Viral RNA material used in this study for standardization procedures came from a viral RNA source with known concentration (3.81 x 105 viral copies per μL). For comparative analysis, samples were confirmed to be positive at the Research Institute in Biomedicine (INBIOMED) from the Central University of Ecuador which is an authorized center by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health to handle and test COVID-19 related samples. These samples were positive for both the N and RdRp for SARS-CoV-2 according to a LAMP based kit ‘Isopollo’ (Monitor®, Daegu, Republic of Korea). Sets of primers-probe target sequences for the E and RdRp SARS-CoV-2 genes were obtained from the protocol published by the University of Charité, Germany, and validated by the WHO [11]. Sets of primers and probe for the RP human gene was obtained from the CDC (S.I. Table 1) [18]. These were designed and purchased from Eurofins (MWG operon, Kentucky, USA). GoTaq(R) Probe 1-step RT-qPCR system reagents were purchased from PROMEGA life sciences (Madison, Wisconsin, USA). All reactions were run on a QuantStudio 5 Real-Time PCR system (Applied Biosystems).
Primer validation through RT-qPCR and gel electrophoresis.
Reactions were prepared to test the efficiency of the primers and to find the best conditions for the RT-qPCR assay. SARS-CoV-2 genes tested for validation were the E, and the RdRp along with a human exogenous target gene RP. Validation reactions had a final volume of 20 μL using 5 μL of ARN sample and 400 nM concentration for all primer sets. Thermal cycling was performed according to the following conditions: RT-step at 45 oC for 15 min, Taq-activation at 95 oC for 2 min and the 40 PCR cycles performed at 95 oC for 15 s and a temperature gradient at 56, 58 and 60 oC for 30 s. Reaction products were looked up by 2% gel electrophoresis. Sequence lengths were obtained from the NCBI database. (NC_045512.2,
Simplex (E), duplex (E & RP) and multiplex (E, RdRp & RP) RT-qPCR.
Simplex, duplex, and multiplex reactions were explored. Primer concentrations used were those determined to be optimal in the primer validation step (E: 400, RP: 200 and RdRp: 300 nM) with their probes at half concentration. Conditions used were the same as the validation step with a small change in the annealing temperature set at 58 oC and thermal cycles were increased to 45.
Duplex RT-qPCR: Standard curve and primer efficiency
To obtain the E primers efficiency under the duplex set up, serial dilutions were prepared from the standardization solution in the range from 215 to 211 copies per μL. With the purpose to improve throughput of the sources and reagents available, optimal primers-probe concentrations were used in a half reaction volume (10 μL) set-up. Each assay was prepared in triplicates with a half reaction volume and no ultrapure distilled water was added.
Limit of detection (LoD) of duplex RT-qPCR.
Following the standard curve experiment, serial dilutions were prepared in the range from 30 to 5 copies per μL. Each assay was independently done by three different operators and the reactions were prepared in triplicates according to the duplex set up with the half reaction volume.
Duplex RT-qPCR: Comparative sensitivity and performance.
Valid samples (n = 93) were obtained from INBIOMED with positive (n=39) and negative (n=54) results. Each reaction was prepared according to the duplex set up with the half reaction volume.