Aerobic fixed-film system performance
Organic matter removal was evaluated by measuring organic load rate both in the influent and effluent of the systems (Fig. 2). The influent concentration was maintained in 300 ± 100 mg COD/L and both R1 and R2 indicated a similar COD removal of organic matter of 72 ± 7 and 77 ± 8%, respectively. It is worth to mention that the system feed was stopped to perform the nitrifying activity tests with suspended biomass + biofilm (day 150) only with suspended biomass (day 200) and denitrifying activity (day 250). Additionally, suspended biomass and biofilm samples were taken subsequent to each assay to quantify the volatile suspended solids (VSS). Thus, destabilization in R1 and R2 was observed in these days causing decreases in removal efficiency (Fig. 2). The statistical analyses showed that no significant difference was observed in organic matter removal in R1 and R2 (P ≤ 0.05), reaching a stationary state after the first 50 days of operation.
Similar results have been reached by mobile packed-bed bioreactors coupled to membrane bioreactors (MBBR-MBR) fed with domestic wastewater with a COD concentration of 185.80 ± 45.8 mg/L and operating with a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 0.5 days. These packed-bed systems with a commercial Kaldnes type “K1”, in a filling ratio of 35% of total volume, showed global COD removal efficiency of 83 ± 2.11%23. Mazioti et al.24 reported COD removal efficiency of 86.6% when they operated a MBBR system of 4.5 L useful volume with domestic wastewater and influent concentration of 270 mg COD/L, operated with HRT of 1.1 day, packed with the commercial AnoxKaldnes type “k3” support material in a filling volume ratio of 30%. Boutet et al. 25 obtained COD removal efficiencies of 47%, operating packed-bed systems with inert material “BIONEST” using municipal wastewater with an average concentration of 457 mg/L COD and HRT of 0.5 day.
In general, the systems assessed in this study reached similar or higher efficiency to those reported by other authors, which not only depended on variables, such as filling material percentage, COD concentration in the influent or type of supporting material but also on biomass concentration developed in the system interior. The biomass developed on the material surface was 18 ± 5 and 21 ± 3 g/L of R1 and R2, respectively. This biofilm possibly gives rise to different oxygen concentration gradients towards the interior of these materials. The differences in oxygen concentration in the system could favor the appearance of anoxic zones in the deepest areas of the biofilm where oxygen cannot easily penetrate. The previous allows heterotroph organisms to assimilate organic carbon for their metabolism and growth, giving rise to denitrification processes and favoring removal of organic matter in the form of COD 11, 16, 26.
Figure 3 shows the fixed-film system performance for NH4+-N removal. It is worth to point out that this performance represents the system behavior when fed with swine wastewater, while the nitrifying and denitrifying activities were performed with synthetic solutions as the methodology indicated. The influent concentration was maintained in 100 ± 35 mg NH4+-N /L for 330 days of operation of the systems R1 and R2 showing a complete removal efficiency of NH4+ -N (99.9%).
Lo et al.27 concluded that high efficiency is possible thanks to the nitrifying activity carried out in aerobic systems with support. The nitrifying activity is performed both because of the suspended biomass within the systems and fixed biomass adhered to the supports. However, Bassin et al.20 demonstrated that suspended biomass plays the most important role in ammonium removal process, showing a nitrifying activity relatively greater compared to biofilm, which plays the main role in the denitrifying process. Additionally, total nitrogen removal may be achieved indirectly as a result of both SND process and nitrogen assimilation by the heterotroph organisms for new cell formation. Lo et al.27 reported that approximately 34% of total initial nitrogen was used for biomass formation where a SND process was performed in a hybrid biofilm system with an HRT of eight hours. This result implies a process where the greatest part of nitrogen is removed by a SND process, but with a yield in biomass formation. Coupled to this process, bacteria involved in SND, such as Pseudomonas, have low replication times of up to 30 min28 which is why nitrogen assimilation through these bacteria possibly plays an important role in R1 and R2 performance.
Matsumoto et al.29 and Wu et al.30 observed SND process in biofilm systems with inert materials, such as plastic and ceramic membranes, evidencing these processes by the presence of AOB and NOB bacteria in the internal zone of the biofilm and heterotroph bacteria in the same biofilm surface. In this sense, according to Bassin et al.20, up to 20% of NH4+-N removal might be attributed to biofilm while the suspended biomass contributed up to 70% of this process. Lastly, Figure 3 also shows that NH4+-N removal efficiency reached by each system were stable and without significant differences between them, according to statistical analyses (P < 0.05).
Sahariah et al.17 operated a sequential mobile packed-bed bioreactor with polymer foam support with a filling Volume of 15.7% and fed with a concentration of 125 mg NH4+-N /L. The reported systems showed removal efficiency of 68% of NH4+-N, a lower value than that obtained in this study. On the other hand, Bassin et al.20 operarated two mobile packed-bed bioreactors of 1 L of useful Volume, one packed with the commercial synthetic support “Kaldnes K1” and the other one with “MutagBiochip” with the filling Volume of 50%, operated with HRT of 0.5 days and fed with a concentration of 100 mg NH4+-N/L. The authors achieved NH4+-N removal efficiency higher than 90%. It should be mentioned that the support materials evaluated in this study occupied a filling Volume with a range from 15-50%, reaching NH4+-N removal efficiency of >99%. In this sense, the systems evaluated in this study demonstrated much higher efficiency with respect to similar systems. As mentioned previously, this excellent performance could have been due to biofilm presence (18 ± 5 and 21 ± 3 g TVS/L for R1 and R2, respectively), which was measured at the end of the assays. Ødegaard et al. 31 and Bassin et al. 20 suggested that the quantity of adhered biomass to a support medium not onl1y depends on the superficial area but also its form or material configuration. These findings indicate that supports, as Mutag Biochip that has the form of a satellite dish, are frequently subjected to attrition forces due to the intense contact with the surrounding liquid, favoring biofilm detachment and the quantity of adhered solids. Whereas the types of support with cylindrical shape or rings favor biofilm accumulation.
Nitrifying and denitrifying activity
The nitrifying and denitrifying activity of the systems were assessed in a period of 36 h for R1 and R2. The systems operated continuously and for these assays they were set in batch mode, stopping feed flux. Figure 4 shows ammonium removal during the MSNA assays. The NH4+ removal was 20 ± 5% for both systems at hour 10 of the assay; five hours later the systems reached two-fold removal. Starting from hour 10, removal started to increase significantly until it reached 90 ± 6 and 98 ± 4% of NH4+-N removal for R1 and R2, respectively (Figure 4). This result could indicate an adaptation process of the microorganisms in the systems when they went from operating continuously to discontinously. Although it did not inhibit the nitrifying process, it made it slower.
Despite the behavior was similar for both assays (R1 and R2), the R2 system reached greater NH4+-N removal, whereas R1 showed a slightly lower removal though not significant according to the statistical analyses performed (P > 0.05). Additionally, at the end of the assay, loss of nitrogen was evident in both systems, but it was not found in any of the determined soluble forms, approximately 60% and 65% for R1 and R2, respectively. Presumably, these non-quantified nitrogen percentages have been converted to molecular nitrogen by means of SND. Garzón-Zuñiga et al. 11 explained that aeration systems with fixed biomass in support materials are capable of developing denitrifying processes starting from heterotroph bacteria that achieve growing in anoxic environments. On their part, Lo et al. 27 studied nitrogen transformation in the form of ammonium to nitrogen, gas in a hybrid biofilm system. The results showed that approximately 60% of soluble nitrogen was converted to nitrogen gas by a SND process. On the other hand, some Pseudomonas species have been reported capable of reducing nitrate to nitrite, among which P. stutzeri perform denitrification processes28.
Table 3 shows the results of MSNA, as well as those reported by different authors, where the obtained values are found within the range bibliographically reported for systems operated under similar conditions. The results allow observing the importance of suspended biomass in MSNA: 3.13 and 2.05 mg NH4+-N /gTVS∙h for R1 and R2 respectively, even higher including that reached by the systems with both biomass types (suspended and fixed): 0.352 and 0.253 mg NH4+-N /g TVS∙h for R1 and R2, respectively. Lo et al. 27 observed that in a hybrid biofilm system, nitrification was produced mainly in suspended biomass while biofilm played the main role in denitrification. In this manner, biofilm and suspended sludge interaction in the same reactor gave as a result a better general yield in nitrogen removal by a SND. The previous information may be observed in the nitrifying assays (Table 3). On the other hand, Mašić and Eberl 32 found evidence through mathematical models that suspended biomass contributes in a more important manner to ammonium removal in biofilm systems. However, nitrifying activity is not considered frequently in the suspended biomass, assuming that nitrification only takes place in the biofilm 33.
Table 3
Specific Nitrifying Activity obtained in different laboratory-scale studies.
Bassin et al. 20
Salvetti et al. 34
Bassin et al. 35
Reif-Lopez 36
Lu et al. 37
This study
Type system
Kaldnes K1 y MutagBiochip
Membrane Zenon ZW-10
a Fixed biomass, b Suspended biomass. Where: Maximum specific nitrifying activity (MSNA) is expressed
in mg NH4+-N/g TVS∙h; Volumetric organic load rate (OLR): kg Chemical oxygen demand (COD) m3/d;
Ammonium load: kg NH4+-N /m3; Hydraulic retention time (HRT): h; Total volatile solids (TVS):
g/L. NR = No reported
On the one hand, MSDA was 4.64 ± 0.13 and 5.3 ± 0.34 mg of NO3− -N/g TVS∙h, for R1 and R2, respectively, results that are found within the range reported for biological nitrogen removal (BNR) systems. On the other hand, the determined MSDA agreed with that reported for the SND processes (1.6-30 mg of NO3− -N/g TVS h) for BNR systems inoculated with aerobic biomass and fed with real wastewater. Whereas lower MSDA values were reported for conventional denitrification routes and ANAMMOX (0.5-1.56 mg of NO3− -N/g TVS h)12. In the case of R1 and R2, nitrification and denitrification metabolism activation is performed in the same system simultaneously SND and not in different or sequential reactors as conventionally reported10. The previous is due to the presence of anoxic microzones in the aerobic system, given as a result dissolved oxygen gradients that limit their diffusion through the systems12.
In this sense, the main explanation for SND is because denitrification organisms may exist both in the biofilm and suspended biomass of the system. Additionally, the existence of facultative microorganisms has been proven that use NH4+-N as electron donor and NO2−-N as electron receptor, producing N2 and NOX in SND11.
In the case of MSDA, polyethylene rings showed superiority over polyurethane foam, which was directly related to the amount of developed biofilm. Thus, polyethylene rings were selected as the most efficient support material in NH4+-N removal. Additionally, the statistical analyses indicated a significant and higher difference (P ≤ 0.05) in the denitrifying activity, where the rings could favor SDN alternate routes because of factors, such as configuration and material type that could create better conditions to form anoxic zones where the denitrification process mainly takes place.
Figure 5 shows the results obtained from monitoring NO3− -N behavior, organic matter in the form of COD and removal efficiency for the MSDA assays. Differently from MSNA, R1 and R2 had a different behavior, of which system R2 was the most efficient by removing 91 ± 2.24% of NO3− -N and 67.86 ± 0.4% of COD, whereas system R1 removed 52.32 ± 0.6% of NO3−-N and 57.42 ± 1.24% of COD. The results indicated that 2.54 g COD/g of NO3−-N reduced were used, which correspond to the organic requirements reported by Chatterjee et al. 38 for heterotrophic denitrification (2.86 g COD/g of NO3− -N removed), and more specifically 2.08 g COD/g of NO3−-N reduced when using C2H3NaO2 as a carbon source12.
Balance of nitrogen species
The result of the nitrogen forms measured in the effluents R1 and R2, evidenced a nitrogen concentration that could not be quantified (~ 40 ± 5%) with respect to NH4+-N measured in the influent. The material balance indicated that it was quantified in the effluents of R1 and R2: 55 ± 11% and 54 ± 10% in the form of NO3− -N; 2.58 ± 2 and 3.4 ± 2.5% in NO2−-N and 3.03 ± 4.02% and 5.07 ± 6.84% as NH4+-N. Based on these results, the operated systems might have shown a SND process.
According to Matsumoto et al.29 SND is associated to reactors that have suspended biomass and biofilm and show nitrogen loss in the effluent. Anoxia conditions activate denitrifying metabolism, which are given by the anoxic microzones in the interior of the biofilm bacterial consorptia. In these microzones, oxygen cannot penetrate, but the NOx generated by the nitrifying bacteria can. According to Garzón-Zúñiga, 11 the nitrates produced by the nitrifying bacteria in the superficial layers of the biofilm may penetrate toward the deepest layers by one concentration gradient. When they penetrate toward these deepest layers where oxygen concentration is very low or null, the denitrifying bacteria use nitrites and nitrates as receptor and transform them into molecular nitrogen (N2), which escapes from the system with gaseous effluent, making it possible to be counted in soluble form.
The previous information agrees with the volatilization assays that were performed additionally where a loss of NH4+-N to the environment in gaseous form was determined 10 ± 1%. It is worth to mention that some authors also reported loss by Stripping of 8-15%38, 11. In this sense, Garzón-Zúñiga et al.11 found that in a packed-bed biofilter with organic material, nitrogen loss was performed by biologic sorption, filtration and assimilation mechanisms. These authors reported that from a total NH4+-N found in the influent, 10% oxidized NO2−-N and another 10% to NO3− N, 40% was lost during the SND processes, 10% volatilized, 6% was retained in the system and 3.5% was found as residual NH4+-N. Zhao et al. 39 also reported SND processes in packed-bed systems, examining the combination of different support media, such as grapefruit skin and several conventional plastics as polyurethane, SPR-1 suspension and elastic filling TA-II. The results showed that by combining these materials efficient SND processes could be achieved with total ammonium and nitrogen removal of 96.8 ± 4.0% and 78.9 ± 9.5%, respectively. Additionally, the microbial analysis evidenced dominant genera of Thiothrix, Gemmata and Comanonadaceae, which indicated a heterotroph nitrification –same which favored the SND process. Furthermore, Walters et al. 40 operarated a batch system with suspended biomass and biofilm adhered to a biodegradable support medium. The results and experiments of these authors clearly indicated that nitrification may be achieved in suspended biomass while denitrification is performed at the interior of the support structure pores.
Microbial community analyses
The microbial community found in the biofilms of polyethylene rings was analyzed. This system was selected for analysis to show better performace as to the capacity of nitrogen and organic matter removal besides a larger concentration with respect to polyurethane foam. This study was performed through the analysis of the 16S rRNA fragments. A taxonomic classification of the total microbial community diversity was performed, which highlighted the microorganisms obtained at the level of phylum and genus. The bacterial abundance obtained from the sample was 99%. Table 4 shows that Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum that biofilm rings conformed, followed by Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes that are common in swine wastewater 41. This result agrees with that reported by Alzate 42, who mentioned that typical microbiology of aerobic systems with activated sludge are composed approximately of 95% bacteria. On the other hand, a certain abundance of archaea was observed, which was not significant (~1%).
Table 4
Relative abundance of different edges identified in biofilm of polyethylene rings
Relative abundance (%)
Within these phyla, the presence of Pseudomonas was detected in the biofilm rings. This bacterial genus is associated to denitrification processes in the presence of aeration43, 44. Zhang et al. 45 identified P. stutzeri in swine wastewater. These authors concluded that this type of Pseudomonas may transform not only nitrate and nitrite but also ammonium with the capacity of a complete removal up to 200 mg/L of NO3−-N and 170 mg/L of NO2−-N in aerobic conditions. They also observed NH4+-N removal of approximately 95% through a denitrification process and from this one 39% of NH4+-N removed was oxidized completely to gaseous nitrogen in a total of 18 h. This result indicated that the strain has capacities for heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification with the notable capacity of removing nitrogen efficiently in the form of ammonium. This percentage agrees including with 40% ot the nitrogen not found in the effluent systems of this study in any of its soluble forms.
On the other hand, the presence of Clostridium (2.43%) in the biofilm rings would indicate nitrification processes10. Interestingly, bacteria of the type Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter -responsible for nitrification in aerobic conditions were not found in the taxonomic analysis despite having obtained a removal efficiency of NH4+ greater than 95% in system R2. It should be highlighted that according to the MSNA assays, only may 20% of NH4+-N removal be attributed to biofilm, whereas 80% of this process would have been performed by suspended biomass, which was not microbiologically analyzed.
Figure 6 shows a phylogenetic tree of the 50 most abundant bacteria found in biofilm polyethylene rings. The circles of different size correspond to abundance in readings of each microorganism, while the color indicates the order to which the genus represented in the tree belong. Finally, the bacteria not classified at the level of order and/or genus are indicated.
The following bacteria at the level of order and by abundance are: Pseudomonadales (54.81%), Bacteroidales (24.17%), Clostridiales (8.59%), Acholeplasmatales (3.01%), Spirochaetales (2.01%). The rest of the organisms that appear in Figure 6 were found in a percentage lower than 1%. In contrast with the results mentioned, Nascimento et al. 46 reported that bacteria of the order Clostridiales are usually the most abundant in aerobic biomass. However, Pseudomonales have the capacity of growing in limited media. In other words, this phylum which showed greater proportion at genus level (56.10%) could suppress the development of taxa as Clostridium including bacteria in charge of ammonium oxidation in nitrifying conditions as Nitrosomonas spp.