The general structure of the wearable multimodal-based rehabilitation system consists of five elements: human fine movements, multi-sensor model, feature extraction, classification algorithms, and serious games (Fig. 1). It can provide users with movement-estimation-based serious games for rehabilitation. Stroke patients first perform fine movements selected from the Fugl Meyer Assessment (FMA) [42]. The physiological signal and kinematic signal of the user’s affected upper extremity are then collected by the multi-sensor model: the EMG data is collected by wireless electrodes on the forearm, the contact pressure profile is measured by barometric pressure sensors around the wrist, and kinematic data (including acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field strength, and Euler angle) is collected by an IMU on the wrist, the barometric pressure sensors and IMU are connected by a USB cable. After preprocessing, features extracted from sEMG data, barometric sensor data, and IMU data are put into the movement classification algorithms. Finally, the estimated fine movements are sent to the serious games related to rehabilitation. More details about the system are presented below.
C. Prototype design
A sleeve for upper limb fine movement estimation was developed, containing 6 EMG sensors around the forearm and 8 barometric pressure sensors plus one IMU around the wrist (Fig. 1). There are multiple major superficial muscles around the forearm: the extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum, extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis, brachioradialis, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and palmaris longus. Instead of applying muscle-targeted layout, low-density surface electrode layout was selected to detect the electromyographic signal of these muscles for practical use. Thus, 6 EMG wireless sensors from the Trigno Wireless EMG System (MAN-012-2-6, Delsys Inc., Natick, MA, USA) were selected and placed evenly around the forearm, about 10cm away from the elbow, covered and kept in place by an elastic band.
During wrist and hand movements, tendons of the wrist are shortened and lengthened, and muscles are deformed, resulting in wrist contour change. Thus, a flex wristband containing 8 barometric pressure sensors was developed to obtain contact pressure profiles around the wrist. Barometric sensors (MPL115A2, Freescale Semiconductor Inc., Austin, TX, USA) were covered by VytaFlex rubber to estimate the force myography (FMG) around the wrist. A 9-axis IMU (BNO055, BOSCH Inc, Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg, German) was mounted on the back of the flex wristband to detect kinematic information. The output data of the IMU included 3-dimensional accelerations, 3-dimensional angular velocities, 3-dimensional magnetic field strengths, and 3-dimensional Euler angles. FMG data and IMU data were transmitted to a microcontroller (STM32F401, STMicroelectronics N.V., Geneva, Switzerland) for processing and analysis.
The EMG data, FMG data and inertial data from the IMU were collected by data collection software written in MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA) at 1926 Hz, 36 Hz, and 36 Hz, respectively. At the end of data collection, all data for each user was automatically saved into .csv files. For data synchronization, a user-friendly instruction program was developed. Users were asked to perform movements corresponding to the text and pictures shown on the software interface for training data collection. While the movements were being performed, corresponding triggers were transmitted to the data collection software in real-time via a virtual serial port.
D. Testing protocol
A clinical experiment was conducted to validate the estimation accuracy and practicality of the proposed system (Fig. 3). The experiment was pre-approved by the Huashan Hospital Institutional Review Board (CHiCTR1800017568) and was performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Ten stroke patients (Brunnstrom stage for Hand II-VI) (TABLE 1) were recruited in this experiment (Supplementary File IV. Patient inclusion criteria). An experienced clinician was recruited from the Huashan hospital to assist in conducting the experiment with all patients and record the special circumstances during the experiment.
Sex (M/F)
Age (mean ± standard deviation)
58.3 ±18.09
Diagnosis (ischemic/hemorrhagic)
Hemiplegic side (left/right)
MMSE1 (mean ± standard deviation)
27.7 ± 1.25
Brunnstrom stage for hand2 (mean ± standard deviation)
4.5 ± 1.58
FMA upper extremity score2 (mean ± standard deviation)
44.2 ± 13.9
1 Mini–Mental State Examination, used to measure the cognitive impairment,
ranging from 0 to 30.
2 Brunnstrom stages range from 1 to 6.
3 Includes 33 FMA test items for upper extremity. Score range is 0 to 66.
Higher scores in MMSE, Brunnstrom stage, and FMA indicate better cognitive/motor function.
The experiment was conducted in the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Hospital. First, an experienced clinician explained the experimental process and precautions to the patient and asked the patient to stop and report if there was any discomfort during the experiment. Then, the patient was asked to sit on a chair without armrest, so that the affected upper extremity naturally dangled to the side of the body. Patients put on the device with the assistance of the clinician: EMG sensors were placed evenly around the forearm of the patient’s affected side, where most muscular activity occurs. During hand movements, large contour changes occur on the underside of the wrist due to the shortening and extension of tendons. Therefore, the fourth and fifth pressure sensors of the 8 sensors-flex-wristband were aligned to the center of the underside of the patient’s wrist, with the other sensors wrapping around to the upper side of the wrist.
The experiment was divided into two phases: the training phase and the game phase. At the start of the training phase, the clinician explained all the movements to the patients in detail and showed instructional pictures to them. Next, patients were asked to perform movements following the instruction software we developed (Supplementary File V. Interface of the instructional software) to get familiar with the movements and the system. The software shows the text and pictures of the current movement and the movement that comes next. Then, patients were asked to perform 5 formal trials in the training phase, with 1-minute breaks in between. Each trial consisted of the data collection of 12 movements, and each movement lasted 6 seconds, with a 4-second break between movements.
After finishing the training, patients rested for ten minutes while watching a game demo video to get familiar with two serious games. Then, patients started to play 2 movement-estimation-based serious games. Each game session consisted of 5 trials. Each trial lasted 60 seconds, with a 60-second break between trials. Six patients finished all the 10 trials, two subjects lack of 1 trial, and two subjects quitted due to fatigue when 2 trials were left. After completing the serious games, patients were asked to fill out a questionnaire (TABLE 2) about the experience of using this serious-games rehabilitation system. There were ten questions, each of which could be answered with ‘strongly agree,’ ‘agree,’ ‘neutral,’ ‘disagree,’ and ‘strongly disagree.’ Besides, we also solicited opinions from patients on the improvement of this system.
TABLE 2 Questionnaire for Serious-Games Rehabilitation system
Does the game make you more enthusiastic about rehabilitation?
Were you relaxed and happy while playing the games?
Did you feel frustrated while playing the games?
Are the serious games challenging?
Was your body uncomfortable while playing the game?
Was the training part before the games a burden to you?
Do you think the game is suitable for home-based rehabilitation?
Is this sleeved sensor setup more practical than a glove setup?
Do you think the game is beneficial for improving your cognitive function?
Do you think the game is beneficial for improving your upper limb motor function?
E. Serious games design
Two serious games (Fig. 4) were newly developed based on movement estimation. The first 2 seconds and the last 0.5 seconds of data collected from the training phase were removed and the rest of the data were used to train models for the serious games. Features were extracted from real-time data of sensors on patients in MATLAB, after which they were transferred to the game in real-time via TCP/IP communication. Then, the trained models were loaded and used to classify movements. Finally, the estimated movement was used as input to the game, allowing patients to choose targets by performing the corresponding movement. The games provide visual and audio feedback to the patients. When patients perform the correct movement, the text “excellent” appears on the screen, and the money on the screen increases by 1. Patients also hear a positive audio cue. In addition, all game materials are from online open-source materials (see Supplementary File I. Game materials). The games were written in python based on the pygame library.
The game “Find the Sheep” was designed for both motor and cognitive function training. Patients need to concentrate during the whole game and do the movements as instructed. Three cards appear in the game interface, with a sheep and two wolves on the front accordingly. Then, all three cards are flipped over and randomly swap positions with each other. After swapping, the patient needs to find which card is the one with the sheep and perform the corresponding movement shown below that card. The 12 movements are divided into 4 groups for “Find the Sheep”, which are displayed in different game rounds (Supplementary File II. Grouping of the different movements). Many of the movements we selected are similar, such as the spherical grasp and the cylinder grasp. By dividing the movements into several groups, the real-time recognition accuracy of the system is improved. During the game, the system loads the classification model trained for the current movement group. The game has multiple difficulty levels. The higher the difficulty level, the more times the cards will be rearranged. Although the moving speed of cards was set to be the same throughout this experiment, users have the option to set the moving speed according to their ability in daily use.
The game “Best Salesman” was designed to train patient motor function and improve their performance in ADLs by restoring movements to life scenes. In this game, the user owns a grocery store that sells seven types of food. Customers keep coming to the store to buy one to three types of food. Users need to pass the right food to the customers by performing the correct corresponding movement: hold a cup, take a cup with a handle, cover top burger bread, hold bottom burger bread, pinch a piece of watermelon, lateral pinch a popsicle and hold a tomato. Only seven ADLs-related movements which can be easily connected to objects were selected in “Best Salesman”, so that patients can intuitively know what hand gesture they should do when they see the object pictures just like they normally do in daily activities. Like the “Find the Sheep” game, different movements are divided into groups to increase the accuracy of the classification model for “Best Salesman” (Supplementary File II. Grouping of the different movements).
We assumed 1 second would be enough for patients to react and perform the corresponding movement. Therefore, at the end of each round, when the cards in “Find the Sheep” stopped moving and the products in “Best Salesman” were shown, the game waited 1 second before collecting input from the patients. In addition, only the predictions from the first ten windows starting from the 1st second were used. The most predicted movement was then regarded as the patient’s actual movement and sent to the game. The comprehensive results of ten windows were acceptable in real-time use and stable in prediction.
F. Feature extraction
Data of different movements were segmented automatically based on triggers in the data collection code, which correspond to different movements. During the transition period between movements, related muscle activities erupt and cause a larger EMG amplitude. Besides, stroke patients are generally older and slower to respond. Thus, for the data collected in the training phase, the first 2 seconds and the last 0.5 second of each movement are removed to reduce interference.
For EMG segmentation, overlapped segmentation with a window length of 200ms and an increment of 50ms has a short response time while ensuring accuracy, which is suitable for real-time movement classification [45]. Considering the performance of the algorithm and the synchronization of EMG, FMG, and IMU data, overlapped segmentation with a window length of 222ms and a step size of 55.6ms was adapted to divide the raw EMG data into windows. Disjoint segmentation with a window size of 55.6ms was used to segment both the FMG and IMU data. The FMG data that exceeded measuring range was deleted during the preprocessing phase”
Time domain features are very effective in EMG pattern recognition [46]. Four reliable time domain features (Supplementary File III. Feature formulas) were selected and extracted from EMG signals: Mean Absolute Value (MAV), Waveform Length (WL), Zero Crossings (ZC), Slope Sign Changes (SSC) [47]. MAV contains information about a signal’s strength and amplitude. WL reflects the signal’s complexity. ZC and SSC reflect the frequency information of the signal, both containing a threshold \(ϵ\) to reduce noise interference. A frequency domain feature was also selected from the EMG signal: Auto-Regressive Coefficients (AR), which describe each signal sample as a linear combination of previous samples plus white noise error terms \({e}_{k}\) [48]. The fourth-order AR was used (Supplementary File III. Feature formulas). Also, MAV was chosen as the feature of FMG and IMU signals.
In total, 6 channels of EMG data, 8 channels of FMG data, and 12 channels of IMU data were used. 8 features were extracted from each window of each EMG channel. Meanwhile, the MAV of each window of each FMG and IMU channel was calculated. Thus, 48 EMG features, 8 FMG features, and 12 IMU features result in 68-dimensional feature array. Each channel’s data was scaled and normalized via zero-mean normalization by using the mean value and standard deviation from each respective trial.
G. Classification algorithm
As an online classification system, this system uses linear discriminant analysis (LDA) as a pattern recognition classifier. This linear classifier can simplify the computational complexity, shorten the time, and still produce an accurate recognition result [47], and it has also proven to be very robust [49]. The LDA classification algorithm is based on Bayes decision theory and the Gaussian assumption. The discriminant function is defined as:
where x is the input vector, Σ is the covariance matrix, μk is the k class’s mean and πk is the prior probability of class k.
In previous research, decision tree (DT) [50], k-nearest neighbor (KNN) [51], random forest (RF) [52], and support vector machine (SVM) [53] were also used for stroke rehabilitation. Apart from LDA, these four algorithms were also tested for movement classification in the study.
H. Statistical analysis
To validate the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed classification algorithm, the average accuracy of the LDA-based 12 movement classification was calculated. Five trials in the training phase were used to perform an offline test, using leave-one-out cross-validation. Training data and test data for offline testing were both taken from the 2 to 5.5 second. A confusion matrix was created to display the recognition rate of each gesture and the misclassification between gestures.
In order to analyze the contribution of different sensors to the classification, the accuracies of single, double, and triple sensor-based classification algorithms were calculated separately. Also, the confusion matrixes of EMG-alone-based hand gesture classification and FMG-alone-based hand gesture classification were created to show the contribution of different sensors on different gestures. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) between EMG-based offline accuracies, FMG-based offline accuracies, and EMG-FMG-IMU-based offline accuracies for all subjects were calculated to study the correlation between the performances of different physiological information-based movement recognition.
The performances of DT, KNN, RF, and SVM were also analyzed as comparison of LDA.
Because of poor hand function in some patients, and some of the movements we choose having similarities, it is difficult to observe from the outside what movement the patient is performing in many cases. Therefore, in real-time classification games, when patient movement was determined to be incorrect, it was difficult to tell whether the system made classified incorrectly, or the patient did not successfully complete the right movement. Thus, to test the effectiveness of the proposed movement-detection-based serious games, the performance of real-time classification was simulated and validated. To validate the real-time performance, we applied cross-validation on 5 trials for each subject. Four trials were used as training data, all of which ranged from the 2nd to the 5.5th second (Supplementary File VI. Different cutoffs - Statistical analysis). The first ten samples starting from the 1st second of the leftover trial were used to test the model. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to assess if there were differences between using different sensor configurations, different algorithms and different cutoffs. If there was a difference, LSD procedure was used for post hoc analysis. The statistical significance was set to p < 0.05.
To analyze the correlation between subjects’ upper limb motor function and their different information-based hand gesture classification accuracies, PCCs between the FMUE scores of stroke patients and their offline accuracies of EMG-based, FMG-based, and EMG-FMG-IMU-based hand gesture classification were calculated, respectively.
In addition, the correlation between subjects’ performance in playing serious games and their motor function, cognitive function, and movement recognition accuracies were analyzed by calculating PCCs of patients’ average scores in two serious games and their FMUE, MMSE, and EMG-FMG-IMU-based hand gesture classification offline accuracies, respectively. Besides, the correlation between subjects’ average scores in two serious games were analyzed by PCCs. The statistical significance for PCCs was set to p < 0.05.
The average scores of all the subjects for each trial in the serious games “Find the Sheep” and “Best Salesman” were calculated and analyzed to show the performance of the patients while playing serious games.
The results of the questionnaires were analyzed to define the patients’ subjective feelings about using the proposed rehabilitation system. Patients’ suggestions were also examined and serve as important references for future improvements to the proposed system.