy adversely affected on survival outcomes.
Although perioperative FLOT is considered as standard-of-care for locally advanced resectable GC and GEJ adenocarcinomas, its’ toxicity profile and intolerance jeopardize completion of the planned 8 cycles. Only 46% of patients completed all cycles (pre and post-operative treatment) in the initial phase 2/3 trial (FLOT-AIO) [11].
Good performance patients were carefully selected for these trials. It was demonstrated that grade 3 or 4 neutropenia was 52%, and febrile neutropenia was 2% in FLOT-AIU trial. Despite higher primary GCSF prophylaxis in our study (34% in FLOT-AIU trial, 92% in ours), we observed higher grade 3 or 4 neutropenia (62%) and febrile neutropenia (2.1%). It may be due to low socioeconomical level and lack off self-care in our country. In our study we also observed grade 3 or 4 chemotherapy-related adverse events and interruption of treatment most frequently with FLOT regimen (28.5% and 6.3%).
On the other hand, the least grade 3 or 4 chemotherapy-related adverse events and interruption of treatment was observed with ECF (11.8% and 0%). Most common grade 3 or 4 adverse event was nausea (6.7%). It was 6.4% in MAGIC study and 16% in FLOT-AIU study. Most common toxicity being nausea consistent with the literature, might have been induced by cisplatin.
Adding docetaxel to CF resulted increasing toxicity as well as adding epirubicin to CF has been described in the literature (especially leukopenia for all) [14, 15]. Hence, CF replaces ECF and DCF in guidelines as neoadjuvant setting. Higher CF toxicity results compared to both ECF and DCF may be due to the small number of patients in that arm in our study.
Enzinger et al. [16] confirmed in the CALGB 80403/E1206 study, that the FOLFOX regimen had similar effectiveness and better tolerance than the ECF regimen. Efficacy of FOLFOX regimen on neoadjuvant setting was also determined in other recent studies [17–20]. Al-Batran et al. [18] and Vita et al. [20] showed that FOLFOX regimen did not lead more grade 3 or 4 toxicities.
In our study we observed that FOLFOX/CAPEOX regimens are well-tolerated. In this arm, grade 3 or 4 adverse events occurred 15.6% of patients, and most common side effect was neutropenia (6.1%). In FOLFOX group, patients older than 65-years was 50% of the group, and it was higher than other chemotherapy arms. It was striking that FOLFOX was a more tolerable regimen.
The limitations of our study are its’ retrospective design and shorter follow-up period. Despite the pathological evaluation was demonstrated one by one ypT and ypN in the landmark trials, we only have combined ypTN data in patients’ files. It is difficult for us to compare pathological results in detail. Our survival rates were estimation, and with longer follow-up period, survival results can be altered.