2.1. Simulation model setting
Take the bus lane (from west to east) of Hubin East Road-Lotus Intersection in Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, for example, the road has two bus stops starting from the intersection at the west end, dividing the road into three basic travel sections, as shown in Figure 2.
For this road, the values of the relevant parameters in Table1 were obtained through the actual survey, as shown in Table2.
Table 2
Parameter declaration of empirical formulas
Substituting the parameter values into equations (1), (2) and (3), we can calculate the capacity values at road intersections, bus stops and the three basic traffic sections as follows: Cx=293pcu/h, Cs=262pcu/h, CL0=1075pcu/h, CL1=445pcu/h, CL2=368pcu/h. Referring to the experience of other cities, we take the road saturation degree γ=0.4, and substitute it into equation (4) to obtain: C=0.4×262pcu/h=104pcu/h.
Using Figure 2 as the traffic base map of the simulation model, the relevant roadway information to be set is mainly as follows.
- Intersection signal ratios;
East Hubin Road - Lotus intersection is a cross-shaped intersection, southeast and northwest four lanes are equipped with a signal, and traffic capacity is limited by the intersection signal green signal ratio. Green letter ratio refers to the proportion of time available for vehicle traffic in a signal cycle. Here, the signal proportioning using two-phase setting method, green letter ratio of 53/170.
- Bus routes;
For a total of 25 bus lines in three directions, the line trajectory and the corresponding stopping method are set according to the actual situation. The desired speed of each route is set to 25km/h, and the traffic flow of the road section is changed by adjusting the departure interval. The stopping methods all adopt the linear station stopping.
- Vehicle stopping time;
Since the study is concerned with the traffic flow rather than the number of passengers, the vehicle stopping time is set using a uniform method for the whole road. The vehicle stopping time is also used in the subsequent quantitative simulation of the method to enhance the capacity of the bus lane.
2.2. Analysis of simulation results
1) Average travel speed;
The running speed of the vehicle is affected by the road traffic flow, and the traffic flow is related to the departure interval, therefore, different departure intervals are selected in the simulation experiment to measure the corresponding average travel speed, and the results are shown in Figure 3.
From the speed curve in the figure, it can be found that the average speed of the vehicle has a large increase, higher than 15km/h, starting from the departure interval of 240s; after the departure interval of 600s, the average speed increase trend becomes slower. This indicates that, with the increase of the departure interval, the influence of the reduced traffic flow on the vehicle speed improvement becomes smaller and smaller. Therefore, the departure interval should not be set too large from the perspective of roadway use efficiency.
2) Traffic flow;
Traffic flow is the most intuitive measure of road capacity, which is directly affected by the departure interval. Theoretically, the smaller the departure interval, the larger the traffic flow should be. Figure 4 gives the simulation results of the traffic flow on the road section 0 after the road intersection, the road section 1 after the first stop and the road section 2 after the second stop at different departure intervals.
From the curve of Fig. 4, it is found that with the increase of the departure interval, the traffic flow presents a situation that rises first and then decreases, and achieves the maximum value at the departure interval of about 310s, and the three cases are 276 pcu/h, 268 pcu/h and 258 pcu/h. The analysis of the reason why the traffic flow is not decreasing in the interval of 30-310s is mainly due to the stopping station setting on the road. The stopping station setting makes vehicles need to slow down and stop, thus causing congestion on the road section. The smaller the departure interval, the more serious the congestion is, which is also illustrated by the rising curve of the average travel speed in this interval in Figure 3.
Since the origin of the road in the example is the road intersection at the west end, the above traffic flow simulation results are actually limited by the traffic flow at the road intersection, which is different from the basic traffic road capacity calculation model of empirical equation (3). In order to better compare the simulation results of the basic road section with the results of the empirical formula, the design capacity of the road section set in Equation (3-2) is used as the origin traffic flow instead of the intersection traffic flow in the simulation model to calculate the capacity-related indexes after passing the first stop; and then as the traffic flow after passing the first stop, used in the simulation model to calculate the capacity-related indexes after passing the second stop The results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3
Comparison of traffic ability between simulation model and empirical formula
Passing stops
Inflow traffic
Outflow traffic 1
(Empirical formula,pcu/h)
Outflow traffic 2
(Simulation Model,pcu/h)
Simulated travel speed
Corresponding departure interval
stop 1
stop 2
2.3. Empirical indicators and method validation
1) Road saturation validation;
In the calculation of the empirical formula, the road saturation γ is taken as 0.4, which is an empirical value in traffic science, indicating that the road traffic flow is 40% of the maximum traffic flow when the actual travel speed on the road is close to the desired speed. Using the designed simulation model, the different values of road saturation are verified and the results obtained are shown in Figure 5.
From Figure 5 can be seen, the saturation in 0.1 to 0.4 change, the average speed of the road basically unchanged, in a state of gentle change, at this time to increase the saturation to increase traffic flow, there is no impact on the speed of traffic; and when the saturation is greater than 0.4, the average speed of traffic began to decline significantly, and the downward trend as the saturation increases and accelerates, indicating that the road traffic flow is too large at this time, which significantly affects the road service level. Therefore, the road saturation set to 0.4 is feasible and reasonable.
2) Traffic capacity improvement method verification
Simulations were conducted to validate three methods of improving roadway capacity, including: (a) modifying the intersection signal cycle; (b) reducing the vehicle waiting time; and (c) adjusting the stopping station pattern. The obtained results are shown in Figure 6.
If the signal cycle is shortened when the road intersection green time remains unchanged, the intersection green signal ratio will be increased, which will be beneficial to improve the road traffic capacity. From Figure 6(a), it can be found that every 10s shortening of the signal cycle will increase the road communication capacity by nearly 10%. The reduction in vehicle stopping time will inevitably bring about an increase in roadway throughput, especially for the single-lane case. As can be seen in Figure 6(b), for every 1 second reduction in stopping time, the traffic flow will gain 1.2% improvement. Changing the stopping pattern of stops can improve roadway capacity to a greater extent, and the results in Figure 6(c) show that the use of harbor stops can bring about a 14% increase in capacity compared to straight-line stops.