Although mangroves are generally considered as a hotspot of biodiversity and harbor a high diversity of specific fungi, studies, especially these based on culture-independent methods, have been poorly performed. The present study constitutes the first attempt to systematically investigate the fungal communities in mangrove sediments in China using PacBio SMRT sequencing. The reported discovery of a great number of early diverging fungal lineages, assembly patterns, and co-occurrence relationships within fungal communities will spur further studies into the utilization and protection of fungal resources and communities in mangrove sediments.
Mangrove ecosystem encompasses a high number of basal fungal linages
Fungi represent one of the most diverse groups of life on Earth, with an estimated 2.2–5.1 million species [28, 71, 73]. According to the latest taxonomy, the fungi described to date are affiliated with 19 fungal phyla [74]. Remarkably, 15 fungal phyla were identified in mangrove sediment samples in the current study, revealing the presence of highly divergent fungal lineages in mangrove sediments.
In the current study, Rozellomycota and Chytridiomycota, two phyla that have been rarely reported in mangroves to date, were predominant and incredibly highly diverse. These two zooporic phyla are distributed worldwide and represent the basal fungal clades [71, 75]. Chytridiomycota is highly diverse and widely distributed in the extreme environments characterized by high salinity, such as ocean sediments [76, 77], hydrothermal vents [78], and methane seeps [79]. Rozellomycota are also remarkably phylogenetically diverse [71] and found in both, aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial habitats [75, 80]. Since these two phyla have been established based mainly on the molecular data, their members are mostly novel and uncultured [71, 81]. Consistently, OTUs belonging to Rozellomycota and Chytridiomycota identified in the current study remain almost completely unidentified at genus and species levels. In addition, several other basal fungal phyla with low OTU proportion and relative abundance were recovered in the current study, most of which had never been reported in mangroves.
There are several possible explanations for the high proportion of basal fungal lineages uncovered in the current study. First, mangrove sediments harbor highly divergent and diverse fungal lineages because of a relatively high speciation but low extinction rate in tropical habitats [71]. However, while mangroves are transitional ecosystems between the land and sea that have unique characteristics, which may support distinct fungal species, the mangrove fungi are relatively poorly covered by biodiversity and taxonomic studies. Second, similar to the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, Rozellomycota and Chytridiomycota are comprised by a small proportion of DT and a large proportion of RT, which are difficult to detect because of methodological bias and artifacts [26, 82, 83]. Fortunately, nested PCR is highly sensitive and can detect low amount of DNA [84, 85]. Third, PacBio SMRT can yield homogeneous results even for GC-rich sequences, and more accurate annotations are supplied in the new version of fungal and eukaryotic UNITE databases.
In the current study, a number of fungal OTUs were found to be specific to surface or deep sediments; most of these were depleted in deep sediment layers compared with surface sediments (Fig. 3). That might be because of the different niches or preference for specific environmental conditions of the identified fungal taxa [27, 86]. Most of such specific fungal taxa were Ascomycota and Rozellomycota, with some Basidiomycota and Chytridiomycota, which were also predominant in mangrove ecosystems, indicating that Ascomycota and Basidiomycota might be more sensitive to the vertical variations of environmental characteristics in mangrove sediments than other fungi. Psathyrella sp. (OTU8) was a depleted fungal taxon with the highest relative abundance; the genus contains reported as a saprotrophic and mycorrhizal fungi from the forest ecosystem [87]. Similarly, Ganoderma gibbosum, a species of Agaricomycetes, was the best indicator of the 0–10 cm sediment layer, together with two unknown fungi with a higher IndVal value than G. gibbosum. Interestingly, Paraconiothyrium cyclothyrioides, previously isolated from a contaminated mangrove in Brazil [88] and reportedly a cause of human disease [89], was the best indicator of the 10–20 cm sediment layer. Species of Paraconiothyrium are commonly found in the soil or woody plants, as endophytes or agents of plant disease, or in the clinic as human pathomycetes [89, 90]. In the 20–30 cm sediment layer, Malassezia sp. was the indicator species with highest IndVal value. Members of Malassezia are likely the most widespread fungi on Earth and have been identified in a startling diversity of habitats and locations, from the human skin, through the polar regions, to deep-sea sediments [91].
Collectively, the presented data indicate an incredibly high divergence and diversity of fungi in mangrove sediments, especially early diverging and unknown fungal lineages.
Fungal community assembly is mainly controlled by stochastic processes
According to Zhang et al. [9], deterministic processes in the prokaryotic community assembly in mangroves across southeast China to a greater extent than stochastic processes. By contrast, the data obtained in the current study on the fungal community assembly in mangrove sediments indicate a relatively greater importance of stochastic processes. NCM accounted for a moderate portion of community variation (R2 = 0.56), with an extremely low estimated immigration rate (m), suggesting that although stochastic processes are relatively important for the fungal community assembly, the dispersal and ecological drift are very low in mangrove sediments. The community variation (R2) in individual mangroves determined by NCM was much lower than that in all samples considered together, as also supported by the ensuing db-RDA analyses, which indicated that the environmental conditions generally influence the fungal community composition in an individual mangrove to a greater extent than in overall mangroves (Fig. 5b). These observations indicate that the effect of stochastic processes on the community assembly in an individual mangrove is weaker than that of overall mangroves, and might be accompanied by other community assembly mechanisms, including environmental selection and species interactions, which are difficult to evaluate [53, 92].
To explore the relative effects of stochastic and deterministic processes on fungal community assembly, βNTI was then calculated based on the OTU abundance and their phylogenetic distance. Unlike NCM fitting, βNTI analysis supported a crucial role of stochastic processes in the community assembly (Fig. 4b). Based on the distribution of βNTI scores, 93.8% of all comparisons were consistent with a random phylogenetic turnover; the fungal community assembly was therefore mainly controlled by stochastic processes in the investigated mangroves [62]. In addition, the RCbray values suggested that dispersal limitation is more crucial for the community assembly than homogenizing dispersal and “undominated” assembly in mangrove sediments (Fig. S6) [63]. Consistently, only changes in MAP and TP exerted a significant (p < 0.01) but weak (-0.1 < R < 0.1) effect on βNTI values (Fig. S7), indicating only a weak effect of environmental variables on the variation of fungal community composition [54]. The significantly strong distance-decay correlation between the similarity of fungal communities and geographic distance further confirmed the importance of stochastic processes (Fig. 4c, Fig. S8). That is because community similarity is predicted to decrease along the geographic distance as a result of the dispersal limitation and ecological drift [86, 93]. In summary, the above observations suggest that stochastic processes, mainly dispersal limitation, strongly shape the fungal community composition and that deterministic processes play a minor role in community distribution in mangrove sediment.
Spatial and environmental selections on fungal communities in mangrove sediments
Spatial and environmental variables are critical elements determining the microbial diversity and community composition in various environments [9, 94–96]. However, the influence of spatial and environmental factors on the fungal community in mangrove sediments has rarely been studied, except for the presence of plants and sediment depth [27]. Further, the knowledge of many ecosystems is mostly based on the dominant and entire communities, while the role of rare taxa is unaccounted for [53]. Based on previous studies, some rare taxa are in fact metabolically active in the environment and may constitute keystone species that regulate the functions of aquatic ecosystem; the “rare biosphere” is hence of great importance to the metabolic and ecological functions of aquatic habitats [53, 83, 97]. Consequently, in the current study, the fungal community was separated into DT and RT, to explore the biogeography and potential controlling factors of the “rare biosphere” in mangrove sediments.
In the current study, the fungal all taxa, DT and RT communities significantly grouped together according to the mangrove location (Fig. 5a), suggesting a higher similarity of the communities within the same mangrove than between mangroves. This was supported by the distance-decay relationship of community similarity and geographical distance (Fig. 4c, Fig. S8). These observations suggest a similar biogeography of DT and RT fungi in mangrove sediments, which is consistent with previous studies of bacterial communities in coastal Antarctic lakes [98] and microeukaryotic communities in Tingjiang River [53]. In agreement with these observations on the effect of geographic location on fungal community, Zhang et al. [9] reported a similar distribution of archaea and bacteria in mangrove sediments in China, indicating that microbial communities in mangrove sediments are strongly shaped by the geographical location, possibly because of the combined effects of climate, niche conservatism, and rates of dispersal, evolutionary radiation and extinction [94, 99]. Depth is a known and important factor that strongly affects microbial communities in mangrove sediments [8, 16, 27]. Similar to Luis et al. [27], a significant but weak effect of the depth on fungal communities was observed herein for all taxa, DT, and RT fungi, and it impacted DT more so than RT (Fig. 5b, Fig. S10).
Although several significant environmental variables were identified and used to build the db-RDA model of fungal community composition, the explained variations indicated that the environmental and spatial factors play only a minor role, as relatively low variations were revealed in all samples (Fig. 5b). Specifically for RT, only 19.2% of community variations were explained by five parameters. Consistently, db-RDA or variance partitioning analysis (VPA) also revealed a large proportion of unexplained microeukaryotic or prokaryotic community variations in different habitats in several previous studies [53, 100–102]. There are several potential explanations of this phenomenon. First, additional important influencing factors exist that have not been included in the current study [53]. Second, while co-occurrence relationships among microbes significantly affect the community compositions, they cannot be quantified by db-RDA [22, 103]. Further, as suggested by previous studies, taxa that are rare under one condition may become prevalent once the conditions become suitable. In other words, a species might be recognized as rare may because of a dearth of suitable microenvironments or microniches [26, 53, 83]. In the current study, the ensuing db-RDA analyses of DT and RT communities yielded different models and explanations as both these communities were significantly impacted by different environmental parameters. PERMANOVA confirmed the different influences of spatial variables on DT and RT communities (Fig. S10). That could be because different taxonomic and functional groups of microbial communities may occupy different ecological niches and be shaped by contrasting underlying factors [86, 104]. In summary, the above findings indicate a crucial role of geographic location and a minor role of environmental selections in driving the fungal community in mangrove sediments.
Co-occurrence network patterns and keystone taxa in fungal communities in mangrove sediments
Instead of thriving in isolation, microorganisms form complex interaction networks [70]. Interactions between microorganisms such as antagonism and cooperation, significantly affect the microbial community composition and dynamics [22, 66, 103]. According to the analyses performed in the current study, the fungal network in deep sediment is made up of highly connected taxa (nodes) and is more complex than that in the surface sediment. That may be because of frequent interactions between microbial communities in the surface sediments and other ecosystems, promoted by biotic factors, i.e., animal activities, or abiotic factors, i.e., daily rising tide. Such frequent interactions and the appearance of microbes belonging to other ecosystems may result in a co-occurrence network of low complexity [105, 106]. Further, the above biotic and abiotic factors significantly affect the microenvironmental conditions in the surface sediment rather than those in the deep sediment, which greatly impacts the structure and reduces complexity of fungal ecological network in the surface sediment [107]. In the current study, in different depth networks, 34–44% of the nodes were RT, supporting the notion that RT may play important roles in the microbial interactions and ecological functions of aquatic ecosystems [53, 83, 97].
Keystone taxa are highly connected taxa that are particularly important for maintaining the connectivity of a community network [53, 66, 108]. In the current study, OTU365 and OTU243, two keystone taxa in the overall network, were identified as yeast-like Hannaella sp. and Tausonia pullulans, respectively. These two fungi reportedly greatly contribute to carbon metabolism and cycling in the mangrove sediments [27, 109]. Remarkably, an unknown species of Zygophlyctis (OTU242), a genus reported as an algal parasite, was identified as a keystone taxon in deep sediments [110]. Node OTU242 in the network had a degree of 14, with all correlations being significantly positive, indicating that members of Zygophlyctis may have a fabulously number of parasitic or symbiotic objects and play important roles in the aquatic ecosystem. Furthermore, the majority of identified keystone taxa in different networks were unclassified at genus levels. Consequently, the fungi that play key roles in mangrove fungal communities await further explorations and identification.