Study Site
This study took place at Fowler’s Gap Arid Zone Research Station (31°20'28.50"S, 141°44'33.18"E), Australia. Fowler’s Gap has an arid climate with a mean annual rainfall of 255.3 mm and monthly average maximum temperatures ranging from 17.0 °C to 36.4 °C [44]. The annual rainfall for the year leading up to the study was 84.4 mm, indicating that this study took place during drought [44]. Maute et al. [45] recently identified a diverse reptile assemblage (22 species) at the site in which P. vitticeps was widespread. A proportion of animals used in this study were later exposed to locust control pesticide applications in late February 2018 as part of a larger study on the impacts of locust control on non-target species. The data used here is from pre-treatment dates only.
Capture and Tracking of Animals
We tracked bearded dragons over three periods; mid-spring (26 September – 13 October 2017), late-spring (21 November – 9 December, 2017), and mid-summer (19 January – 12 February, 2018). Dragons were hand caught by searching under shrubs or in burrows. Upon capture, we took measurements of snout-vent length (SVL), tail length and width, head length and width, and body mass. Sex was determined by raising the tail to see hemipene eversion. Each dragon was toe-clipped for permanent identification.
We attached Pinpoint Beacon 120 or 240 (Sirtrack Ltd, Havelock North, New Zealand) GPS trackers to the dorsal surface of each dragon’s tail (Fig. 1). The GPS tags were set to record latitude, longitude, and Dilution of Precision (DOP; a measure of the precision of a GPS reading) locational data. In mid-spring and late-spring, GPS tags were scheduled to take locational fixes every 40 min from 06:00 or 08:00–21:00. Pilot studies showed that dragons did not move overnight. Tags took fixes all day and all night in mid-summer due to personal observation by the authors that P. vitticeps shifts to a semi-nocturnal behaviour in summer, and fix intervals were increased to 2 h to allow for a longer battery life. A VHF beacon enabled relocation of the individual (VHF receiver and antennae; Telonics TR5). We relocated each dragon every 3–11 days to download GPS data and replace tags, with recaptures ranging from 1 to 5 times. Location data with a DOP greater than 5 was excluded from further analysis, as the probability of those fixes being an accurate representation of the dragon’s location was low (Recio et al. 2011). At the end of the study, we removed all tags from the animals.
For all dragons tracked in late-spring and mid-summer, as well as three individuals from mid-spring, we attached accelerometers (HOBO Pendant G) underneath the GPS tags (Fig. 1) to measure activity rates. Accelerometers are sensors that measure gravitational and inertial acceleration (g) of three axes (X, Y, and Z) caused by movement (see Brown et al. [2] for a review on their application in studies of the movement of free-ranging animals), thus a change in acceleration indicates a movement performed by the animal. To measure activity, accelerometers were set to record acceleration (from − 3 g to + 3 g) on the X and Y axes (Fig. 1) every 30 seconds.
Space-use patterns
To calculate home range size, we used the minimum convex polygon (MCP) method, using the 100% isopleth. The 95% kernel density estimate (KDE) method was used to determine areas of more intense use (the utilization distribution; Worton 1989). We did not use KDE’s as estimates of home range sizes as they have been shown to produce inaccurate estimates in reptiles [46]. Instead, KDE’s were used to calculate the core area of usage and to determine if home ranges of dragons overlapped in areas of more concentrated usage. The KDE search radius (sometimes referred to as bandwidth, smoothing parameter, or h) was calculated using the ad hoc method (had hoc) following Kie [47]. To determine core areas of activity, the isopleth of KDE that bounds the core area was calculated following Vander Wal and Rodgers [48]. The AdehabitatHR package [49] was used in R v3.3.1 [50] to calculate MCP’s, 95% KDE’s and core areas.
To determine the minimum sampling days needed to calculate MCP home ranges we followed the methods outlined by Stone and Baird [21] and Rose [51]. Firstly, nine dragons with MCP measurements that were clear outliers (all were 3 times as large as the average home range size) were considered as not holding home ranges (floaters) and were removed from home range analysis. A plot of the average home range size vs the number of days tracked, from one day to twelve days, was created. To develop an accurate average for each day, individuals that were tracked for less than 12 days were not included. Roughly eight days described 80% of the average MCP and thus was used as the minimum sample size. Four individuals were tracked for less than eight days and were removed from home range analyses.
Home Range Overlap
The distribution of home ranges for individual dragons limited calculations of home ranges to six dragons in mid-spring and five dragons in late-spring. Therefore, due to this small sample size, we were only able to report whether home range overlap occurs in P. vitticeps, rather than a statistical analysis of overlap differences between sexes. Neighbouring dragons were considered as overlapping if their MCP, 95% KDE or core area was shared with another tracked dragon. We also determined if the five floaters monitored in late-spring entered resident dragon home ranges by following their trajectory of movement.
Analysis of Movement
A moving individual is represented by large fluctuations in acceleration recorded by that animal’s accelerometer [2]. Therefore, we used the variance statistic for the raw acceleration data measured on the X and Y-axis by the accelerometer to define when an animal was moving. As the accelerometers used in this study could only record when an individual is moving and not when it is active (as activity may include basking individuals that do not move for extended periods of times) we refer to measurements taken by the accelerometers as movement rather than activity. To determine what amount of variance constituted movement, a GPS tag was set up on a single individual in spring to take locational fixes every 20 min and the accelerometer was set up as above. Accelerometer data was split into 10 min intervals and was matched with the GPS data to see if movements shown represented an actual change in location. The smallest variance for a 10-minute period where movement occurred was 0.0268 g2 and the largest variance for a 10 min period without movement was 0.0159 g2. Based on this, 0.0199 g2 was taken as the smallest amount of variance that constituted movement and 10-minute variance subtotals were calculated for each individual using 0.0199 g2 variance as the movement threshold. Data that were recorded 10 min before recapture, and 20 min after returning the dragon to the point of capture were removed from analysis to reduce the impact of human disturbance on the acceleration readings.
Two types of movement rates were calculated; total average movement per hour (for all dragons pooled) and average daily movement (per individual). Total average movement per hour was calculated by first summing ten-minute moving periods for every hour to determine hourly movements (i.e. 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 min) for each individual. Next, the average minutes of movement for each hour of the day was calculated by dividing the summed minutes of movement over all days of recording that hour by the number of days that hour was recorded for the focal individual. The total average movement per hour of the day was calculated by averaging data from all individual dragons. These data were used to analyse the patterns in timing of diel movement during the two tracking periods. The total minutes that a dragon moved was divided by the total number of full days that the dragon was tracked to determine the average daily movement rates per individual.
Air Temperature and Movement
Air temperature data was accessed from Fowlers Gap Weather Station [52] (31°4'35.54"S, 141°44'2.40"E) which recorded air temperature (°C) every 10 min. To determine how fine-scale air temperature patterns influenced movement, 10-minute temperature data was converted into integer classes, i.e. 30 °C represents values from 30.00 °C to 30.99 °C. The occurrence of movement within each integer class was averaged across all dragons by summing the number of times movement was recorded (with all dragons pooled) within a specific integer class and dividing this sum by the total number of 10-minute intervals when that integer class occurred, resulting in the proportion of movement occurring in each integer class.
Statistical Analysis
For the analysis of space-use patterns we used logistic regressions to see if more individuals from one sex held a home range than the other, and to determine if body measurements were related to the probability of holding a home range. Home range area data were tested with separate t-test's to determine if MCP home range area differed between males and females. An Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test for differences in MCP area between seasons. We also used a linear regression to see if body measurements characteristics influenced MCP area.
We analysed core area data similarly to home range data with t-tests being used to determine if core area differed between sexes, and an ANOVA was used to see if core area differed between seasons. Linear regressions were used to see if body measurements influenced core area size.
We used t-tests on individual dragon daily movement data to see if there was difference between sexes, and t-tests to see if there was a difference between the two tracking periods. To see if home range holding dragons moved more or less each day than floaters, a t-test was used with each season treated separately. Also, linear regressions were used to see if body measurements influenced daily movement rates.
To test the relationship between the occurrence of movement and air temperature, polynomial quadratic regressions were used. We used these tests rather than linear regressions as the data showed a clear nonlinear pattern.
All tests on differences between a response variable and sex were run with for each tracking period and all periods combined, all tests between tracking periods and a response variable were run separately for each sex and both sexes. All tests on body measurement variables were run for each tracking period and all tracking periods combined, as well as separate tests for each sex and both sexes. As six body measurement variables were being tested on the same set of home range, core area and movement data, the significance level (α, nominally 0.05) was adjusted following the sequential Bonferroni method [34] for these tests. All data were explored to ensure assumptions of statistical analyses were met by following the protocols in Zuur et al. [35]. Statistical analyses were undertaken using JMP Pro v11.0 [36] and all averages are quoted as mean ± standard deviations (SD).