Author & Year
(Study design)
Institution/ Country of study conduct
Study Interventions
Study population
Study outcomes
Strengths &
Aaron Miller et al 2020 [2] (Observational)
NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York Institute
of Technology, Old Westbury, New York, USA
Countries with BCG vaccination policy vs without BCG vaccination policy
COVID-19 patients;
Middle high- and high-income countries = BCG policy (n=55 countries);
Middle high- and high-income countries = No BCG policy (n=5 countries).
Deaths per million in Middle high- and high-income countries with BCG vs no BCG policy: 0.78 ± 0.40 vs 6.39 ± 7.33 (Mean ± SEM);
(p=8.64e-04, Wilcoxon rank sum test);
Cases per million Inhabitants in Middle high- and high-income countries with BCG vs no BCG policy: 59.54± 23.29 vs 264.90± 134.88 (Mean ± SEM);
(p=0.0064, Wilcoxon rank sum test).
Cases per million
Inhabitants low-income levels countries (18): 0.32 ± 0.09
Limitations: Under reporting in low income countries, More RCT required with BCG for COVID-19.
Berg et al 2020 [5]
Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering.
Countries - BCG Mandated policy vs Non-BCG mandated policy
Two categories of BCG policy countries status
- 1. Current versus combined (past and none)
- 2. Past versus none
Growth rate COVID-19 cases: Negative correlation of COVID-19 cases with BCG vaccination: b = −0.039, P < 0.001;
No significant correlation in growth rate of case between Past vs none BCG policy: b = −0.009, P = 0.610
Growth rate of Death due to COVID-19: Significant Negative correlation of death rate with BCG vaccination: b = −0.059, P < 0.001
No significant correlation in growth rate of deaths between Past vs none BCG policy: b = −0.007, P = 0.772.
Limitations: Underreporting of cases, Confounding factor cultural dimensions.
Covian et al 2020 [6]
Millennium Institute on Immunology and
Immunotherapy, Santiago, Chile
Countries with BCG vaccination policy vs without BCG vaccination policy
Countries with BCG vaccination policy (n=22) vs countries without BCG policy (n=16).
Cases per million inhabitants: Significant difference between BCG and Non-BCG.
Deaths per million inhabitants: Significant difference between BCG and Non-BCG.
Limitations: Amount of testing, social distancing measures, demographic distribution of country.
Dayal et al 2020 [7]
Postgraduate Institute of
Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India.
No BCG policy countries vs Past BCG policy countries.
Two categories: High COVID-19 burden countries (high case fatality rates) (n=12) vs Countries with BCG revaccinations (n=12).
Case fatality rate: Between two groups: 5.2% vs 0.6%, p value <0.0001.
Limitations: Not representing true CFR, oversimplification of interpretation.
Ebina et al 2020 [8]
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA
BCG vaccinated countries vs Past BCG vaccination countries vs No BCG vaccination countries.
Two categories in terms of BCG vaccination: Currently Recommended Countries (CRC) (n=27) and Currently Not Recommended Countries (CNRC) (n=23).
Median (IQR) mortality /1M population: CRC vs CNRC: 2.1 (0.7–8.0) vs
42.6 (13.1–139.3), Mann–Whitney P < 0.001.
Median (IQR) mortality: Never Recommended Countries > Previously Recommended Countries: 46.5 (56.6–260.5) > 2.1 (0.7–8.0).
Limitations: Selection bias in the study participants.
Escobar et al 2020 [9]
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
BCG vaccination policy vs Past or Non-BCG vaccination policy in socially similar European countries (n=22) and America (US versus Latin America)
Potentially confounding factors (e.g., stage of the COVID-19 epidemic, development, rurality, population density, and age structure were adjusted.
BCG index and COVID-19 mortality: Negative correlation: r2 = 0.49, P < 0.00001.
BCG index and COVID-19 mortality in socially similar European countries: First month of pandemic: r2 = 0.88; P =
8 × 10−7. Means a 10% increase in BCG index was directly proportional to 10.4% reduction in COVID-19 deaths.
Strengths: Confounding factors were adjusted in analysis.
Limitations: Sampling biases, More RCT needed.
Goswami et al 2020 [10]
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
BCG vaccination <95% Coverage countries vs BCG vaccination >95% Coverage countries.
From 166 countries: COVID-19 cases: 412637;
COVID-19 deaths: 18559.
COVID-19 incidence: No difference in European and American countries having >95% BCG coverage (p=0.28).
COVID-19 mortality less in European and American countries having >95% BCG coverage (p=0.017).
COVID-19 incidence less in African and Asia and Australasian countries with >95% coverage (p<0.0008).
COVID-19 mortality: No difference in African and Asia and Australasian countries (p=0.068).
Limitations: Screening of other parasitic diseases,
underreporting of cases, Socioeconomics factor.
Gursel et al 2020 [11]
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
BCG vaccination policy countries vs No BCG vaccination policy countries.
Countries with atleast 1000 COVID-19 cases were included.
Cases/million: Countries with BCG vs No BCG programme: P<0.0001.
Deaths/million: Countries with BCG vs No BCG programme: P<0.0058
and P<0.0001.
Deaths/million: Countries (n=5) ceased BCG 2 decades back vs Countries (n=8) ceased BCG 3-4 decades back: P=0.0109.
Hamiel et al 2020 [12]
Tel Aviv University, Tel
Aviv, Israel.
BCG patients (n=297340) vs Non-BCG patients (n=301600).
Previously vaccinated patient’s vs Non vaccinated;
No. of tests done: BCG vs Non-BCG: n=3064 vs n=2869;
Men Tested (%): BCG vs Non-BCG: n=1509 (49.2) vs n=1458 (50.8) (p=0.29).
Positive test results: No. (%): BCG vs Non-BCG: 361 (11.7) vs 299 (10.4) (p=0.09);
Men positive (%): BCG vs Non-BCG: 181 (50) vs 152 (51) (p=0.87).
Strengths: Large samples, similar age groups, limited confounders.
Limitations: Immigrants vaccine status more minority age groups (4.9% and 4.6% of the older and younger).
Hegarty et al 2020 [13]
BCG vaccination policy countries vs No BCG vaccination policy countries.
Total= 178 countries;
BCG programme: n=131;
No BCG programme: n=21;
Unknown status: n=26.
Incidence: BCG vs No BCG: 38.4/million vs 358.4/million;
Death rate: BCG vs No BCG: 4.28//million vs 40/million;
Case fatality rate (CFR): BCG vs No BCG: 0.13% vs 0.33%.
Limitations: Limited testing and reporting.
Hensel et al 2020 [14]
Metastasis Research Center, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, USA.
BCG vaccination policy countries vs No BCG vaccination policy countries
Total = 78 countries;
BCG programme: 69%;
No BCG programme: 8%;
Past BCG programme:23%.
Cases/1M inhabitants: BCG policy vs No or Past BCG policy: significantly Less with BCG policy;
Percent mortality: BCG policy vs No or Past BCG policy: significantly Less with BCG policy;
High CoV-2 testing countries: BCG policy (n=21) vs No BCG policy (n=6) vs Past BCG policy (n=17): ANOVA, p = 0.17;
Limitations: Faulty case reporting, lack of reporting, socioeconomic barriers, other comorbidities, adherence to vaccination.
Kirov 2020 [15]
Bristol-Meyers Squibb, USA
BCG vaccination policy countries versus no BCG vaccination.
1 = current universal policy
2= used to recommend, not anymore
3 = never had universal policy
Pearson correlation;
Median age and infection rates: R=0.774;
BCG policy and the infection rates: R=0.521;
Start date of BCG vaccination and infection rates: R=0.21.
Strengths: All important confounding factors included.
Limitations: Other confounders such as B.P., public policies and time from first infection not included; Need more RCTs.
Klinger et al 2020 [16]
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
BCG vaccination policy countries versus no BCG vaccination.
Total countries: 55;
COVID-19 outcomes: Deaths or cases per million (DPM and
BCG administration: Negative correlation: DPM ≥ 0.5 and DPM ≥ 2: R = −0.48 (p-value = 0.00056) and R= −0.47 (p-value = 0.00084).
Negative correlation: CPM ≥ 0.5 and CPM ≥ 2: R = −0.38 (p-value = 0.0091) and R= −0.35 (p-value = 0.017).
Strength: Included confounders such as population size, Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), lifespan, median age.
Limitations: Different countries with variable demographic parameters mask protective effect of BCG, results driven by small no. of influential countries.
Li et al 2020 [17]
University of Oxford
BCG vaccination policy countries versus no BCG vaccination.
Correlation of COVID-19 deaths and different demographic and socio-economic factors
COVID-19 deaths per million: Correlation with Median age r=0.48, p=4.8e-4 and Per capita GDP: r=0.55, p=4.14e-5; and negatively correlates with BCG vaccination rate: r= –0.63, p=9.9e-7.
Negative correlation between BCG vaccination rates and COVID-19: Cases: r=–0.338, p=0.0082 and death: r= –0.411, p=0.0011.
Limitations: Old age as a confounder.
Macedo et al 2020 [18]
DCBM Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
BCG vaccine coverage countries vs Non BCG vaccinated
BCG coverage and COVID-19 mortality after adjustment for age (n=125)
Pearson Correlation (sig. 2-tailed):
BCG2018: Cases per million: -0.396 (0.000); Deaths per Million: −0.252 (0.004).
BCG2008: Cases per million: −0.423 (0.000); Deaths per Million: −0.282 (0.001).
BCG1998: Cases per million: −0.380 (0.000); Deaths per Million: −0.260 (0.003)
BCG1988: Cases per million: −0.183 (0.040); Deaths per Million: −0.129 (0.149).
Madan et al 2020 [19]
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India
BCG coverage versus COVID-19 (n=174)
COVID-19 patients;
Group 1 (n=38) (low TB incidence, low BCG coverage);
Group 2 (n=60) (low TB incidence, high BCG coverage);
Group 3 (n=5) (high TB incidence, low BCG coverage);
Group 4 (n=71) (high TB incidence, high BCG coverage)
Incidence (per 100,000): Median (Range)
Group 1: 46.60 (1.36-749.06);
Group 2: 4.30 (0.005-132.51);
Group 3: 0.04 (0.02-17.61);
Group 4: 0.43 (0.01-85.46): (P < 0.05).
Case fatality rate (CFR) (per 100): Median (Range)
Group 1: 1.42 (0-11.7);
Group 2: 1.43 (0-25.0);
Group 3: 0 (0-28.5);
Group 4: 0 (0-33.3):
Limitations: Age (elderly) confounding factor, higher risk.
Meena et al 2020 [20]
Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, India
Countries with BCG vaccination policy
Countries with Universal BCG vaccination with more than 100 cases
Countries with BCG vaccination policy (n=142), Weak positive correlation: spearman rho = 0.1-0.5, p < 0.05 with cases and deaths per million
Limitations: inherent Bias of observational studies
Ozdemir et al 2020 [21] (Observational Study)
Institute of Child Health, Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey
BCG vaccinated (n=138) vs
Non BCG vaccinated(n= 37)
COVID-19 cases in the Northern Hemisphere (n = 144) and the Southern Hemisphere (n = 31), with respect to BCG vaccination status.
Effects of BCG vaccination on COVID-19 in European countries [BCG-vaccinated countries (n = 25), BCG-non-vaccinated countries (n = 26)]
Mean of cases per population ratio is statistically significantly lower in BCG-vaccinated countries than in BCG-non-vaccinated countries [0.0147 ± 0.027 vs 0.1892 ± 0.244, respectively, P < .0001] globally. Mean of deaths per population ratio is significantly lower in BCG-vaccinated versus BCG-non-vaccinated countries [0.0004 ± 0.001 vs 0.0113 ± 0.020, respectively, P < 0.0001]. Mean of deaths per cases ratio is also significantly lower in BCG-vaccinated countries [3.4232± 3.688 vs 5.3429 ± 4.830, respectively, P < 0.05]
Limitations: did not account for confounding factors
Strengths: took hemispheric location of countries into consideration
Sala et al 2020 [22] (ecological study)
Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Japan
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
Countries with populations of at least one million for which at least 15 days of data since the detection of the first case were available as of April the 26th (142 countries)
BCG vaccination policy and incidence of tuberculosis is associated with a reduction in both COVID-19 cases and deaths, and the effects of these two variables are additive (≈ 5% to 15% of total unique variance explained).
Limitations: Did not exclude the effect of unknown confounding factors
Strengths: employed multiple regression and principal component analysis
Samrah et al 2020 [23]
(Cohort study)
King Abdullah University Hospital (KAUH), Jordan
BCG vaccine given (n=68).
Hospitalised COVID-19 patients;
Females: 44 (54.3%),
Mean age (± SD): 39.95 ± 16.59;
84% patients receive BCG.
BCG Vaccination in COVID-19 patients: Symptomatic (44) vs Asymptomatic (37): 33 (75%) vs 35 (94.6%), OR:- 5.83 (p<0.017).
Limitations: Small cohort, mild cases, verbal BCG confirmation no medical record reviewed, incomplete documentation of symptoms.
Sharma et al 2020 [24] (Observational study)
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
Countries with universal BCG vaccination, discontinued vaccination, and countries that never adopted BCG vaccination. Countries with over 1000 reported COVID-19 cases included.
Countries without a universal BCG policy have increased incidence of COVID-19 (2810.9 ± 497.1 (mean ± SEM) per million) compared with countries with ongoing national BCG policy (570.9 ± 155.6 (mean ± SEM) per million). The incidence for countries that discontinued BCG vaccination was intermediate between these two groups (1844.67 ± 508.89 (mean ± SEM) per million).
Limitations: did not account for other confounding factors
Strengths: analysed incidence and mortality in 5 different age groups
Sharma AR et al 2020 [25]
(Observational study)
Post Graduate Institute for Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
Countries with universal BCG vaccination and those without
Incidence of COVID 19 much lower in countries with BCG vaccination policy (11940.98) than in countries without (44,723). Mortality percentage in BCG vaccinated countries lower (5.08%) as compared to 11% in countries without BCG vaccination program. Recovery percentage high in BCG vaccinated countries (43%) versus Non BCG countries (35%).
Limitations: did not account for confounding factors.
Shet et al 2020 [26]
(Observational study)
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
Top 50 countries reporting highest case events were included in the study. BCG using and non-BCG using countries with economies classified as low-middle-income(5), upper-middle-income(13) and high-income countries(32).
COVID-19-attributable mortality among BCG-using countries was 5.8 times lower [95% CI 1.8- 19.0] than in non BCG-using countries. Median crude COVID-19 mortality per 1 million population among countries with economies classified as low-middle-income, upper-middle-income and high-income countries (LMIC, UMIC, HIC) were 0.4 (Interquartile Range (IQR) 0.06, 0.4), 0.65 (IQR 0.2, 2.2) and 5.5 (IQR 1.6, 13.9), respectively
Limitations: due to testing constraints in LMICs, case ascertainment bias and a plausible rise of cases in countries with time.
Strengths: used a log-linear regression model after adjusting for confounders
Szigeti et al 2020 [27] (Observational study)
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, U.S.A
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
Top 68 countries based on number of cases were included in the study. Countries with and without universal BCG vaccination in place before 1980.
Death rate according to Death Per Case (or case fatality rate)/Days from onset (dpc/d) was not different between countries without universal BCG vaccination in place before 1980, compared to those which had (p=0.258). Similarly there was no correlation (rs= -0.03136, p= 0.852) between the year of the establishment of universal BCG vaccination and the mortality rate by dpc/d.
Limitations: confounders not adjusted
Strengths: used modified death rate as Death Per Case (i.e. case fatality)/Days (dpc/d) for the endemic of each country
Toyoshimo et al 2020 [28] (Observational study)
Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Tokyo, Japan
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
12,343 SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences isolated from patients in six geographic areas and identified a total of 1234 mutations by comparing with the reference SARS-CoV-2 sequence. Classified 28 countries into two groups according to the BCG-vaccination status as the routine vaccine schedules.
Fatality rates was significantly lower in 11 BCG-vaccinated countries than in 17 BCG-non-vaccinated countries (4.1% vs. 8.1%, P = 0.031). Frequencies of S 614G variant showed a trend of positive correlation with fatality rates (r = 0.54, P = 0.090) in BCG-vaccinated countries, correlation was not observed in BCG-non-vaccinated countries (r = 0.19, P = 0.47). The number of confirmed cases per million population was significantly lower in BCG-vaccinated countries than in BCG-non-vaccinated countries (710 vs. 2912, P = 0.0012)
Strengths: investigated SARSCoV-2 genome mutations, BCG-vaccination status, and HLA genotypes in 28 countries and identified significant associations of some virus genome variants with the fatality rates.
Urashima et al 2020 [29] (ecological study)
The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan;
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
A total of 173 countries that had data of both total COVID-19 deaths and BCG vaccine coverage were included
BCG vaccine coverage and COVID-19 mortality: Moderately negative association (adjusted R2= 0.1457; rho = −0.29). No correlation with morbidity (adjusted R2= 0.3814)
Limitations: study design was ecological
Strengths: multi-linear regression model was used
Wassenaar et al 2020 [30] (Observational study)
Molecular Microbiology and Genomics Consultants, Zotzenheim, Germany
BCG vaccinated vs
Non BCG vaccinated
Compared countries that had introduced BCG in the 1950s (n= 7) with those that had not (n=11). Total 18 countries.
Whether countries had never used the vaccine, had historically used it but since ceased to do so, or were presently vaccinating with BCG did not correlate with national total number of deaths or CFR.
Limitations: did not account for confounding factors
Weng et al 2020 [31]
(Cohort study)
qualified health centre in Rhode Island, United States
BCG vaccinated individuals (n=82) vs Non-BCG vaccinated individuals (n=38)
Hospitalised COVID-19 patients;
Males: 25 (25%);
Mean age (IQR) years: 39.5 (27.0–50.0).
Hospital admission Rate:
BCG vs Non-BCG: 6 (15.8) vs 3 (3.7) (p<0.019).
Adverse Events: myalgia: BCG vs Non-BCG: 74.4% vs. 50.0%, (p = 0.008);
1 Death in Non-BCG
Limitations: Small sample size, short time frame, unknown BCG strain and booster dose, more female and Latino/Hispanic population