Naturally occurring aliphatic aldehydes may play an important role as prebiotic precursor molecules. With growing chain lengths, the so-called fatty aldehydes gain amphiphilic properties and could serve as starting points for a large collection of membrane-forming lipids (Brown et al. 2009, Brown et al. 2011). The reactivity of the aldehyde head group allows a wide variety of chemical modifications, including oxidation to fatty acids, reduction to alcohols, the formation of amines and amides and finally ester or ether formation with glycerol (Fritz et al. 2013). They still play a role in the recent biosynthesis of sphingolipids where a long-chain aldehyde is undergoing a condensation reaction with serine (Awasthi et al. 1980).
The biochemical formation of long aliphatic chains with a hydrophilic head group is quite complicated and involves a considerable amount of energy, it is not very likely to have occurred as initial development. On the other hand, early metabolic processes required functional membranes at an early point of time. Therefore, during the early steps of life, they were very likely depending on an external occurrence of such molecules. All theories on the origin of protocells which are based on initial membrane formation require an abiotic source of amphiphilic components (Deamer et al. 2002, Sakuma et al. 2015, Deamer 2017).
Recently, aliphatic aldehydes have been discovered in carbon-rich chondritic meteorites (Aponte et al. 2019). Aponte et al. analyzed ten different carbonaceous chondrites and, using a novel analytical approach, detected and quantified 16 different aldehydes. Among them were butanal, pentanal and hexanal in concentrations around 2-6 nmol/g. Most aldehydes in chondrites exhibit a clear enrichment of 13C isotopes compared to their biogenic counterparts, a finding which indicates their abiotic formation (Aponte et al. 2019). This result is highly interesting because it represents convincing proof for an abiotic (in this case, extraterrestrial) origin of such potentially amphiphilic compounds which are possible starting points for membrane-forming lipids. The analytical method used to analyze the aldehydes was based on derivatization with (S,S)-(-)-1,4-dimethoxy-2,3-butanediol ((S,S)-DMB-diol). The analysis ended after 95 min and the derivatized hexanal was detected at a retention time of approximately 93 min; therefore, any longer-chain aldehydes present were not observable.
Moreover, there are also clear indications for a terrestrial abiotic formation of aldehydes. A complete family of homologous aliphatic aldehydes of even and uneven chain lengths was detected inside Archean quartz crystals (Schreiber et al. 2017). Inclusions in these Archean quartz crystals grown in a hydrothermal environment contained eleven different species from heptanal up to heptadecanal. This terrestrial evidence is even more intriguing concerning early membrane formation because of the wide and continuous distribution of chain lengths and the fact that the chain functionalization occurs almost exclusively on the methyl end groups of the chain. Due to the selected analytical conditions, the analysis of short-chain aldehydes was not possible here. Results from stable isotope analysis of the methane content of the inclusions are in clear accordance with an abiotic formation of the detected hydrocarbons (Schreiber et al. 2017).
It is likely that analyses using both analytical methods would detect both short-chain and long-chain aldehydes in meteorites and quartz samples. This assumption is supported by the results of the recent paper by Mißbach et al. (Mißbach et al. 2021). The authors used chromatographic methods to investigate the constituents of fluid inclusions in 3.5-billion-year-old barites, which - just like the quartz samples already studied in 2017 by Schreiber et al. – originated from Western Australia. It is particularly noteworthy that the authors were only able to detect short-chain aldehydes here, namely ethanal, propanal, pentanal and heptanal, based on the analytical parameters.
Thus, it could be shown that a prebiotic presence of short- and long-chain aldehydes is not exclusively due to meteorite impacts on the early Earth but also due to hydrothermal formations, probably based on Fischer-Tropsch type reactions.
Altogether, the abiotic formation of aldehydes may be a common feature of planetary bodies in - at least - our solar system. At this point, one has to ask the question if it is an ongoing process that occurs up to the present day. If it is, one should be able to find evidence for abiotically formed aliphatic aldehydes in recent hydrothermal environments. To minimize contamination by metabolites from microbial life in a corresponding search, sampling should occur outside of densely populated environments. On the other hand, it should focus on materials that are in close contact with hydrothermal fluids and that could be able to collect possible organic products over an extended period of time.
For that purpose, a drilling project was started in the phonolite/trachyte complex of the Wehr caldera (Eifel mountains) southwest of Cologne, near the lake “Laacher See” (50°25’35.139’’ N, 7°13’10.4322’’ E). In this volcanic environment, we expect a rich flow of hydrothermal fluids consisting of water and carbon dioxide as the bulk solvents. Under conditions of larger depths in the Earth’s crust, we assume a large variety of organic compounds to form (Schreiber et al. 2017). Among others, Fischer-Tropsch type chemistry should lead to aliphatic chains, which are expected to undergo partial oxidation on their methyl end groups, eventually leading to a homologous series of aldehydes (Durham et al. 2010, Xiang et al. 2016). At approximately 1 km of depth, carbon dioxide is expected to undergo a phase transition from the supercritical to the sub-critical gaseous phase. During that transition, the carbon dioxide essentially loses its capability to act as a hydrophobic solvent (Schreiber et al. 2012). As a consequence, this leads to the precipitation of mostly hydrophobic products at this point, forming an accumulation zone of corresponding organic compounds in this depth range (Mayer et al. 2017). In the following, we want to report on analytical data obtained from fluid inclusions in the solid core material from 1 km depth.