The proposed system model is mainly depending on the volumetric flow measurement. The various sensors are engaged in the enhancement of the yield monitor. The system model includes the GPS, junction box, optical sensor, and field computer. The flowchart of the multi-sensor data and temporal image fusion is shown in Fig. 2. At the top of the clean grain elevator, an optical sensor is placed beside it to calculate the grain yield. The elevator housing includes the fixed hinged mounting bracket that encloses the transmitter and receiver in association with the lens and lens holders. The operational function of each sensor is exhibited via the light-emitting diode. From one to the other end of the elevator paddles, the infrared light beam is transmitted. If there is any interruption in the light beam is detected using the receiver. When the paddle allows the transmission of the sensor across it, the beam is broken. The beam breaks for a longer period depending on the amount of grain available on the paddle.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a sensor-based yield monitoring system. The satellite signals are utilized in the proposed monitoring system. The main purpose of the sensor-based GPS is to identify the desired location and in displaying the combined speed via satellite images. The main benefit of GPS mapping technology is monitored using the sub-meter accuracy. The association of the ground-related segments with the space is well-known as Global Positioning System. Above the ground level, at the high central point, GPS is usually mounted.
The position of the field computer is usually opposite to the driver seat. The output signals of the sensor are stored and displayed by the field computer where these signals are considered as data. The signal obtained from the sensors are later used in the field computer includes the GPS interface, user graphical user interface, external data storage devices, and controls the communication among various devices. The field computer can perform various functions such as sensor integration and calibration, moisture content, online speed, the area covered, and yield per hectare. The yield sensor, GPS receiver, and moisture sensor header data are collected in the Junction box. The Junction Box also records the header height, cut width, and GPS receiver. The correction factor, crop type, field name, and calibration number are to be filed in the Junction box. The Junction box is placed inside the cab mainly for safety and protection purposes rather than using as weather proof. The path for the sensor cables is attained through the bulkheads depend on the mounting position of the Junction box.
The header of the combine encloses the on/off switch of the spring. The association of the large number of the harvester in the fieldwork is differentiated using the yield monitor switch. When the header is in an upward position then the data logging is retained. The Junction box starts to count the area when the switch is in ON condition. The switch is ON condition when the combine header is in working position.
The temporal phenomena are used in the analysis of the remote sensing data by the time variable. The satellite constellation namely, Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 includes the features such as fine resolution images and short revisit time. These characteristic features make the satellite remote sensing images obtain the semantic content from a scene. In space and time, the dimensionality changes from the 3D to 4D by the time variable. The time variable in association with the image pair, short time-series, or long time-series SAR active images are exploiting the performance of the time variable. In the structural multi-temporal sensor-fusion, time-series multi-sensor images are fused. The perspective point-of-view of various techniques in the analysis of data is obtained via the fusional temporal information along with the image spatial, image backscattering, and image spectral information.
The multi-temporal data includes the analysis of image time series. The fine spatial resolution images are acquired through the association of spectral, spatial, and temporal informational data on dense time-series. Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, and Landsat-8 are the few dense time-series that produce fine resolution images which can be further improved. These data are used in the analysis of the field vegetation in the agricultural farms to improve their contemporaneous applications. An individual multi-sensor time-series obtained from the various satellite are fused is also capable of providing precise farming. Depending on the consequence and its extension, the analysis of the temporal information varies. Initially, the consequence is classified concerning the multi-temporal data and the solution of the respective consequence is attained later. The labeled training data related to the multi-temporal classification challenges are encountered.
The multi-temporal images for at least a pair are obtained from the geographical area at various times. Based on the analysis of data objective, temporal data are classified into various types. The recent images of the land cover map with the time-series, multi-temporal land cover maps set are attained from each item of the time-series, and every pixel in images is represented as temporal information of the seasonal land cover map. Depending on the illustration, the multi-temporal is classified into three different ways. In an application-oriented system, the identification of the problem is very difficult to implement.
The representation of the multi-temporal data stacked vector is generated as an input to the classifier in the supervised direct multi-date classification. The image stacking vector can be acquired by several times with the characterized pixels. The newly available images produce the map regarding the land cover concerning the training classification. Image acquisition dates measured based on the land cover remain unaltered, and the data distribution model concerning the various methodologies. The statistical Bayesian method is utilized for evaluation in later times. Each attribute of the time-series land cover is categorized using the multi-date direct classification method. Therefore, currently, the present acquisition time for the corresponding land cover map is obtained. Thus, the transition of the explicit land cover can be determined and the removal of the assumption in between the selected data will not affect the progress. The probability of class combined with the adequate training data provides the information for the framework of the proposed model. The proposed model is applicable in contemporaneous applications. To overcome the consequence in a multiday direct classification, various methodologies are adopted.
The cascade categories of image pairs are involved in classifying the multi-temporal data. The block scheme of the temporal classification is shown in Fig. 3. At different periods, the temporal correlation is utilized to link the probability of classes in a single image based on the Bayesian perspective. The proposed model consists of the distribution class for all individual data to determine the temporal correlation in between the images. The proposed multi-temporal and multi-sensor data includes the neural network classifier in association with the Bayesian decision framework. The proposed structure is free from the distribution estimation as it is acquired from the multispectral and SAR multi-temporal images.
The fusion model is usually preferable in the classification scheme. Kernel methods and multiple classifier systems and several neural models namely, radial basis function networks, and multilayer perception neural networks are used in the fusion model. The challenges in the classification of multi-temporal data using the deep learning architectures namely convolutional neural networks are minimum. Thus, the proposed model framework apprehends the Spatio-temporal arrangement. The precise rate over the land-cover-transition maps is high.
The multi-temporal image development is achieved through the deep learning framework with the affordable computation is the significant drawbacks. The deep learning framework in association with the 4D data structure is more complex and hence, a large amount of training data is required for effective performance. The remote sensing data is categorized depending on the availability of labeled samples with the time information sources. These data are trained to learn the supervised algorithms.
The temporal-based modeling includes multi-temporal classes, the time-series-based linkage between the various classes, and distinct spatial with the high temporal value. The semi-supervised classification methods are achieved via the combination of labeled training data with the recorded images to develop the proposed model. The spatial-temporal properties include the estimation of time-series. The remote sensing scheme makes use of the expectation-maximization algorithm regarding the land-cover map. This scheme is applicable in the classification of the cascade, compound, and bi-temporal images. Thus, the proposed system model consists of the linked multispectral, SAR multi-temporal, and multi-sensor images. The proposed system utilizes the active learning structural compound classification in improving the training data with a low-cost collection.
The high multi-temporal label classes in the images are used to acquire ad-hoc training data samples. The proposed transfer learning scheme performs the propagation function with the data of the given image to the training sets of other images with the constrained time-series. The class labels of the images are transmitted within the constrained time-series to the remaining pixels which remain unaltered. The multi-temporal classifier is provided with the increased supervision due to the changes that occurred on the unsupervised detection. In the classification of multi-temporal data, a partially supervised 4D data framework along with the deep learning architecture is provided. Finally, the decoupling of the network is achieved in relationship with the spatial-temporal pattern without affecting the extraction capability.