Study participants
The 25-year-old pregnant mother had a normal phenotype and was of average intelligence. She had no prior children, but had one miscarriage. No significant family history was found. At 24+2 weeks of gestation, an ultrasound showed that both kidneys were enlarged and echo was enhanced, resulting in what was suspected to be infantile polycystic kidney disease. At the same time, the amniotic fluid index was 2.9 cm, which was slightly low (Figure 1).
Chromosome karyotype analysis
Transabdominal amniocentesis was performed under the guidance of ultrasound, and 40 ml of amniotic fluid was extracted. A volume of 20 ml was cultured in vitro under aseptic conditions, and another 20 ml was used for DNA extraction. The cultured amniotic fluid cells were harvested, fixed, and prepared for karyotyping and G banding. Chromosomal abnormalities were described according to the International System of Human Cytogenetics Nomenclature (2016).
Single nucleotide polymorphism array (SNP-array)
The experiment was conducted in strict accordance with standard operating procedures provided by Affymetrix, including DNA extraction, preparation, digestion and ligation, as well as amplification, purification, and fragmentation. DNA labeling, hybridization, washing, staining, and scanning were conducted according to those same procedures as well. The data were analyzed using a kit supported by CHAS 2.0 software. Then, the SNP array structure was analyzed, in combination with the relevant databases, to determine the nature of the copy number variation (CNV) found. These reference databases included DGV (, DECIPHER (, OMIM (, ISCA (, and CAGdb (, among others. CNVs can be divided into five categories [17, 18]: pathogenic, possibly pathogenic, of uncertain clinical significance (VUS), possibly benign, and benign. For the VUS, it is recommended to conduct SNP-array testing in on fetal cells isolated from maternal peripheral blood to further clarify the nature of CNV, in combination with pedigree analysis.
Whole exome sequencing (WES)
The fetal DNA was interrupted, and a library was prepared. Then, the exon of the target gene, and DNA in the adjacent shear region, were captured and enriched via Roche KAPA HyperExome chip. Finally, the mutation was detected using the MGISEQ-2000 sequencing platform. The quality control index of sequencing data was as follows: the average sequencing depth of the target region was ≥ 180X, and loci with average depths of > 20X in the target region accounted for over 95% of total loci. Sequenced fragments were compared with the UCSC hg19 human reference genome to remove duplicates. INDEL and genotype detection were performed using GATK. ExomeDepth was used for copy number variation detection at the exon level, and genes were named according to the Human Genome Organization Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC). Variants were named according to Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) nomenclature. The reference database and prediction software versions were below: Clinvar (2020-03-16), ESP6500 (V2), and 1000 Genomes (Phase3), as well as GnomAD (r2.0.1), ExAC (r0.3.1), and BPGD*(V3.1). SecondaryFinding_Var*(v1.1_202.3), dbscSNV (1.1), and SpliceAI (1.3) were used too, alongside dbNSFP (2.9.1), SIft, MutationTaste, and Polyphen2. The pathogenic properties of the variants were classified according to American Society of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) and American Society of Molecular Pathology (AMP) sequence variation interpretation guidelines [19-22] . The Clingen Working Group on the Interpretation of Sequence Variations and the Society for Clinical Genome Sciences (ACGS) were consulted to refine our interpretation of the guidelines.
Sanger sequencing to validate pedigree
Briefly, total 5 mL of peripheral blood samples from both parents of the fetus was collected, and EDTA was used to prevent coagulation. DNA was extracted using a DNA extraction kit (Tiangen Biochemical Technology [Beijing] Co., Ltd.), and the operation was conducted according to the attached instructions. Suspected pathogenic loci, found by WES, were amplified by PCR. After purification and quantification, the products were sequenced using a ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer, and the obtained sequences were compared with human wild-type sequences.