Experimental Model and Subject Details
The experimental model used in this study is the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The hcfc1aco60/+ allele was produced using CRISPR/Cas9 methodology as described (25). Briefly, a guide RNA (GGTTCATACCAGCCGTTCGT) was designed using publicly available software (ZiFit) (26). Oligonucleotides from the forward and reverse strand were annealed and ligated into the DR274 vector as described (27). Guide template DNA was synthesized using PCR amplification with primers (DR274 FWD: TTTGAGACGGGCGACAGAT and DR274 Rev: TTCTGCTATGGAGGTCAGGT) and RNA was synthesized using the MEGAscript T7 in vitro transcription kit. Cas9 was synthesized using the T7 mMessage machine after linearization with PmeI (New England Biolabs) of the Cas9 vector (pMLM3613). A solution (0.2M KCl with phenol red indicator) containing a final concentration of 500ng Cas9 and 70 ng of guide RNA was injected at a volume of 2nL into the single celled embryo and the embryos were grown to adulthood. The hcfc1aco60/+ allele was generated from a single founder (F0), which was outcrossed with 3 independent wildtype (AB) fish to generate 3 families of F1 carriers. Each family consisted of approximately 20 total fish with equal numbers of males and females. To generate subsequent generations, we outcrossed a minimum of 3 F1 individuals with wildtype (Tupfel Long Fin) to obtain a minimum of 3 families of F2 carriers. We subsequently outcrossed F2 carriers (minimum of 3) with wildtype (AB) fish to produced an F3 generation of approximately 3 total families with equal numbers of males and females. Sanger sequencing confirmed mutation and experiments were initiated in the F3 generation.
The Tg(hsp701:HCFC1) was created using Gateway cloning technology. Briefly, the p5e-hsp701, pME-HCFC1 (created from pcDNA6.1 reported in (20)), p3E-polyA, and the pDestTol2PA were recombined via LR recombination. The resultant vector was co-injected with transposase mRNA synthesized from the pCS2FA vector as previously described (28). The experiments described herein were performed in the F2 generation, which was produced from a single founder (F0). The positive F0 carrier was outcrossed with wildtype (AB) to produce 2 families of F1 individuals and a minimum of 3 carriers of the F1 generation were outcrossed to produce 3 families of F2 carriers that were utilized for the experiments described.
For all experiments, embryos (prior to sexual dimorphism) were obtained by crossing AB wildtype, Tupfel Long Fin wildtype, Tg(hsp701:HCFC1), or hcfc1aco60/+. Experiments were performed at developmental stages only (0-5DPF). All embryos were maintained in embryo medium at 28◦ C.
Genotyping of the hcfc1aco60/+ allele was performed by lysing excised larval tissue or fin clips (adults) in lysis buffer (10mM Tris pH 8.2, 10mM EDTA, 200mM NaCl, 0.5% SDS, and 200ug/ml proteinase K) for 3 hours at 55◦ C. DNA was isolated according to standard phenol chloroform : ethanol precipitation procedures. Primers pairs were developed that specifically bind to and amplify the mutated allele and did not amplify the wildtype allele. The fragment of interest was amplified by standard PCR at an annealing temperature of 64◦ (FWD: CCAGTTCGCCTTTTTGTTGT and REV: ACGGGTGGTATGAACCACTGGC). Positive amplification indicates positive carriers of the allele (Figure 1). Genotyping of the Tg(hsp701:HCFC1) allele was performed with the following primers: forward primer (TGAAACAATTGCACCATAAATTG) present in the hsp701 promoter and reverse primer in the HCFC1 open reading frame (CGTCACACACGAAGCCATAG). Amplification indicates the genotype of interest.
Embryos/larvae were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (Electron Microscopy Sciences) for 1 hour at room temperature (RT). For each time point, a small piece of caudal tissue was excised for genotyping and the remaining rostral tissue was embedded in 1.5% agarose (Fisher) produced in 5% sucrose (Fisher) and embryo medium. Embedded blocks were incubated overnight in 30% sucrose (Fisher) and then snap frozen with dry ice and cryosectioned (12-20uM). Sections were washed twice in 1X phosphate buffered saline (PBS) pH 7.4 at RT for 30 minutes each and blocked for 1 hour in blocking buffer (2mg/ml bovine serum albumin (Fisher), 2% goat serum (Fisher) diluted in 1X PBS). Primary antibody (1:200 anti-Sox2 (Abcam) or 1:500 anti-HuC/D (Fisher) was incubated overnight at 4◦C and then washed twice in 1X PBS for 30 minutes each at RT. Alexa fluor antibodies (Fisher) were diluted 1:200 and incubated on each slide for 1 hour at RT. All slides were cover slipped using Vectashield (Vector Laboratories) and imaged on a Zeiss LSM 700 at 20X-63X magnification. For cell proliferation, larvae were pulsed in 20mM EdU (Fisher) diluted in 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (Fisher) for 30 minutes at RT prior to fixation. EdU was detected using the EdU Click-It technology (Fisher) according to manufacturer protocol.
Cell Quantification
For cell quantification, sections were first divided into forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain regions using two zebrafish brain atlases 1) Atlas of Zebrafish Development (29) and 2) Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development (30). To specify brain regions, major hallmark sub-divisions of each brain section were separated based on age of larvae and the published sections and demarcations present in (30). For example, sections of the developing brain are organized by letters: A-F indicate forebrain sections, G-L are midbrain, and M-R are hindbrain according to the zebrafish brain atlas. After standardization of the brain region by atlas, cells from each section (12-20uM) were counted using the ImageJ cell counter. The ImageJ cell counter allows for the manual counting of cells by marking each cell with a colored square and adds the tallied cell to the quantification sheet. The cell counter allows for the tally 4 independent groups separately with a different color square. Cells were easily visible across all replicates. Only biological replicates with high tissue integrity were quantified. For comparison of representative images equivalent sections are shown to ensure that minor changes in tissue geometry do not affect the overall conclusion. These sections are standardized from the zebrafish brain atlas. For bar graphs, the average number of cells across each brain region were utilized for quantification using approximately, 10-20 equivalent sections/brain region/fish were quantified. The number of animals per group is described in each figure legend. To determine the relative increase/decrease in total cell number, the number of total cells/section was divided by the average number of cells present in wildtype siblings for each brain region analyzed and multiplied by 100. All statistical analysis was performed using total numbers of cells/section/brain region. All immunohistochemistry was validated with quantitative real time PCR (QPCR) of each gene analyzed.
QPCR and in situ hybridization
Whole mount in situ hybridization ISH was performed as described by Thisse and Thisse (31). Briefly, embryos were harvested and dechorionated at the indicated time point and fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA) (Electron Microscopy Sciences) for 1 hour at room temperature (RT). Embryos were permeabilized with proteinase K (10ug/ml) for the time indicated by Thisse and Thisse (32). Permeabilized embryos were prehybridized in hybridization buffer (HB) (50% deionized formamide (Fisher), 5X SSC (Fisher), 0.1% Tween 20 (Fisher), 50mg ml-1 heparin (Sigma, St. Louis), 500mg ml-1 of RNase-free tRNA (Sigma), 1M citric acid (Fisher) (460ml for 50ml of HB)) for 2-4 hours and then incubated overnight in fresh HB with probe (50-100ng) at 70°C. Samples were washed, blocked in 2% sheep serum, and incubated with anti-DIG Fab fragments (1:10,000) (Sigma) overnight at 4°C. Samples were developed with BM purple AP substrate (Sigma) and images were collected with a Zeiss Discovery Stereo Microscope fitted with Zen Software. The asxl1 cDNA probe sequence was amplified using the following primers: FWD: CATCAACACACGGACCTTTG and REV: CAGTGAGTGGGGTGGAAGTT, purified using a DNA purification kit (Fisher), then ligated into the pGEM-T easy vector using the pGEM T-easy Plasmid Ligation Kit (Promega).
For QPCR, RNA was isolated from embryos at the indicated time point using Trizol (Fisher) according to manufacturer’s protocol. Reverse transcription was performed using Verso cDNA synthesis (Fisher) and total RNA was normalized across all samples. PCR was performed in technical triplicates for each sample using an Applied Biosystem’s StepOne Plus machine with Applied Biosystem’s software. Sybr green (Fisher) based primer pairs for each gene analyzed are as follows: mmachc fwd: GCTTCGAGGTTTACCCCTTC, mmachc rev: AGGCCAGGGTAGGGTCCTG, hcfc1a fwd: ACAGGGCCTAACACAGGTTG, hcfc1a rev: TCCTGTGACTGTGCCAAGAG, asxl1 fwd: CCAGAGCTGGAAAGAACGTC, asxl1 rev: ACATCTCCAGCTTCGCTCAT, rpl13a fwd: TCCCAGCTGCTCTCAAGATT, rpl13a rev: TTCTTGGAATAGCGCAGCTT, sox2 fwd: AACTCCTCGGGAAACAACCA, sox2 rev: ATCCGGGTGTTCCTTCATGT, elavl3 fwd: TAACGGCCCTGTCATTAGCA, elavl3 rev: CGTGTTGATAGCCTTGTCGG, gfap fwd: GGCCAACTCTAACATGCAGG, gfap rev: ATTCCAGGTCACAGGTCAGG, olig2 fwd: TTCTGTAGGCCACACACCAG, and olig2 rev: TTAACTCCGGTGGAGAATCG. Analysis was performed using 2DDct.
For RNA sequencing analysis, total RNA was isolated from brain homogenates (N=12/group from 3 biological replicates), analyzed for RNA integrity, and sequenced at The University of Texas El Paso Border Biomedical Research Center Genomics Core Facility. RNA sequencing was performed in biological triplicate. RNA integrity was assessed with a TapeStation 2200 and the library was prepared with a TruSeq stranded mRNA library preparation kit. Sequencing was performed on a NextSeq500 (Illumina) using a high output kit V2 (150 cycles). For analysis, the sequences were quality trimmed using Trimmomatic (33) and aligned to the Danio rerio genome (build GRCz11) obtained from Ensembl v95 using Tophat2 (34). Cufflinks (35) was used to determine the differential expression patterns between mutant and wildtype samples.
Tg(hsp701:HCFC1) analysis and rescue experiments.
F2 carriers of the Tg(hsp701:HCFC1) were incrossed and grown at 28◦ for 24 hours and then split into two groups, non-heat shock and heat shock. Heat shock was performed for 30 minutes at 38◦ and then allowed to acclimate at room temperature for 20 minutes. Heat shock was initiated at 24 HPF and performed every 8 hours until 5 DPF. For LY294002 (Selleck Chemicals) rescue, the drug was dissolved in 100% Dimethyl-Sulfoxide (DMSO) (Fisher) and embryos were treated at 24 hpf with a 12uM concentration for a period of 24 hours. Media was removed and embryos were dechorionated and fixed for immunohistochemistry.
For morpholino rescue, 2 nL of a 0.1 mM solution of asxl1 targeting translation inhibiting morpholinos (GTTTGTCCTTCATTTCCTCAGTGTT) or random control morpholinos (Gene-Tools) were injected into offspring of the hcfc1aco60/+ allele. Injected embryos were fixed at 2 DPF and simultaneously stained for the number of Sox2+ and/or EdU+ positive cells. Cells were counted as described above.
Quantification and Statistical Analysis
For all assays, statistical significance was calculated using a Student’s T-test to compare the means of two groups. All assays were performed in biological duplicate and triplicate and all QPCR was performed in technical triplicate. For each assay, the total number of animals (N) is indicated in the figure legend. Number of animals was determined based on power analysis conducted from preliminary studies. For all graphs, statistical significance between groups and the P-value is demonstrated in the figure legends. For cell quantification, the number of Sox2+ or EdU+ cells were counted per section and normalized according to the Material and Methods Section above. All sections were sub-divided based on landmarks in the Atlas of Early Zebrafish Brain Development, 2nd Edition and then separated into specific brain regions (forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain). All graphs represent error bars as standard error of the mean (SEM).